Welcome to the Stictly Business Room-Please Be Professional


Oct 9, 2006
You have been hand selected for your business sense, great ideas & the amazing potential you have shown. Now that you are part of our secret society, you have an on line support group where you can bounce ideas around with people in the same boat as you.

This area eventually be a place for all SFS Graduates that choose to become Supporting Members. However, for now we are it. The rest of the board can't see this room on their screen & as such can not participate here. For the most part, we are all SFS grads and we share a common vocabulary. Those of you who aren't SFS Graduates are smart enough to keep up I'm sure. However, I encourage you all to attend the class as it is a wonderful experience & has a ton of value-able information & an amazing operations manual.

Also, I would like to welcome Scott Rendall (a fellow cleaner, business mentor, SFS Graduate & friend), Steve Toburen & Bill Yeadon (Both are SFS Instructors & all around sharp cookies). Please understand that their participation may be somewhat limited because they act as consultants & mentors iin a professional capacity & at times they may get into a situation they need to be compensated for. Please do not ask these gentleman to give their services away. However, I think their input will be of great value & help keep us all on task.

That said, anyone who does not wish to participate may remove themselves from the "SFS" user group drop down menu at the top of the screen. As for the rest of us,please keep social hour, politics, chemical questions, etc. in the appropriate rooms. This room is strictly business. Hopefully, we can be productive here without smart comments from the peanut gallery.

Welcome Aboard!


Oct 7, 2006
Greetings, all. I'm honored to be here amongst the elite business builders on this board.

One of my favorite mentors taught me that sharing information with others is the pathway to our own success. As we help others achieve their goals, our own goals become reality. To this end I will contribute as much as possible here.

If you have a specific area that you're having difficulty with, by all means throw it out here in the room and together we'll solve the problem(s).

Each one in this room I consider not only a professional colleague, but also a friend. I hope you view me similarly. If you've spoken with me before you'll know I'm fairly easy to get along with and have really thick skin so don't be shy or afraid. I eat, sleep and breathe business and some people find that intimidating. I will be straightforward for sure, but I ask that you not think for a moment that my answers and input are meant as a slam on you as a person. Like Jeremy I'm a military guy and our no-nonsense training has taught us that sometimes we just need to answer the damn question without thought to feelings.

Thanks for having me aboard. I look forward to being a part of this great group.



Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon

Steve told me about this yesetrday and I was amazed at how quickly you got things rolling. In the corporate world we would have had meetings for the next year deciding how to do this.

Congrats, I look forward to lots of learning opportunities on all sides.

Just goes to show how smart Hoosiers are.


Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Hey Jeremy (and everyone else)

I too would like to commend Jeremy for his initiative and vision in making this SFS room happen. It was his idea (not mine) and he deserves a lot of credit. (Now we just all need to "motivate" this very intelligent individual to get off of his butt so his business will achieve Critical Mass!)


PS Speaking of "Critical Mass" my only initial observation would be that we need more SFS members here. Any internet group thrives upon the exchange of ideas. Jeremy's concept of trying to avoid the petty bickering and focus on "serious" topics with a group of quality people united by a shared vision is an excellent one. BUT for this to happen the group needs Critical Mass. Unlike me, most of you folks have a life outside of the internet and can't live on here 24-7.

As Jeremy pointed out to me in the beginning, having the "Strictly Business" invitees pre-qualified by being SFS members accomplishes two goals. First, it pretty much keeps out the "riff-raff" only because if someone has been willing to invest a week of their life to work on their business they must be a serious individual. Also. with the "Framework" SFS members have it gives this group a common vocabulary and vision.

So IF someone has been pre-screened by being a SFS member I think they could safely be invited into this elite group without worrying about them "contaminating the atmosphere". As long as the quality is high I would say the more the better to achieve Critical Mass.

One way to let potential members know about our existence would be by smoking out SFS members through the current thread Jeremy has on "Who Here Went to SFS?" and then he (or someone else) e-mailing them with an invitation to join.

Another way would be to have the Strictly Business Room show up on the Forum Index that everyone can see with the title "Strictly Business" and the subheading "For Strategies for Success Members- By invitation only" This would let other SFS members know of our existence and Bill or I would be happy to verify their SFS credentials upon application. (and yes, I would admit it might motivate some of our MB people to actually think about transforming their business by coming to SFS! OK, maybe not Terry or Jimmy ...)

So just a few thoughts on getting more QUALITY contributors simply because the life of any discussion group is input and that is all this is from me. An observation. When Jeremy first pitched the idea of a SFS only room to me I said it sounded great and Bill and I would be happy to contribute but it should not be "our room". In the finest tradition of Mikeysboard the Strictly Business room should be a "grass roots effort" and so it has become. Congratulations, Jeremy!

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
There is enough of me to go around. Even though Sioux might argue the point.


PS Actually you bring up a good point, Mike. As much as I respect and enjoy the people already admitted to this room Bill's and my assignment from Jon-Don is to assist as many SFS members as possible. So the more SFS people we have admitted to the SFS clubhouse the more time we can invest here. It is all about ROI- whoa, wait a minute, that was from Wednesday afternoon when we talked about SFS phone scripts ....

PPS My comment wasn't so much on WHO to let in here but rather to let the world in general know about our existence so we can pick and choose with a greater flock of applicants. The average SFS graduate is head and shoulders above the rest and I think could bring valuable input to our group.


Oct 9, 2006
Steve- I agree, there are a lot of very smart SFS Grads out there & users follow the traffic... That said, Steve I want users that follow content. So, for a short time, I will concentrate on just that. Actually tackling problems within my own business & the businesses of the group with the advice and planning here so as to have a little something in the "archives" when the flood gates are opened.

I think a few examples of how effective the group can be when we put our heads together will be a huge draw. Before we openly advertize it as SFS it needs to have merit & content (just like the class). Not only will it be a huge asset to the SFS members, it will eventually be a wonderful way to bring even greater numbers of talented people to Mikeys Board from all over the country.

Give it a month... We'll have a great foundation to build from & then your ROI will sky rocket. Or for 50% off everything I ever buy from Jon Don, we'll open it up right now. LOL :p

In the mean time I'll add a few people here & there.

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