What annoys you?


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
ICS has a poll asking what annoys you the most when you arrive at a job. The choices are: cust. has dogs you weren;t told about, kids you weren't told about, cust. is standing there looking at their watch, one more I can't remember....

Are they serious....? Why are these things even an issue? So what, they have dogs, or kids - I love dogs and kids, they create tons of work for me.
So what they are looking at their watch? I give the customer a reasonably accurate timeframe, if I'm late I call ahead and offer to reschedule. If they choose not to that's their call. What kind of prima donna JP wannabe made up this list?

Tell you what annoys me.... arriving at a job to find a few pet spots are actually about 50-some odd piles of concreted dog poo and vomit that has been allowed to petrify since god Knows when on the carpet....
The "mysterious" spot beside the bed for which there is no explanation until you bump into the bedpan hidden underneath the bed...

Checks that bounce on minimum jobs...

Heavily accented price negotiators who think a hall is a great room...


Oct 7, 2006
Not a whole lot riles me when I'm on the job. I guess I could do w/out the owner who's over my shoulder the whole time. That's not really a big deal though.

Things that bug me are when the owner screams at their children or pets to get out of my way. Even if they think they're helping me it bugs me that they're like that. While it's true I don't wanna be tripping over the dog while I'm cleaning I don't want the thing lambasted by it's owner.

What used to bug the living piss out of me was people who didn't show up. I've taken care of that by calling people an hour or so before the appointment to confirm. If they cancel or reschedule on the call, I'm fine. At least I haven't wasted a trip out there. Another thing that bugs me is having to chase down $$$. Knock on wood that I haven't had to w/ any residentials bouncing a check yet. I have had it w/ some apartment complexes in the past.

If I had to say what bugs me most though, it would be me. The way I run a business is brutal. Cleaning carpets is pretty easy. Running the business I've never gotten the hang of it. I'm in the process of trying to change that mindset though.

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