What ever happened.................

Ed Valentine

Jun 18, 2013
Milan, MI
Ed Valentine
TO: Albert Clark ?

Did anyone ever get their money back or was he ever prosecuted?

Just wondering.....what happened and what the final results were.



Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011

Hello my name is Richard i Bought a unit from Albert From velocity technology in July 2012 Paid in full, his name is ALBERT CLARK, he has screwed others also and keep's promising us for months for a unit? His customer service is fine but the credibility of velocity as a company i feel ashamed to tell you sucks...

I bought the velocity truck mount volt i have spoke to law enforcement about albert clark velocity dealings he owe's 3 people machines and velocity has ran out of money to do refunds..

I also spoke to State department Attorney's office about the dealing with velocity if albert clark doesn't work out his business and refund me or have my unit by Next Thursday Jan 3/2013 in buffalo new york. I will also be suing velocity for loss work and lost wages almost 5-6 months in the making of this unit is messed up.

Albert clark is a nice guy but business dealings with this company is outrageous

There is others that paid in full 10,000 each or more and has been waiting for 8+ months

He lives in south carolina
His website is

Albert Clark
Truck Mount


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
and here is the best part:

i wanna shine in on this guys because Albert is really a class act guy and has put alot of money into building his machine's first off Albert from velocity has been screwed in the past from his last shop that was building his stuff customers already paid and the welding shop wanted more money the guy went bankrupt or something happened i kinda forget the situation at one point i asked albert to refund my money which he did and i talked my self out of it and realized velocity has been thru alot im not saying anything bad about albert or velocity i've been there done that right now he has a new shop that is producing all his stuff i have seen photos videos so far so if it was really a scam wouldn't there be no photos? or videos sorry but all you guys are doign the guessing game and ruining someones hard reputation that has put alot of money into his business and slandering something that you never even purchased

I don't care what you guys think its my money first i wont come here crying that i lost money i will call my credit company up and they will refund my money i paid secure ways and i no what im doing albert has been there sense that whole savage beast has happened and opened up his heart and gave me a great deal on a good machine is it skeptical? NO

In life we win some and we lose some so if in the end i don't get nothing i will just call my credit company up and do a charge back which will not happen.

And what happens when he all of sudden does get the machines done and over with?

here is more proof that velocity is actually real get real guys!


steam brite carry's there line

anyway I think Falcans ended up getting his machine after about 9 months..looks like Will Reed did too...not sure about others

as far as Albert looks like he is still making them and they are being sold through steambrite as a SteamBrite Locomotive
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
we could start a weekly thread here with that title..

What Ever Happened To?

I'll go next,

Todd and his bent handled Trinity?
He and Randy Royer both went dead silent on the subject. After John's no show in court they both were pretty hot with the "We're going to take John down, make him fold up shop, face the tax man, yada yada" and now zip..

I imagine John opened his coin purse and hired a real lawyer to get them to shut up.


Supportive Member
Feb 27, 2011
David Reed
Will did get his machine and within a couple months it was broken down and Will gave up on it and bought a gas TM. Falcans never got his, he made a claim with his credit card, not sure how that ended.

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger
Had a friend finally receive his. He had to do a lot of reworking of the unit. Waste tank I believe welds came apart, had to rewire the electric motor set up...just a bunch of work. He also had indicated the company still owed him a bunch of money for items he had ordered with the unit and did not receive. I believe he is cleaning with the machine and making it work. He was running a Butler unit before this.

He is a great guy that I send a lot of referrals too because is such a good cleaner and super guy. Hope it is going well for him despite all the past headaches.

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Man that sucks. TW keeps asking about making A superior machine and keep telling him no. He has some radical ideas that I think will work but I do not want to be a manufacturer. Now I did give him the green light to test the ideas and if they work he/we can work on selling the idea but no way are we becoming an OEM.

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