WARNING! Before you give any money to Haiti


Oct 7, 2006
by all means do not give any money that would go to the US government or a charity that would give money to the Haitian government.

Ask some simple questions

How much of the money donated goes to those in need?

is this money tax deductable. Hence do not give money to a second party IE Rusty ( noble but ) or any other collecting second or third party. Sencond and third parties can dectuct that money you gave them of thier taxes and you may not be able to.

*Only give direct to said charity *

here is a good example of a worthy charity


It's bad enough that the worlds money goes to Haiti and the money never quite gets to whom it is supposed to help.

So donate direct! know who you are dealing with! Know how much % gets to those in need!

Some charities are so bad only 25 % if your lucky gets to help some one.

Jim Morrison

Oct 7, 2006
That looks like a really good cause to donate to Terge, hope some of what I gave to the Canadian Red Cross gets to help those in need.


Oct 7, 2006
I know a doctor here who just closed his practice for the next month to go to haiti and he is with doctors without borders

just check out these other popular charities and non profits and see how much the CEO's bring in

Red Cross, United way, Children's relief fund , this list can go on and on.

If you are going to donate money you might as well get the tax deduction other than a second or third party

donate direct

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Odin said:
It's bad enough that the worlds money goes to Haiti and the money never quite gets to whom it is supposed to help.

So donate direct! know who you are dealing with! Know how much % gets to those in need!

Some charities are so bad only 25 % if your lucky gets to help some one.

Once again I find myself reluctantly in agreement with Mr. Brevik.

Steve Toburen

PS An update: Re: conditions on the ground in Haiti even though I am on the same island you all probably know as much about things as I do. We are still trying to grasp the magnitude of the disaster and have learned not to send well meaning volunteers in without adequate support, infrastructure and orientation. This goes double in a place like Haiti that is a lawless and challenging country even in good times and where "new boys" would be in serious jeopardy. (The last time I was in Haiti I was scared and I'm used to third world countries! It is all so very sad because I have many Haitian friends here in the DR and they are great people.) I am going to be at a meeting tomorrow where we should receive a more up to date report.

Fred Homan

Oct 7, 2006
Charities are a business....Instead of executives, why not old farts/people/retired donating their time for a good cause? :)

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Fred Homan said:
... why not old farts/people/retired donating their time for a good cause? :)

Hey, Fred, who are you calling an "old fart"? :)

Island Boy

PS Actually, I just turned 57 so am getting close to the "old fart" status even though not nearly as close as Yeadon. However, I will echo the words of my hero when it comes to NOT "aging gracefully", Mr. Nick Paolella: "You are only young once- but you can be immature forever!"

Fred Homan

Oct 7, 2006
Clicking here will sign your name: "Credit card companies shouldn't be getting rich off of Americans' generosity. They should waive all fees on charitable contributions from today on."

Sign the petition

Dear MoveOn member,
As the tragedy in Haiti unfolds, Americans are generously donating millions of dollars to aid organizations.
But when Americans donate to charity with their credit cards, the credit card companies get rich. In some cases they keep 3% of the donation as a "transaction fee," even though that's far more than it costs them to process the donation.
It's outrageous and wrong—and it needs to stop.
Can you sign this petition to the CEOs of the major credit card companies demanding that they waive their processing fees for all charitable donations? Clicking here will add your name:
http://pol.moveon.org/nofees/o.pl?id=18 ... Y36NBx&t=3
The petition says: "Credit card companies shouldn't be getting rich off of Americans' generosity. They should waive all fees on charitable contributions from today on."
The credit card companies are trying to get ahead of this story, announcing they will temporarily waive the fees they charge on some Haiti-related charitable contributions for the next 6 weeks. But that's nowhere near enough. Many emergency donations to Haiti will still get hit with hefty bank fees. (To give a sense of how limited the exemption is, Doctors Without Borders isn't on any of the publicly available lists of charities that won't be charged fees.)2

All American credit card companies should announce that they will waive ALL fees on charitable contributions, starting today, and going forward for good. This isn't about helping political organizations like MoveOn, just helping true charitable organizations.

It's the right thing to do, and honestly, it's the least they could do after the role they played in crashing the entire global economy last year.

But they won't do it unless they know how angry Americans are that they're profiting off of this terrible tragedy. Click here to sign the petition, which we'll deliver to the heads of the major credit card companies:

http://pol.moveon.org/nofees/o.pl?id=18 ... Y36NBx&t=5
Thanks for all you do.
–Daniel, Kat, Peter, Lenore, and the rest of the team
1. "As Wallets Open For Haiti, Credit Card Companies Take A Big Cut," The Huffington Post, January 14, 2010
http://www.moveon.org/r?r=86028&id=1859 ... Y36NBx&t=6
2. "Some Card Fees Waived for Haiti Aid," The New York Times, January 14, 2010
http://www.moveon.org/r?r=86030&id=1859 ... Y36NBx&t=7

Want to support our work? We're entirely funded by our 5 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

PAID FOR BY MOVEON.ORG POLITICAL ACTION, http://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This email was sent to Iris Verdial on January 15, 2010. To change your email address or update your contact info, click here. To remove yourself from this list, click here.


Oct 20, 2007
Anderson, SC
Russ Zinck
FYI - Dusty will never touch a cent of this money. The way that eBay's Giving Works program is set up, the payment for this auction will go straight from the buyer's Paypal account to 'Doctor's Without Borders' account. No middleman here.


I think the point is by giving to dusty your giving to a second or third party then gives the money to where ever
give it yourself and get a tax break and not to some one else.

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