Water Claw Pet Solution


Sep 12, 2008
Jordan Stucky
What is everyone using for dumping on before clawing?...The Quat a lot and Hydrocide aren't safe to put through your machine with a bleeder hose are they?? Just an acid rinse ok to dump on and claw out??

Which products are going to make sure the dampness left in pad won't mold? Hydrocide, Odorcide and what else?

I do have Odorcide, what do you dilute that per gallon with claw?

I treated today and taped off problem areas at custy's house...Used Clausen BIO Enzyme and saturated with black light and urine detector. Going Friday to clean wtih claw...What should I mix Odorcide per gallon since I already pre-treated? Can you use just basic deodorizors? Bridgepoint Fab deodorizer or don't use that kind of deodorizer?

Thanks ladies and gentlemen...!!

Moser Bros.

Sep 23, 2007
I use OSR also, but it's the most expensive product I've ever used, It will run you about $15 just to mix up 5 gallons, so I charge $50 a stain, $100 min. You still can't guarentte 100% removal, and walk away if over 20% urine contamination. I thought you could use quat-a-lot with the claw, but I haven't tried it yet since CTI Pro's Choice the makers of OSR and a lot of the products I use are from my town.


Jan 16, 2007
I mix up osr/petzone/odorattack (they all work well) with 8oz per gallon Hydracide/odorcide and 2 ounces per gallon quatalot and a little dd12 to mask the odor until it is removed. works miracles.


Oct 26, 2008
I use Matrix urine preconditioner mixed 3 cups to gallon water, saturate carpet and pad and let dwell for at least 15 minutes then claw it out. This is an acid based conditioner that breaks down the urine residue so it can be extracted. I follow this with saturating Matrix bottom line and letting it dwell again, as long as possible so start this first. I claw it out again. I finish this all on one service call not the next day. Even though it gets extracted out with the claw, enough enzyme will be left to do the job and the pad will be damp to keep enzymes alive. As someone already mentioned you can't guarantee 100% success with any process. I know Pros choice and other brands have similar products that may do the same thing, I'm just use what I'm used to. Hydocide is also great if the first process doesnt work, but I have experienced some residue that needs to come back and clean on a followup.

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