website and SEO


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
ILike 1K I am several years behind (about 4 or 5). I need to delegate but it’s hard to know who to trust. It’s really hard to justify a large expense when no one will guarantee results and say I need to what at least three months before I see results. Fred C ignores my request for help with website / SEO.


Supportive Member
Oct 24, 2007
Bowling Green, Ohio
Steven Hoodlebrink
This has been my experience...

I love this industry, I really really do, but I've learned I don't like working FOR people in the industry concerning anything web related, well maybe a few. So many people want to tackle their huge metro/large city areas but don't have the budget to do so. When they attempt to do so they receive inferior/unsatisfactory results. The web in a way is no different then any other marketing, is it just another source. If you live in a large area, and don't have the marketing budget to do traditional marketing medias(post cards, direct mail, networking groups, ect), chances are you aren't going to have it for the web either.

Before you ask someone to build you a site, and start talking SEO I would suggest you do a little homework first, or PAY the person to do the homework for you if you don't know how to do so. Figure out what the people in your area are searching for when looking for a carpet cleaning company, or whatever service you're wanting to promote. Decide how big of an area you want to reach, and what type of site image you want to convey to your reading audience. All of this is going to depend on what your budget is. Instead of tackling that big metro area, it would be wise to look for neighboring towns. That is getting harder to accomplish because of google verifying addresses, not accepting P.O. boxes, duplicate content, and bad spammy linking, and other things.

Having experience in the industry makes it easier for me to write content for industry related sites, and other things that deal with the whole SEO portion. Having experience in this industry has been a blessing and a curse, because when I've tried to consult with people that want to get on other tangents and talk shop. I really don't mind it, but I have a limit because my time is worth something to me. Also people want to know what they can do themselves to save money, I get we all want to save money, but we are a group that is constantly harping about our customers trying to penny pinch us, yet we do it to our vendors. It gets irritating when you're relying on/waiting on the customer to do something, they want you to hold their hand and coach them through how to do it. Simply I can do it faster, the faster you can get on the web, the faster you can have a ROI on the investment. For me personally I rather pay for someone else to do something, that way I don't have to worry about it, and I have a rear end to chew out should it not work out.

Everyone wants to be #1 in their search results, but first look at who is there now, and who your competition is. If you're going up against a national franchise, and absolutely have to beat them, you're going to spend A LOT of money doing so. If you have a franchise as #1 and then a few local guys at #'s 2 and 3, look at taking those two positions as it may be more realistic. Also everyone wants things changed/added RIGHT NOW on their site, obviously you should go above and beyond to try and make that happen, but sometimes it just can't depending on what's asked of being fixed/added. If you plan on having your web guy do this regularly, you'll probably be paying a maintenance fee, or they could build it into the SEO price, but I've seen a lot of people charge them separately.

Not all internet marketing individuals/companies are created equal. Just like our industry. You have small companies who do great work at a fair price, and you have small companies who charge more, and don't give great results, and the same with larger. If you're wanting a guarantee most are going to make you pay for it, one way or another. Lastly, check to see if the person you're using is already working for someone in your market. When it comes to money some people will work for two of the same people in that market, and then it becomes who is willing to give me more money to rank better. I'd suggest you steer away from that, unless you're confident you have more money to spend, but its a conflict I just really don't like to deal with. I won't speak for Fred, but I believe I've read he feels the same way.

That's the end of my little rant, but I hope it helps, and not to be a buzz kill but I'm not taking new clients at this time, but its possible after Feb-March.


Jul 3, 2008
Benjamin Surdi
If you want a really nice website and solid SEO, I offer that. Can have the mockup done within a week, full site completed with a month typically. I can run a report to see where you're at with your SEO and than put a game plan together that gets you to where you want to be.

Let me know.


Supportive Member
Apr 5, 2009
Oroville, ca
I think that people should be willing to spend more on website design and seo than most expect to. We are willing to spend large sums on one time mailings and other promotional spending but the big upfront cost of a good website scares people away.

Consider spending 5k on a website and break the cost down monthly. If you do a complete redu after 4 years that is still only $100 per month over the website duration. The updates and seo work should cost another hundred a month so total marketing expense monthly is still only $200. That is darn cheap marketing in my opinion.

You will benefit greatly by have a larger website with good content. Better customers are ones that will spend time researching whether your a quality company. Having extra pages that gives the customer good content will attract higher quality customers that are willing to pay for a good service company.

I get lots of compliments off of my website, not everyone pours over all the information but some do and it makes the closing easier when I go out to do the estimate.
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