bob vawter
Grassy Knoller
A brand new Wanner Hydra Cell......outta this
Chads..THIS is the cats ass of pumps..this one has over 6800 hrs wit no rebuildChads said:I dont think I have seen one of those before, what exactly is it. Water pump for sure but how does it work.
stick around Mr Smartypants and you MIGHT learn sumthin'......Lee Stockwell said:I know how to sand and paint.
No Mr getahEDofme....Bob Foster said:Are you hot tanking those pieces?
Do you have to build up the shaft?
What rpm does that thing turn at? can run CEMENT thru them..Lee Stockwell said:Bob's allright!!
My "sand and paint rebuild" comment was for all the stuff you see on Ebay and such that claims to be rebuilt.
Wanner makes the best pump in the industry, but it is top dollar. Can be run hot, dry, and hard with few limitations.
if you look closely you'll see the frame right behind the first shot of the pump!Able 1 said:I was looking to see that last Steam Genie rebuild... Last shot we got was the frame being painted(wit some dead frogs in the backround). Any updates on that one?
CUZ...if i wanted ta run a LAWN MOWER ENGINE...lance said:General Pumps might not last as long but for $500 they seem to be a great one for TM's. Bob, why don't you build some slide-in TM's and show us what you can do?
Your Steam Genie always looks brand new.
Some later models DID come with a pump chutch...mostly for when you had a flood.....but it's jus as easy to turn down the regulator pressure...for extended pump out time.....lance said:But does it come with a clutch......or do TM's not need one?
foreverSteven Hoodlebrink said:Bawb,
Tell the kiddies how long you can run them things without changing to oil on the pump !gotcha!
it's getting there!Able 1 said:I was looking to see that last Steam Genie rebuild... Last shot we got was the frame being painted. Any updates on that one?
Kevin McCreary said:Where do you get the old machines from? Are they Modernistic retired units? Or do people just know you and sell them to you?