Went to another auction


Feb 2, 2007
It's totally Unbelievable what some of this surplus (ie. reposed , bankruptcy, office closure liquidation) equipment is selling for. I bought 50 office chairs in great condition .50 cents each. I looked them up on the manufacturers site, $650 new. Copiers that sell new for $8,000 were selling for $800-$1200, really nice desks $50, office partitions (cubicles) that cost $8,000 each new FREE if you remove from the building.

Guys if you need any equipment check your local used market, it's flooded with great values. If you are thinking of buying used equipment offer 30-35% of the "normal" depreciated value. Banks & leasing companies are now just dumping assets. If it is in the hands of a bankruptcy trustee bid .15 on the dollar max. They are accepting what was once dismissed as ridiculous offers. If you are buying new, be aware it's immediately worth less then half. For the guys that run a rig 10 years, it doesn't really matter as depreciation offsets the cost over time but if you like to buy new equipment every 3-4 years you are in for a big shock. We have to really do our homework before making any major purchases.

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