Went to the Doctor today

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Well, she said Helen aint gettin no better, fact is shes been ahurtin abit more lately. She has Multiple problems, Rhumitoid Arthritus, old age and MEE!!!

We have been workin the truck as a team for years, we each know what each other is going to do and believe it or not, we are quite efficent and fast. When I have to work the trk for some reason alone, I hate it, takes me all day to what I used to do all day long. I believe I would just quit instead of trying it alone again. No, I know I would hang it up..

I know I'm big, Ok i'll say it FAT, The other day a clients 10 yr old daughter asked if she could help me pack stuff in cause I was breathing so hard, Hell I wasn't carring any thing, just walking in the house, Told her no, Fat people just breath like this..Last few years haven't been feeling real chipper, Dr did a bunch of blood tests today, I am not Diabtec.
Just hurt all over, tired when I wake up and can fall asleep on the way to the first job and any time after..Hell if I had know I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of my body.. I have totaled 3 bikes, plus a few other spills, Bloodied my face against more fists than I care to remember. (I didn't know pain back then) My bloodpressure is a little high, not nothing drastic. Been having bouts of depression and woe is me syndrome.
Just don't give a damn, and if it wasn't for Helen and the Grandkids, I probably would be riding patches off into the sunset. Been sitting here athinken that its about time to pull the plug. Our daughter wants to take over our commercial and monthly accounts. So I guess I will look for some one to buy our residentuail coustomer list and phone number with a letter of introduction from Helen and I, it has over 4000 names and address of clients whom have used our services in the past. I think I would like to sell our truck, cleaning unit, repair tools, stretchers, behr claw water claw, leather kit, Basicly A truck ready to go the way we have it set up as a single unit if the price was right. I will sign a covenent not to compete for Residentule but be excluded from commercial cause I will probably be out helping the daugher with her commercial side of the buisness.

Mar 29, 2008
Nate W.
I know how you feel bud.... It only goes downhill from here for me.... That is awesome the daughter would take over the commerical side. I wish you all the best.


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Sincerely wish the lovely Helen and you all the best mate.

Don't go doin' anything stupid ya silly old bugger, you have a family in there thousands in this industry, and always a friendly shoulder to lean on.

When I read your posts, I can't help but think how similar our lives have been throughout the years, albeit in different industries.

This also goes the same with the fisticuffs, especially when I was manager of single quarters in a mining camp of nearly 500 horny men with a handful of women to go round :shock: :oops: shiteatinggrin

Or driving semi's interstate many years ago.

Or when I was a caretaker in large condo's in West Aussie.

Yet I still sort of have a straight nose. :wink:

Even our health problems are similar, I went to the quack day before yesterday and had a lump cut off me ear.

Woke up early yesterday morning with claret running down my face, so it was off to the 24 hour medical centre to get another three stitches in the bloody thing.

We are not fat, just short for our height, and if we were any taller, maybe our trouble 'n strifes wouldn't have taken us on board all those years ago. shiteatinggrin

Some of the best people I have met have been around our vintage and dimensions. :wink:

Take care & hang in there Buddy.


Ya lost mate from down under.



And I'll see the lovely Helen & you in Vegas in nine & a half weeks.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
John Watson said:
Been having bouts of depression and woe is me syndrome. Just don't give a damn, and if it wasn't for Helen and the Grandkids, I probably would be riding patches off into the sunset.

Wow, John, I am sorry to hear of your struggles. Not that you are OLD or anything like that but despite our best efforts we are all only going one way! I always say that "Getting old stinks but it is better than the alternative" and that really is true ... even with your bout of the "woe is me syndrome".

When I sold my company my business broker (who is a CPA and a Certified Financial Planner AND a really smart guy) said something that has really stuck with me. He told me, "Steve, you always need to have something you are moving toward, not something you are coming from."

And almost 2,000 years ago a man who was facing unspeakable agony and shame in the near future prepared himself by focusing on "the joy that was set before him".-Hebrews 12:2 (I can't believe I quoted a Scripture on this board!)

Anyway, both my broker and CJ himself basically were saying the same thing. Instead of looking backward at the OLD things you had (which basically means obsessing over what you have LOST and don't have now) look at what you still can enjoy now and the NEW things you can enjoy down the road.

Heck, John, most people LONG for and look forward to retirement! And here you are playing the old "woe is me" card! Cone on- snap out of it, buddy! You and Helen have so much together, including having found AND still having your soul mate. Very few people EVER find that, John. So please- live for the NOW and what days you have LEFT instead of looking what you don't have.

John, you and Helen have had a long, interesting, fulfilling AND profitable life together and the fun and JOY is not over yet ... unless you decide your life is over by feeling sorry for yourself. There it is again- the focusing on YOU. :) The danger with this "me" stuff? We forget about everyone else- including our life partner!

OK, buddy, I am now formally stepping off my soap box!

Steve "Island Boy" Toburen

PS John, we would absolutely love having you and Helen as our guest on Wednesday night, August 18, when Papa Nick is going to take the entire Seattle SFS class out for his famous Wednesday Social Night! Let me know!

BTW, John, now that I've invited you out for a shameless night of eating and drinking I would also encourage you to start taking care of yourself! Sioux and I took care of her parents for the last two years of their lives and we saw up close and personal what happens to people when they don't focus on their health. Both of her parents lived till they were 85. But the last 15 years were pretty miserable for them because they refused to do ANYTHING that would have given them a better quality of life. (You know the boring drill- eat better, exercise more, have a life outside of TV and computer solitaire, etc.) It is never too late and Sioux and I have found if you make the "healthy life style" thing a shared mission it is much more tolerable.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Find a quality cleaner in your area and let him do your work. Work out a deal with him.
Get Full Circle to answer your phones and to schedule on Service Monster

Bet thing I ever did.

Of course, if you can sell your company and make some money then of course you need to do whatever is best for you.

You don't have to be a slave to your truck or customers.

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
Steve T has given some wise advice.

I would add to that, don't make decisions about your future when you are in one of those "Woe is me" moods. If you do decide it is time to enjoy your retirement, you and Hellen certainly deserve it.

Take care my freind. Pass along greetings from Jenny and I to Helen as well.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
John I am in the midst of watching my mom try and kill herself.
She has created a life that consist of eating, watching TV and shitting and pissing herself all day long. Urinary tract infections that wont go away on top of diabetes, manic depression, obesity, bi polar, water retention and me for a kid She 100% created her mess and refuses to do ANYTHING about it. Learned last night that she has not taken her insulin in over a month. I get to go to the hospital today to stare death in the face.

and she gets no sympathy from me...

So you don't either bud.

Get your fat ass out of bed an hour early each day and waddle around the block in some Vibram Five Finger Shoes http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/ to get your circulation going and muscles in your feet and legs working again.

Knock ALL breads, chips and starchy foods out of your diet. Nothing fried no matter how healthy the oil was before they ****** it up in the vat. Eat tons of fresh fruit and lightly cooked dark vegetables. Use only a spritz of olive oil and lemon as your salad dressing. Some baked fish now and then will suffice for your protein. A half cup of black coffee if you must and a little red wine for a buzz if needed. Need a snack? eat a big ass Carrot or some fruit. Most of that urge is just to keep that big mouth of yours moving anyways. Your addiction to shitty food is what got you here and it's time for part two of your life to take a different direction. Give me a call for some more ideas.

Clean a carpet or two each day and when you get home kiss Helen then get on a bicycle and go for a nice non impact ride. Go a little further each day but for gods sake don't torture your neighbors buy squeezing into a spandex super hero outfit. Get some fancy padded short if your ass chaffs and some gloves After a couple dozen rides when you feel balanced get some clip on pedals and shoes and some nifty Lance Armstrong sun glasses so the chicks think your somebody special.

And if you ever come on here again doing a Peter Seltzer impersonation I'm gonna send one of Bruders body guards over there to stick a Ti wand down your throat.

Go empty your fridge and look on Craig's list for a comfy "City Bike" like this...

Put a basket on that baby and do your farmers market shopping with it.
Stay away form aluminum and plastic bikes, Steel frame with fat tires and a fat seat is what you want. The above bike is PERFECT for what you need right now.

I hope to see a slimmer you along for the ride to Vegas in two months.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
i went to the doctor yesterday......i made her laugh........

three times!

i'll consider that a.........


Oct 7, 2006
Hey John, sorry to hear about Helen's woes Pass along my best wishes to Helen.
And as for you, lots of good advice my friend - now, just DO IT !!

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
harryhides said:
Hey John, sorry to hear about Helen's woes Pass along my best wishes to Helen.
You know, John, I got so absorbed in your own personal soap opera I totally missed the first paragraph about Helen's problems. Given that I like Helen a LOT more than you I am really worried. :) Take Mike's "tough love" advice (he does have a way with words, doesn't he?) and get moving- literally!

And give Helen a big hug from Sioux and me and we expect to see both of you on Wednesday night, August 18 for a low-fat, low calorie, high flavor dinner and glass (or two) of red wine. Drop me a line.


PS Check out my thread asking about WA mountain hideaways. My guess is you, Helen and Patches have been all over the Cascades and Olympics.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
and she gets no sympathy from me...

Sorry bout your mom there Mikey, But I ain't looking for no SYMPATHY. In my dictionary it is located somewheres between syffless and shit. I just stated a few facts, and what is on my mind or what is left of it... I appreciate the response and ideas, will I do any of them, Hell, I don't know, Best watch out for Woe is me cause I jest need to kick myself in the ass to get myself going again. (Sorry, That aint gonna happen, Cann't get my leggs or feet that high)) Remember I'm the guy that wanted to sue Seattle for building the sidewalks to close to my ass, after recieving their response and pondering it I agreed, It was actuly a bennifit for me. I didn't have so far to fall when someone kicked my a$$.

Well back to my orriginal comment: Well, she said Helen aint gettin no better, fact is shes been ahurtin abit more lately. She has Multiple problems, Rhumitoid Arthritus, old age and MEE!!!
Thanks for all the support for Helen, she will probly kick me for telling you about her..

Joel D

May 23, 2007
Oakfield, NY
Joel Darker
If you have no interest in anything and are tired all the time it could be clinical depression. Depression can even be physically painful.

getting older, living in Wash. and caring and having to worry about a loved one all could contribute.

A few days off with lots of sleep could help also sunshine besides what others mentioned. Medication may be necessary if these feelings continue and can make a world of difference. For some reason it has a stigma but its no different than say getting cancer or some other ailment. Nothing to be ashamed of.

You probably know all this but just a thought.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
You've lived a colorful life, seen a lot and done a lot, it's time for both you and Helen to slow down a bit and enjoy the scenery, spend more time with your daughter and family.

You need to talk with Jared, Claude is his uncle, it would only seem right that if you're getting out, the business would go back to family.

As far as your depression, maybe you should consider professional help.

Remember the movie "It's a Wonderful Life"? Jimmy Stewart had no idea how many lives his life touched and intertwined with.

You mean a lot to a lot of people, don't let depression get the best of you and cloud that reality.

I wish you well!


Oct 7, 2006
Uncle John...lot of good replies here....Mike P had some benevolent suggestions...

Talk to Joe Harper...seriously...he has a plan for you...

have your lovely daughter work that 4k list of resies custys...they are a goldmine.

Lets talk soon!- Jim

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