Welcome to the Mikey's Board Experience Mr Cole!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

I realize you are new here and being the busy man that you are you apparently did not do your home work about our little social club here.

First off let me go over the rules for you..

The purpose of this carpet cleaning community bulletin board is, first and foremost, knowledge.
The insights, lessons and skills that can be learned from a ³Board² with no hidden agendas can and will be tremendous.

Please feel free to comment on any possible cleaning related subject you can think of. Open discussion and debate is encouraged. Don't be afraid to call a "spade a spade", but be aware that your peers may have a different opinion. Due to the independent nature of owner-operator Carpet Cleaners, conflicts and heated arguments will happen.

Liars, cheats, hucksters and sociopaths will be eliminated from the flock.

Manufacturers and suppliers are welcome to participate as well. Be aware that your product and or services may not always be talked about in a positive manor.

Please treat fellow posters as you would treat them in person. Be honest, be yourself.

In order to participate you will need to fill out your profile completely and agree to let any and all posters know who you are.

Vulgarity and abusive or violent cussing will not be tolerated.

Opinions expressed are those of the poster and not necessarily endorsed by the owner/Administrator of the board.

A sense of humor is mandatory.

Now that being said, the locker room towel snap you were subjected to was not any worse then the thousands of snap that take place here every month. Almost every member ( AND ADVERTISER) here who posts on a regular basis has had their businesses, mothers, equipment and taste in footwear and personal hygiene ragged on by me and the est of the MB gang.
In most cases, over and over again.

I sincerely apologize that I gave you a MB towel snap before you were really ready for it.

If you would like me to remove all the posts you made while intoxicated with Mikey Hate I'd be more than happy to.

I want to thank my Mods here for moving your tirades to a hidden room. It was the right thing to do at the time. If you would like any of your threads moved back to the Bird or Clean Rooms, let me know as well.

I can't help but think the argument you were losing in the Coupon Thread may have help make matters worse. Having Lisa work you like that must have hurt your libido. I feel for you, I've been on that end of her whip many times.

and no, I am not a racist nor a gay basher, feel free to call my wife and ask her.
Oh and btw, the term is "Chimp" not Gorilla or Monkey. It's a term of affection that was first coined by Jimmy Ladwig to describe hired help/manual labor types. It has nothing to do with skin color or race.

My lawyer will be in contact with you over your slanderous statements you made on ICS by noon tomorrow.

Now kma!

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Mikey P said:

I realize you are new here and being the busy man that you are you apparently did not do your home work about our little social club here.

First off let me go over the rules for you..

The purpose of this carpet cleaning community bulletin board is, first and foremost, knowledge.
The insights, lessons and skills that can be learned from a ³Board² with no hidden agendas can and will be tremendous.

Please feel free to comment on any possible cleaning related subject you can think of. Open discussion and debate is encouraged. Don't be afraid to call a "spade a spade", but be aware that your peers may have a different opinion. Due to the independent nature of owner-operator Carpet Cleaners, conflicts and heated arguments will happen.

Liars, cheats, hucksters and sociopaths will be eliminated from the flock.

Manufacturers and suppliers are welcome to participate as well. Be aware that your product and or services may not always be talked about in a positive manor.

Please treat fellow posters as you would treat them in person. Be honest, be yourself.

In order to participate you will need to fill out your profile completely and agree to let any and all posters know who you are.

Vulgarity and abusive or violent cussing will not be tolerated.

Opinions expressed are those of the poster and not necessarily endorsed by the owner/Administrator of the board.

A sense of humor is mandatory.

Now that being said, the locker room towel snap you were subjected to was not any worse then the thousands of snap that take place here every month. Almost every member ( AND ADVERTISER) here who posts on a regular basis has had their businesses, mothers, equipment and taste in footwear and personal hygiene ragged on by me and the est of the MB gang.
In most cases, over and over again.

I sincerely apologize that I gave you a MB towel snap before you were really ready for it.

If you would like me to remove all the posts you made while intoxicated with Mikey Hate I'd be more than happy to.

I want to thank my Mods here for moving your tirades to a hidden room. It was the right thing to do at the time. If you would like any of your threads moved back to the Bird or Clean Rooms, let me know as well.

I can't help but think the argument you were losing in the Coupon Thread may have help make matters worse. Having Lisa work you like that must have hurt your libido. I feel for you, I've been on that end of her whip many times.

and no, I am not a racist nor a gay basher, feel free to call my wife and ask her.
Oh and btw, the term is "Chimp" not Gorilla or Monkey. It's a term of affection that was first coined by Jimmy Ladwig to describe hired help/manual labor types. It has nothing to do with skin color or race.

My lawyer will be in contact with you over your slanderous statements you made on ICS by noon tomorrow.

Now kma!

Actually- you broke your own rules: The liars section. You put up a post that was intended to misrepresent a statement I made. I ask that you humbly eliminate yourself from the flock. Not willing to do so?

For the record: I have taken much more than a towel slap from you over the last month +. I actually have found it funny to a point. This was NOT that! My problem is with your making up quotes on the internet that are lies and tagging my name to it. It was malicious and you knew EXACTLY what you were doing. Your quoting other instances where you have attacked other people does NOT defend your actions. It further supports the argument that you did this to harm me.

Your mods removing my posts were probably a good idea. I blasted until someone took down that fake quote. Finally the quote came down. Mission achieved.

Your fork-tongued apology was far from an apology. It was a cop out and you certainly know it. OBVIOUSLY –you are far from sorry for your actions and clearly you are defending them

Several Mikey’s board people have asked me to think before I acted legally. I stated I needed a REAL apology before I would consider writing this off. What you just offered was tantamount to a slap in the face.
I have learned that when I screw up- I admit it- take my lumps and move on. Actually people have called me on stuff in the past and I apologized. You clearly need that lesson.

Obviously you think this to be funny. It is far from it. Obviously you think this is a joke! I thought you might actually realize where you crossed the line! It appears you do not! It is very serious and if I need to spend a small portion of the considerable fortune I have amassed this year teaching you that lesson – so be it! All damages to my reputation as well as legal fees will be sought! Every single eyeball that saw that post as well as those that are currently reading this will have a dollar sign attached to it. As to your being a racist- it certainly looks that way from here. Of course the lawyers will subpoena every single post you have ever made and pour over it line after line looking for references that support what you established with your picture and slanderous fake quote. Jurors will review them, some of whom will not be Caucasian, they will deliberate and decide one way or the other.

As you have requested- our attorneys will duke it out. Win, lose, or draw – you will certainly spend the money of everyone that has supported this board on legal fees. It will either result in the bankruptcy of this board, the financiers settling, or you being fired. AND all because you are too stubborn to swallow your pride. And to think I only wanted a VERY PUBLIC APOLOGY! And to think, I was starting to like you…. Both of those ships have sailed! So be it…….

Hmmm new board name : “Mikeyless Board” It’s got a nice ring to it don’t you think?


Aug 1, 2009
San Diego
Chris Thomas
gregcole said:
Mikey P said:

I realize you are new here and being the busy man that you are you apparently did not do your home work about our little social club here.

First off let me go over the rules for you..

The purpose of this carpet cleaning community bulletin board is, first and foremost, knowledge.
The insights, lessons and skills that can be learned from a ³Board² with no hidden agendas can and will be tremendous.

Please feel free to comment on any possible cleaning related subject you can think of. Open discussion and debate is encouraged. Don't be afraid to call a "spade a spade", but be aware that your peers may have a different opinion. Due to the independent nature of owner-operator Carpet Cleaners, conflicts and heated arguments will happen.

Liars, cheats, hucksters and sociopaths will be eliminated from the flock.

Manufacturers and suppliers are welcome to participate as well. Be aware that your product and or services may not always be talked about in a positive manor.

Please treat fellow posters as you would treat them in person. Be honest, be yourself.

In order to participate you will need to fill out your profile completely and agree to let any and all posters know who you are.

Vulgarity and abusive or violent cussing will not be tolerated.

Opinions expressed are those of the poster and not necessarily endorsed by the owner/Administrator of the board.

A sense of humor is mandatory.

Now that being said, the locker room towel snap you were subjected to was not any worse then the thousands of snap that take place here every month. Almost every member ( AND ADVERTISER) here who posts on a regular basis has had their businesses, mothers, equipment and taste in footwear and personal hygiene ragged on by me and the est of the MB gang.
In most cases, over and over again.

I sincerely apologize that I gave you a MB towel snap before you were really ready for it.

If you would like me to remove all the posts you made while intoxicated with Mikey Hate I'd be more than happy to.

I want to thank my Mods here for moving your tirades to a hidden room. It was the right thing to do at the time. If you would like any of your threads moved back to the Bird or Clean Rooms, let me know as well.

I can't help but think the argument you were losing in the Coupon Thread may have help make matters worse. Having Lisa work you like that must have hurt your libido. I feel for you, I've been on that end of her whip many times.

and no, I am not a racist nor a gay basher, feel free to call my wife and ask her.
Oh and btw, the term is "Chimp" not Gorilla or Monkey. It's a term of affection that was first coined by Jimmy Ladwig to describe hired help/manual labor types. It has nothing to do with skin color or race.

My lawyer will be in contact with you over your slanderous statements you made on ICS by noon tomorrow.

Now kma!

Actually- you broke your own rules: The liars section. You put up a post that was intended to misrepresent a statement I made. I ask that you humbly eliminate yourself from the flock. Not willing to do so?

For the record: I have taken much more than a towel slap from you over the last month +. I actually have found it funny to a point. This was NOT that! My problem is with your making up quotes on the internet that are lies and tagging my name to it. It was malicious and you knew EXACTLY what you were doing. Your quoting other instances where you have attacked other people does NOT defend your actions. It further supports the argument that you did this to harm me.

Your mods removing my posts were probably a good idea. I blasted until someone took down that fake quote. Finally the quote came down. Mission achieved.

Your fork-tongued apology was far from an apology. It was a cop out and you certainly know it. OBVIOUSLY –you are far from sorry for your actions and clearly you are defending them

Several Mikey’s board people have asked me to think before I acted legally. I stated I needed a REAL apology before I would consider writing this off. What you just offered was tantamount to a slap in the face.
I have learned that when I screw up- I admit it- take my lumps and move on. Actually people have called me on stuff in the past and I apologized. You clearly need that lesson.

Obviously you think this to be funny. It is far from it. Obviously you think this is a joke! I thought you might actually realize where you crossed the line! It appears you do not! It is very serious and if I need to spend a small portion of the considerable fortune I have amassed this year teaching you that lesson – so be it! All damages to my reputation as well as legal fees will be sought! Every single eyeball that saw that post as well as those that are currently reading this will have a dollar sign attached to it. As to your being a racist- it certainly looks that way from here. Of course the lawyers will subpoena every single post you have ever made and pour over it line after line looking for references that support what you established with your picture and slanderous fake quote. Jurors will review them, some of whom will not be Caucasian, they will deliberate and decide one way or the other.

As you have requested- our attorneys will duke it out. Win, lose, or draw – you will certainly spend the money of everyone that has supported this board on legal fees. It will either result in the bankruptcy of this board, the financiers settling, or you being fired. AND all because you are too stubborn to swallow your pride. And to think I only wanted a VERY PUBLIC APOLOGY! And to think, I was starting to like you…. Both of those ships have sailed! So be it…….

Hmmm new board name : “Mikeyless Board” It’s got a nice ring to it don’t you think?

You my friend are a whiny little beotch

Greg Cole

Sep 30, 2009
Kennesaw GA
Torn said:
gregcole said:
Mikey P said:

Please treat fellow posters as you would treat them in person. Be honest, be yourself.

A sense of humor is mandatory.

Actually- you broke your own rules: The liars section. You put up a post that was intended to misrepresent a statement I made. I ask that you humbly eliminate yourself from the flock. Not willing to do so?

For the record: I have taken much more than a towel slap from you over the last month +. I actually have found it funny to a point. This was NOT that! My problem is with your making up quotes on the internet that are lies and tagging my name to it. It was malicious and you knew EXACTLY what you were doing. Your quoting other instances where you have attacked other people does NOT defend your actions. It further supports the argument that you did this to harm me.

Your mods removing my posts were probably a good idea. I blasted until someone took down that fake quote. Finally the quote came down. Mission achieved.

Your fork-tongued apology was far from an apology. It was a cop out and you certainly know it. OBVIOUSLY –you are far from sorry for your actions and clearly you are defending them

Several Mikey’s board people have asked me to think before I acted legally. I stated I needed a REAL apology before I would consider writing this off. What you just offered was tantamount to a slap in the face.
I have learned that when I screw up- I admit it- take my lumps and move on. Actually people have called me on stuff in the past and I apologized. You clearly need that lesson.

Obviously you think this to be funny. It is far from it. Obviously you think this is a joke! I thought you might actually realize where you crossed the line! It appears you do not! It is very serious and if I need to spend a small portion of the considerable fortune I have amassed this year teaching you that lesson – so be it! All damages to my reputation as well as legal fees will be sought! Every single eyeball that saw that post as well as those that are currently reading this will have a dollar sign attached to it. As to your being a racist- it certainly looks that way from here. Of course the lawyers will subpoena every single post you have ever made and pour over it line after line looking for references that support what you established with your picture and slanderous fake quote. Jurors will review them, some of whom will not be Caucasian, they will deliberate and decide one way or the other.

As you have requested- our attorneys will duke it out. Win, lose, or draw – you will certainly spend the money of everyone that has supported this board on legal fees. It will either result in the bankruptcy of this board, the financiers settling, or you being fired. AND all because you are too stubborn to swallow your pride. And to think I only wanted a VERY PUBLIC APOLOGY! And to think, I was starting to like you…. Both of those ships have sailed! So be it…….

Hmmm new board name : “Mikeyless Board” It’s got a nice ring to it don’t you think?

You my friend are a whiny little beotch

Come on man-get it right- I am a whiney pissed of not-so-little b....

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

Do what you got to do but you got all the apology you're gonna get.
Even if I were a racist, there is no law against it. No financial harm came to you or your company from my actions.
Please let us know how hard your speed dial lawyer laughs in your face.

I made a crack about how hard you work your staff. If you feel guilty, invite them over for a Thanksgiving dinner and raise your prices so they don't have to bust their asses so hard.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Greg you should thank Mike and others because they gave you great advice and pointed out changes that would benefit your clients ALOT and all that work around you.


Oct 7, 2006
Man...he's still got sand in his clit.

Greg just doesn't get it.

It must be a joy to work for him.

Definition of Dooshbag.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
brent said:
Greg you should thank Mike and others because they gave you great advice and pointed out changes that would benefit your clients ALOT and all that work around you.

Yeah, listen to the Gorilla... ooops :shock:


Feb 9, 2009
Bronx, New York
Frank Mendo
I'm glad to see Mikey and Greg have gotten over this, and are now laughing about it over a couple'o beers.


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
"sand in the clit".

That's it. Put some on chicks that have over a certain amount of kids to stop over populating our world. I got first dibs on that patent. A permanent self cleaning vagina sandbag.



Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Whatever you do, don't move down under.

Bustards (deliberate) like you are not welcome.

The way we shit stir people all the time, would be lost on a Richard Cranium like you.

To really think that anyone would put libelous statement on a public domain, where all bar one can see the funny side, gives me some insight into your mentality.

It really pisses me off whenever something gets up someones nose like you, they have to call foul and run to their lawyer as quick as they can.

No wonder the world is in the trouble it is with wankers like you around, waiting to screw everyone around them for monetary gain, because something has offended them.

Grow up.

You should be number one on top of the list of Darwin awards for stupidity.

How many eyes did you count.?

When are you going to live up to your statement regarding your last post and vowing never to return, and crawl back into the hole from whence you came.?

Laugh & the world laughs with you.

Bitch, and you sit on your own.

Oops, sorry, sit with your legal eagle. :oops:




Feb 2, 2007
A slander or defamation case against an individual for comments made about a company, dream on.
There is no such thing as defamation / slander against a company.
That reminds me of the often repeated, totally ridiculous contention that Chem Dry should be sued for advertising slamming HWE. Hilarious to say the least.

Jury trail demanded by the plaintiff ?

Actually the defendant gets to make that decision.


Is Ms. coEl the only idiot that thinks that thinks that was supposed to be taken as his words....

even dumber than I imagined...


Oct 7, 2006
Simi Valley
Tom Meyer

It's obvious you need an additional room for those that need a venue to vent, snap, loose control, post during drunken episodes, etc. You owe it to the other boarders.

If you do plan on apologizing, maybe include an invitation to the cabin during SierraFest.
Dec 20, 2006
cape coral fl.
jack zerkie
My11year old granddaughter looked over my shoulder and asked me? How old are these people, I said all over 21 I think. She said the kidds still say sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me! Wow she is right and at her age she thinks better than some adults. jack z.


based on the sand in the c<*& post, I think you should monitor what your 11 year old gdaughter is viewing over your shoulder :shock: :mrgreen:
Dec 20, 2006
cape coral fl.
jack zerkie
Yes you are correct and I knew when she entered the room and she did not read all of items just the ones that I reading at the time and they were okey. Thank you jack z.
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