What's your DOT number?

Mark Saiger

Mr Happy!
Dec 26, 2006
Grand Rapids, MN
Mark Saiger

What are you talking about????

They didn't send our license renewal for "Christine" and even the leasing company had not seen it....

So with power of attorney in hand from leasing company went to get tabs...

What's your DOT number....we need it to get you tabs....:eekk::eekk:

Is this something new? We are below 10,000 pounds (9600 GVW)

The system is new and we cannot override it..and the State just changed.....

No way! and my locals cannot do anything. The cannot authorize to bring the weight in the system down....

Made calls to the State Patrol DOT....YOU DO NOT NEED DOT SIR even with being a business. We go by the tag on the door :rockon:

But they have the incorrect plates on your Vehicles...you need YN plates not YB Plates...:eekk::dejection:

Call this number at the DMV to get those changed.

Back to the locals....NOPE CAN'T Do here...need to go to State....so in my truck heading 4 hours south to St. Paul, MN! On phone to get address....another lady....well we have them all over the State....there's one 1.5 hours to your West....turned now that direction...:hopeless:

Get to State DMV in Virgina MN ( and looks similar to our local)

Guy takes care of me...BUT SAYS: Didn't they tell you the entire system is Down in MN and the State in plunging another $10 Million dollars into emergency fixing it...but it could still take months :hopeless::hopeless::hopeless::hopeless::dejection::dejection::dejection::dejection:

Can my local DMV give me this piece of paper next time YES...SHOULD BE NO PROBLEM :eekk::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::angry::madder::madder::madder::madder::madder:

He gives me a 60 day permit for the van....sends me on my way...

Decide to visit my local again...this is the paper they gave me...can you do this next time? YES...well what the Hell! But don't come in until the next day after the permit expires to get another....:dejection::dejection::dejection:

Asked next question: Can you then do the YN plates here? YES.:madder::madder::madder::madder::madder::hopeless::hopeless::hopeless:

I spent the entire day dealing with this crap and then calling my family who also needs to renew tabs...which they also did not receive....

I AM PO'd!:madder::madder::madder:

This run around could take forever...and called my leasing company to inform them of the mistake and what to request from our State if leasing a vehicle in the State....

So much BS!

BUT......I still don't need to DOT it....Suck it! :rockon:

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bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
New in Mi....must have birth certificate to renew drivers license. ...
Hell I never HAD one.....I was stolen by a cult of Seventh Day Adventist -Amish -Mennonites...when I was one day old...
I really never existed. ...
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