When 100% Satisfaction Just isnt Enuff


Jun 23, 2007
Evansville IN
Chris Bolin
Scheduled a lady I just knew would be trouble. You know the kind, full of all kinds of strange questions and concerns, what-ifs and all.

The tech called in the middle of the job, into it 1.5 hours when it should have only taken about 45 minutes, he's shaken a little, the lady has been up his rear the whole time making him treat and retreat every spot and stain until she was sure it was gone. She even had him cleaning shadows.

I tell him to roll up hose and get the hell out while he still could, he told me he already did 3 times and she kept pulling it back into the house making him clean these imaginary spots. She even hopped into the truck and tested the machinery to be sure everything was mechanically sound.

I then told him to lower his head and go for the door, don't say a word to the lady, and if needed just drag the damn hose down the street until he got to a safe place.

Sure enuff, phone rings 3 seconds later. Lady is mad as hell. Her concern? My tech hadn't performed the steps of the cleaning EXACTLY like the internet video she had seen. I asked if he had went over her concerns prior to cleaning, treated all spots and stains, moved her furniture and replaced it using tabs and blocks, etc.

Yep, he had done all that, she said. Her concern was that he hadn't done a professional job because he hadn't carried in his little black clipboard when he first came to the door. NO WAY could he have done his job without the clipboard!

OK, OK, so I hear carnival music playing in the background and so I use my usual approach to dealing with crazy people. To be honest, crazy people scare the hell out of me so I just give em whatever they want and am happy to get away with my liver intact.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry that we weren't able to meet your standards for service this time out. Just to let you know, your cleaning will be at no cost, and I wish you a good afternoon."

"OOOh, ok, well thanks. By the way, I changed my mind about having that back bedroom done, so could you send that nice young man back here to finish the job?"

I hung up..... and blocked her number.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I blocked a number for the first time the other day. She called had brand new furniture and a rug she wanted protected and I said "sorry we do not protect anything we don't clean" she said while come and clean them and protect them, fax me your insurance info, filing with the State AG and your business listing. I said I can send you our info on insurance but everything else is public information that we do not distribute.

I send Matt out he sets up to clean and she said, "they are new just protect them and give me my warranty". Matt calls and I say have her call me.

She calls and starts raving about silks and polyester and wools and she isn't comfortable having them cleaned but will pay to have them protected and warranteed for 2 years. Sorry we can not service you at this time.

She calls over and over again saying she will have them cleaned and protected and I said " sorry we are just too busy to set this up and we offer no warranty with the protector" she starts screaming you have to come out and take care of this. "ma"am I understand your frustration with not getting the work you want done done but we are not going to service this address please call the company you have used prior or here are the names of a few others in our service area. Thank You"
has been calling daily finally blocked her


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
The woman after 1 minute of the initial conversation I knew not to

You have to go with your gut sometimes. I don't know if it is new and she asked a lot of strange questions. If we clean it we can do a full evaluation on the piece. Going out to protect it is a loss just from not inspecting it

Who says it was new, the consumer?

and no I wouldn't go out and protect furniture out of our care and control


Apr 3, 2010
Central Oklahoma
Lady wanted a 2 year warranty??? :shock: On something I didn't even clean??? :shock: :shock:

I would've walked on that one too.

sam miller

I wouldnt warranty it like a retail outlet would! I would be glad to seal it for her peace of mind unless she was out of her mind then I would run!

What I mean is some retail stores seal and protect and offer a replacement warranty. I could seal a couch for $50.00 or I could seal it for $250.00 with a year warranty and just service it 2 to 3 times?

But she probably has a daycare with 30 snot nosed kids and I would be living there sucking the snot out of the couch. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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