What is the best portable extractor to start with?


Jul 18, 2011
I am new to the business and looking to buy the best portable that I can afford. I used a 200psi Mytee and it didn't clean very good compared to the Hydramaster truck mount that we used. The company I worked for mainly used a truck mount but we used the Mytee a few times and it didn't clean no where near as good. I am wanting to buy a good portable that is comparable to a truck mount but one that won't blow the breakers so often. I will be doing some jobs in condos that have very old and bad wiring so it's not much fun resetting the breakers often. Can you all recommend things to look for in a portable extractor and also some of the best ones on the market besides US products? I can't afford to put $5,000 in one right now so something a little cheaper than US products. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Ross Buettner

Nov 21, 2010
Green Bay, WI
Ross Buettner
I used a 200psi Mytee and it didn't clean very good compared to the Hydramaster truck mount that we used. The company I worked for mainly used a truck mount but we used the Mytee a few times and it didn't clean no where near as good.

You've answered your own question.

The rest being said? I'd look into ecapping with an OP. You can get into one for less than 5k

Or, you can buy Odin's, and start kicking some real butt!


Jul 18, 2011
I know that a portable isn't going to clean as well as a TM but I'm looking for the best possible portable to start out with that is around $2k-$3k. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Sep 7, 2008
http://www.***************/store/five-s ... -3591.html

Use this with a 175 until you can get a tm.

Easy to use and works great.

I used one for two years and every customer was happy.

Most are still with me to this day.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Kauai said:
I am wanting to buy a good portable that is comparable to a truck mount but one that won't blow the breakers so often.

there is no such thing
what you're looking for doesn't exist

buy a used TM.
It's a buyer's market right now

or buy any $1600 porty and a used 175 rpm rotary til you can afford a used TM.
cause there are no portys that will make you happy if you're used to a TM
and ANY of them that are more than an under powdered POS will blow breakers at times



Jul 18, 2011
How many people on here actually use portables? Is using a rotovac any better? I will definitely have to use a portable starting out. I would like to get a TM but don't want to invest the $ in it and it's a real pain in the butt dragging hose up 3 stories to do vacation rental condos. Been there done that and don't want to do it anymore.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
a RV will clean better than a wand alone but you'll be going through a LOT of water.
Bring a bucket boy to keep it moving.

The 360i will get that white sand out like you wont believe.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
I have to use a portable for high rises and it just so happens I used my new to me rv 360 yesterday with it. I cleaned 3 bedrooms and a living room with it. It was a huge difference over a wand only cleaning and the water use wasn't bad at all. A tank of water got me through 2 rooms. I left the carpet cleaner and drier than I would have with the wand and a pre-scrub (the site tube probably helped with the drier part) Also I did close the ball valve about a quarter of the way. Now my 360 is the old style but converted to 2 inch hose and with holed greenglides on it if that matters.

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sam miller

ya holed glides makes a huge difference in drying.

John like this porty

http://www.superiorcleaningsolutions.co ... UNT/Detail

no auto fill or auto pumpout

http://www.superiorcleaningsolutions.co ... ile/Detail

this one lisa has and loves and has auto pump out and auto fill

adding a 360i would put you around $4500.00

here is a package john might match

http://www.***************/store/mytee- ... 10570.html

of course this alone might be the best deal

http://www.***************/store/mytee- ... -7576.html


Dec 22, 2011
look, dont be intimidated by that guy with the muppet avatar....he has a lot to learn about porty's. I'm new here, but been in the business 21 years, and yes to repairs, yes to carpet dyeing, yes to multiple trucks, and yes to installations, so i do know what I'm talking about.I run 3 truckmounts, I also run 2 trucks with portables. and I'll tell you what, there are plenty out there that you can get great results with. I have NEVER had a call back, not once. you'll have shorter hose lengths for sure, but how many jobs will u really need over 100 ft of hose or so. little giant post heat, and 500 psi and you're good. Blazing heat and high pressure from tm's just atomizes the water anyway, it's flow that matters. prespray, dwell, agitate and 2 dry passes for every 1 wet pass and you'll keep your customers happy.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
bubbula123 said:
look, dont be intimidated by that guy with the muppet avatar....he has a lot to learn about porty's.

.I run 3 truckmounts, I also run 2 trucks with portables. and I'll tell you what, there are plenty out there that you can get great results with. I have NEVER had a call back, not once. you'll have shorter hose lengths for sure, but how many jobs will u really need over 100 ft of hose or so. little giant post heat, and 500 psi and you're good. Blazing heat and high pressure from tm's just atomizes the water anyway, it's flow that matters. prespray, dwell, agitate and 2 dry passes for every 1 wet pass and you'll keep your customers happy.

It's not meant to be "intimating" , Bubba , I promise
It's just my "call 'em as i see 'em" style .

I didn't just fall off the turnip truck
I've been in biz full time for 21 years too.
i also own a porty and have cleaned with them when TM isn't practical

and "I've" never said an operator can't do great work with a porty .
What I said was if an operator is used to a TM, they'll hate using a porty .
I also said any porty with any kind of decent performance will trip breakers from time to time.

and you're suggestion of adding a Little Giant propane burner doesn't make much $en$e to me.
That means added expense and running a porty like a TM in the van
(cause surely you're not taking a propane burner INSIDE a home or building???)

if one is going to that expense and running longer hose runs than needed , a used med size or small TM would give better performance than a porty in a van
(unless the "TM" is used to is a Bane TM )


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Any cleaner who says they've never had a redo is either full of shit or...their,...well,... full of shit.

21 years with out a wick back...lol

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Re: Re: What is the best portable extractor to start with?

Mikey P said:
Any cleaner who says they've never had a redo is either full of shit or...their well, full of shit.

21 years with out a wick back...lol


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Dec 22, 2011
hey, you with the little purple toy tonka van..sorry pal...but nope no callbacks, no redo's EVER.and that's 21 years my business, my old man started back when banes were the only way to go.dont feel bad because you have 30+ years and get redo's...christ how long do you need before you get it right anyway..that's what keeps the tonka drivers well...tonka drivers, and the big boys use boxes and sprinters..besides who even asked you?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
bubbula123 said:
hey, you with the little purple toy tonka van..sorry pal...but nope no callbacks, no redo's EVER.and that's 21 years my business, my old man started back when banes were the only way to go.dont feel bad because you have 30+ years and get redo's...christ how long do you need before you get it right anyway..that's what keeps the tonka drivers well...tonka drivers, and the big boys use boxes and sprinters..besides who even asked you?

I suspect that your personality is such that the homeowner would be affraid to call you back.

that or you do 52 jobs a year.


Dec 22, 2011
OK, Mike, I'll bite..sorry, but our productivity here is steady daily...has been from the start. I sincerely hope everyone here is kept busy. I take care of my accounts. we have an outstanding rapport. However perhaps you failed to follow this from the beginning...Allow me to retort. A newbie asked a question about portable extractors, and expressed he was on a tight budget. I felt it was out of place for anyone to shoot down his aspirations simply by virtue of his not being able to afford a tm as of yet. I have been in business far long enough to offer help, advice, or encouragement for anyone. Never would I just insult someone for no good reason. I advised him that he certainly can make a go of it with portable equipment, and that there is an abundance of resources available and he should by all means go for it. NOW, someone chimes in, uninvited, their little remark was not asked for, nor called for. Furthermore, he chose to let insult fly,.....for no reason, just because...and so you're wondering why i threw it right back?. Considering his initial comment, does that question really have to be asked? I would have assumed this forum was for the professionals in the field to discuss stories and offer feedback. Certainly, i would hope this person's comment is not indicative of the general nature of the members on board. Or if you wish, the shorter version would be "He dezoived it moe", nya,nya, nya

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Certainly, i would hope this person's comment is not indicative of the general nature of the members on board.

welcome aboard, Dude .
Stick around for a month or two before making any conclusions

you'll find this board may have an "edge" to it, but you'll not find a group of more knowledgeable, straight shooting pros on the 'net ...that don't hesitate to speak their mind :lol:



Dec 14, 2011
Mikey P said:
bubbula123 said:
hey, you with the little purple toy tonka van..sorry pal...but nope no callbacks, no redo's EVER.and that's 21 years my business, my old man started back when banes were the only way to go.dont feel bad because you have 30+ years and get redo's...christ how long do you need before you get it right anyway..that's what keeps the tonka drivers well...tonka drivers, and the big boys use boxes and sprinters..besides who even asked you?

I suspect that your personality is such that the homeowner would be affraid to call you back.

that or you do 52 jobs a year.
Besides I think Ken was just requoting what Mike the administrator quoted about call backs.


Jan 15, 2011
The most powerful porty on the market is the Mytee m5-DS
It has truckmount lift and cfm with 4 3 stage vac motors.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... VIBnuq50h4
And with a porty you dont need anything beyond 65'. So the CFM and Lift actually is well into TM range. With ETM you use the customers power which is a huge advantage to a guy starting out. It keeps the profits higher per job. And if they break switching out a vac motor is easy. Another thing is the upkeep and replacement on TM are much more expensive. Which is fine if your establised but going to a powerful porty like the above. You cant go wrong...research these things yourself and make an informed decision.

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