We are set for or home show!

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Home show starts tomorrow afternoon.

We are pretty much set. Limited space this year. Show is full!

Hoping for good weather and a good turnout.

Weather isn't completely cooperating this year yet, but we will make the most of it and get people interested and scheduled.

We are giving away another "mini me" Saiger's Steam Clean kids ride on Jeep, free carpet cleaning for the adults and other specials.

Usually a good turn out and a lot of fun!

Our puppies and grandson make appearances and are a big hit too!

Our Full page ad has been a hit....lot's of great comments and compliments....and we have been booking jobs!

Even one of our competitors took out a full page after seeing ours....and so far have FAILED! They even put in the ad they have been in business for 10 years....actuality, they have been in business under this new owner for 6 months. :icon_rolleyes:

Not very good at Math I guess either...LOL!







Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Snow storm hit today....we are just starting to get cleaned up and plowed out again. Don't know what tonight will be like, but people are still going to come out because there is nothing else to do :)

When it is really nice, attendance is sometimes down because they can finally get outside.

I am hoping we do well. There is a lot of press going on about it, so I think it has a good chance of being successful.


Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
They will probably show up the next two days since there isn't much else to do.

Hang in there, if nothing else work the other vendors, swap cards, giveaways, just develop a relationship...oh skip the competitors booths. :winky:

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
They will probably show up the next two days since there isn't much else to do.

Hang in there, if nothing else work the other vendors, swap cards, giveaways, just develop a relationship...oh skip the competitors booths. :winky:

One of my competitors that got tossed off a job the other day, and I had to take over.....

Is directly across the isle from me :oldrolleyes:

This is the second water loss they have been tossed off of, and we have been called in to remedy.

(I'm out of restoration...don't you know...LOL)

This is also for the same insurance company and same adjuster :eekk:

Don't think the adjuster is too pleased, but I don't know with who.

Oh, well, finished the dry down today.

Shower and off to the big Show!

Me, the wife and the Puppies are ready!

Grandson needs a happy nappy before he considers coming out.

He wanted to spend the rest of the day with me....broke my heart when I had to let him go home....was cuddled all up in my lap and on my chest....He didn't want to let go :(

Happy and sad all at the same time....Grandkids are the real deal! :rockon:



Oct 7, 2006
Jerry Cooper
Our Full page ad has been a hit....lot's of great comments and compliments....and we have been booking jobs!

Where did you put the ad? Mag, internet etc...

Looks like your giving away spotter, the truck, some kind of raffle... What else? Never really hear anything about home shows around here. Do you think it works well because your in a smaller town?

Your booth looks great, the tv w/cleaning in the back is a great idea.
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Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Where did you put the ad? Mag, internet etc...

Looks like your giving away spotter, the truck, some kind of raffle... What else? Never really hear anything about home shows around here. Do you think it works well because your in a smaller town?

Your booth looks great, the tv w/cleaning in the back is a great idea.

We put our full page ad in our local newspaper last Sunday. Our newspaper only comes out on Wednesday and Sunday.

I buy a "Branding" program from them that saves me money.


Had one of my competitors take out a full page ad this past Wednesday after seeing ours, and it was a bunch of paragraphs with one picture telling everyone how good they are and how long they have been in business (10 years they claimed and in reality, they have only owned the business for 6 months) The original owner was actually longer than 10 years. We are figuring they are just maybe bad at math....LOL!

For other marketing, I pumped things up a bit on my Facebook accounts. We were also offered deals for radio ads, so I took out one of the ad packages that also does live remotes at the show. I bought packages on all and we also receive money back advertising for this show.

The local Jaycees put on the event. It is always full and there is a waiting list for vendors to get in.

We are actually selling these spotter at a discounted prices (our clients know them and like them) They are from www.spottingsolutions.com

We give away the Mini kids jeep because our Jeep has become so popular. Nothing else like it in the color we have matching our company image and colors.

Home shows are popular up here in the upper Midwest. People get bored from being cooped up all winter and this is like a sign that Spring is on the way.

We had a snow storm that hit today, but we still had some people out. I actually scheduled some really good jobs tonight (we are starting on a resort and all their heated cabins next week...Score!) as well as some other bookings and a bunch of great new leads.

The TV is just running a slide show of pictures put on our computer.

The puppies were a big hit again tonight and everyone knows them from our ads. They are also really good with everyone and very socially skilled to be around people.



2 More days and if things keep going as they have, it will have been another success for us.

My competitors said it was slow for them....didn't have the heart to tell them we were busy all night and the night flew by for us :rockon:

Will keep everyone posted :)

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
We just finished up our home show tonight and would definitely call it a huge success for us!

It is all perspective of what our goals were, but we booked more than enough jobs to pay for the booth, ads and exposure to our clients and new clients.

We did the drawing for the "Mini Me" Saiger's Steam Clean kids ride on jeep and it is interesting how fate and karma can take place.

We drew the name of a young couple who have had some trying times with some health issues (even helped sponsor a benefit with them this Fall) and their name came out of the box! I must have missed them when they visited the booth and didn't know they had stopped by. They had stopped by to thank us for helping them sponsor the benefit with some coupons and also being at the benefit!

Was so fun to tell them on the phone tonight they had won. They felt like maybe some luck was on the way and things were changing. What a great feeling. The have a little boy about the same age as our grandson. Think we are going to have to get together for some racing! :)

It's going to be an absolute "BLAST" to make the delivery tomorrow night for the family!

Both the winner and her mother actually work at the dealership that built my jeep for me. I had to text the owner of the place to let him know as well too about good things still happen!

We had so much fun at this show and really wish we could have given a mini jeep to every person who stopped by. Those dang kids are so cute!

Just can't believe all the positive things said to us and all the love we felt towards our family.

The pups were also wonderful and such awesome greeters.

It is hard to describe how great we feel and hope that all of you have this experience as well.

Let's hope for Spring soon and I hope everyone has a great cleaning season! :rockon::D


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