What would it take....


Oct 26, 2006
...to get the industry to come together (residentially speaking) long enough to start a campaign much like the "instant oil change/change your oil every 3000 miles" phenomenon, or like the ADA did getting people schedule a 6 month cleaning when there is no scientific fact to substantiate that a bi-annual cleaning serves any benefit over an annual one?

Certainly the CC Industry can at least offer enough visual proof if nothing else, unlike car dealers, or Dentists to validate benefits of more frequent cleanings.

As near as I can tell one of the biggest hurdles is the "renegade" mentality in CC which leads to too many bottom feeders, because they think, "well if ABC only charges $70, I can only get away with maybe $71" that would be fine except ABC was losing $5 on each job, so you're only losing $4, that's good business? It just seems to feed the BDCC business structure.

ST~ Yes I am aware of the JD SC program, that's kinda what I'm getting at, less the less than attractive "give me your bank account number" aspect of it; I WILL NOT do that, way to against my beliefs.

It seems most of the CC industry doesn't charge enough to offer enough benefit (discounts) to entice the consumer to bite on the golden apple of maintenance/scheduled cleanings, and still stay profitable....
that's a problem we need to solve, as a whole.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
[h=2]What would it take....[/h]

it would take collusion

It would take every custy to want a steak and not a BigMac
Many folks are quite happy with the Stanely Steemers and Hogopians of the world .
Others want every individual fiber bundle massaged, groomed and tucked in bed with a mint on the pillow
and others want something in between

the other stumbling blocks;
...not everyone's cost of doing biz are the same.
Too, others are willing/able to work at lower margins and still bank jack

BTW, none of this is peculiar to the CCing biz.
It's the same in every service biz...janitors, car detailers, landscrapers, painters, butchers, bakers and candlestick makers



Dec 15, 2012
On The Board
it would take collusion

It would take every custy to want a steak and not a BigMac
Many folks are quite happy with the Stanely Steemers and Hogopians of the world .
Others want every individual fiber bundle massaged, groomed and tucked in bed with a mint on the pillow
and others want something in between

That's funny shit - mint on the pillow

A lot of people think all carpet cleaners clean the same way .. so price becomes their main focus .. It takes a lot of time and money educating the customer the benefits of paying more for an intense thorough cleaning process along with high quality detergents

We know the companies that have a great deal count on up selling and if they don't up sell, they'd have to race to meet a profit goal let alone cover expense

We cater to the steak eaters but don't get enough of them - to top it off, our repeats on average call around the 18 month period .. quite a few as long as 2 years .. I always thought it was our price that holds them off a bit longer but a lot of the repeats I do aren't really that dirty .. so because I pay more in time, detergents and rinsing system, customers carpet stay clean longer and I stay broke

Years ago I worked for a company that didn't want me to sell a protective coating .. he says he wants the carpet to get dirty so they keep calling him more often - so it seems I'd have to do less to make more

I wonder if the customer would pay 50% up front for a cleaning in 6months for the same areas being cleaned the day they pay

I think you middle of the road guys have the best option - leave the vacuuming up to the customer

JB - most cc don't charge enough .. some of them shouldn't even be cleaning .. too bad we couldn't round them all up and tell them they're leaving too much money on the table .. seems like too many technicians going off on their own thinking making $150 a day was more than they were making before - so since they're good with that we would have a harder time selling ourselves

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
great post Paul.. So true.

We need to be giving away a free puppy with any 3 rooms cleaned.

and JB, that is suppose to be the job of the IICRC...to educate Mr and Mrs TV watcher that they need to get their carpets cleaned before little Jimmy gets the aides.

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