What's standard acceptable days called out

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Oct 5, 2012
Carl Maddock
for an employee. ?

I have HP material that says 1/22 work days is standard.

What numbers do you use when determining performance ?

I love what joe Appleby offers. And may start that as well.

I have an employee that is 1.5 times that , and as a small operation it get frustrating.

Any thoughts?
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D Luke

Supportive Member
Apr 12, 2015
1 work day called out for every 22 days?!?

Seems crazy to me, but I guess I expect more because of my mentality. Maybe 1 in a hundred.

I guess the last time I managed a large number of people (25) I would have been somewhat satisfied with 1 in 22.

D Luke

Supportive Member
Apr 12, 2015
I take it to mean a previously unexcused call off night before or morning of.


Supportive Member
Feb 21, 2013
Las Vegas NV
Called out as in needs to take a day off? I'd allow 1 every 30 days. Or more if its emergency. When I get a call from a technician at 9pm saying he needs the next day off for his girlfriends moms birthday, that's when I get pissed. Or no call no show = gone.

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Including holidays and vacation days. Yes about a day a month.

But nobody uses them like that.

Old Coastie

Supportive Member
Jun 29, 2015
Heart of Dixie
What is a "day off"?

Is that when you aren't booked but don't feel like hustling some business and the wife lost her honeydo list after getting amnesia but the lawn is mowed, none of the relatives need anything and all the equipment is fully overhauled and the chemicals don't need replenished, while the bookkeeper is up to date and as far as you know, the bills are paid so you can sleep in and maybe, just maybe, fire up the boat later?


Nov 16, 2006
Ron Beatty
Never have taken a day off because I was sick. If I take a day off I am going to enjoy it. My employees never call off, probably because I am such good company:oldrolleyes:

Papa John

Lifetime Supportive Member
Aug 19, 2013
San Francisco, CA.
John Stewart
my guys can block any day or part of a day any time they want to in advance. If there are jobs already booked then they need to give those jobs to other techs or come in.. This reduces surprises and last minute call offs.
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Oct 5, 2012
Carl Maddock
Call out= less than 2 hours notice before scheduled arrival time to work.

I have no problem 1 month or more out. I can schedule around that. We work frequent 10s, so I want to avoid burnout.

No show no call= voluntary termination.

So this question is more for companies with 5 or more employees. Owner ops is different animal
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Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Call out= less than 2 hours notice before scheduled arrival time to work.

I have no problem 1 month or more out. I can schedule around that. We work frequent 10s, so I want to avoid burnout.

No show no call= voluntary termination.

So this question is more for companies with 5 or more employees. Owner ops is different animal

That is not acceptable to me under any circumstance. They need to give 24 hour notice unless its a family emergency involving illness,injury or death.

Doesnt matter what my policy and procedure is, if you do it more than 2x your hours/responsibilities are going to be cut. In order to be successful in sales i need 100% confidence i can service the jobs. The second doubt starts to creep in, prospects will see it.

This is one subject our staff is very good about, although imperfect in many other areas i dont mess around with people who are late or call off.
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Brian H

Dec 14, 2006
Detroit Michigan area
Brian H
1 out of 22 is insane for calling in!! That's more then one per month on average.

Our employees are allowed 5 per year. At their 6th absence, they are terminated. No loopholes, if you are scheduled and can't come in, that's an absence. (We will count a two day illness as one incident and an extended illness of more then two days as one incident provided there is a doctors note.)

We have terminated several people for that over the years. The 6th absence always seems legit, so it can be tough. It's the first 5 that are usually questionable. Things like "I am just not feeling 100%" are the ones that get me. If I didn't come to work on days that I wasn't feeling 100% I'd never come in!!

Then you have the FMLA issues to have to be concerned about... I have one person in the office who has been diagnosed with severe migraines. She has filed the proper paperwork and now just needs to call in and say she won't be in due to an FMLA event and she can take up to 12 weeks per year off. It's not paid time off, but it can sure be a burden.

We also have a perfect attendance incentive. We don't count January through April because it's slow and we have extra staff. If you have perfect attendance for May through August you get $200. The same holds true for September though December. If you have qualified for BOTH incentives, you get a bonus $200. So, the first time you call in it costs you $400. It has been a very successful program over the years and it's fun to pass out those checks!!
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clean image

Oct 5, 2012
Carl Maddock
Thanks Brian, that's what I was looking for.

So do you write them up for "being sick" on the first absence? Or third? As you need a paper trail when you terminate as to validate any unemployment claims.

I would love to have something I could add to my company policy.

Shane, to be clear, nobody calls out sick? That's impressive from the Buffalo area. ( I'm from Rochester)

Recently, and I know some is out of there hands, technician buys home, takes a pre-approved day off for closing, closing gets moved back a day. UNexcused day off.

This is what I get:
food poisoning
diarrhea so bad....
wife/ girl friend on death bed, need to take her to doctor
hi temperature

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
Thanks Brian, that's what I was looking for.

So do you write them up for "being sick" on the first absence? Or third? As you need a paper trail when you terminate as to validate any unemployment claims.

I would love to have something I could add to my company policy.

Shane, to be clear, nobody calls out sick? That's impressive from the Buffalo area. ( I'm from Rochester)

Recently, and I know some is out of there hands, technician buys home, takes a pre-approved day off for closing, closing gets moved back a day. UNexcused day off.

This is what I get:
food poisoning
diarrhea so bad....
wife/ girl friend on death bed, need to take her to doctor
hi temperature

To be clear, not in 2 hours or less. NO
Never happens and i have 15 employees right now.

Have to make trade offs in life/business. I over look plenty of other stuff but when it comes to being on time and showing up pretty much zero tolerance.
All those excuses you listed, my response would be too bad, get to work. Not good enough in my book.

Its not about what piece of paper you have people sign off on. Its the culture you instill from day 1, the interview.
I make it very clear from the interview-hire-training- day to day interaction you are not allowed to be late or call in "sick" last minute.

Lots of other imperfections i can live with, its a trade off.

Brian H

Dec 14, 2006
Detroit Michigan area
Brian H
Thanks Brian, that's what I was looking for.

So do you write them up for "being sick" on the first absence? Or third? As you need a paper trail when you terminate as to validate any unemployment claims.

I would love to have something I could add to my company policy.

Shane, to be clear, nobody calls out sick? That's impressive from the Buffalo area. ( I'm from Rochester)

Recently, and I know some is out of there hands, technician buys home, takes a pre-approved day off for closing, closing gets moved back a day. UNexcused day off.


We don't write them up for every absence. We do notify them with their paycheck when the day off is counted as an absence and what absence # it is. That way if they want to dispute it, they do it close to when the incident happened and not months later.

We use a Day Off Request Form when employees are looking to take a day off. It's a 3 part form that needs to be filled out at least 3 days in advance. Once okay'd and signed by that departments manager one part of the form goes in their employee file, one part goes to the employee and the last one goes on our scheduling board. This gives us a paper trail so an employee can't say "I told you last week that I needed today off". Lesson's learned...

I would not count the scenario you described with the closing as an unexcused day off.

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