Brad take this advice to heart. You don't need a truckmount to impress your ego unless you want to do apartments and restaurants like every other bdcc. Some make great money doing them but the competition is fierce. My advice is simple. Use your portable until you have the cash saved to get a decent truckmount if you want one. Take the time to vacuum properly, wipe down baseboards, sell upholstery cleaning, and raise your price and have atleast a hundred dollar minimum. You can do a better job than others with tm equipment and let your customers know that you are not going to rush and you are going to prevac, prescub, and post pad if you have a 175. Some cleaners target work such as condos or high rises with portables and make great money as well. I have two tm's and I am seriously thinking about using a portable on more jobs especially small two room and hall jobs in the winter. If you do get a tm go with the biggest machine you can afford. You will be glad you did. By the way I know guys that run 175's only and make more money than we can dream of (2k dollar residential jobs). Stay with the portable until you have cash to pay outright for your machine. If it were me I would rather have a brand new van and nice portable or used tm than a new tm and pos used van that is always breaking down. A portable will clean just as well as most tm's but it will take a lot longer. Unless you are doing more than 15 jobs a week stay with the portable. When your workload gets to be too much get a real tm (one that has more power than you need) and you will be set. I love my
Everest, but the Mytee M5 is looking pretty good right now as well.