who's this venturi cc company


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
other then another apartment hack company ...and they use to run vortex777's ...are they a franchise ?


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
could you tell me something i dont know already..........so much for the all knowing board

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
a total joke of a broke dick company, back in 99 they went around and bought up every carpet cleaning company they could find. the only people that went for it were companies that were struggling and having a tuff time making it anyways or else the owners would never have went for it. normally no cash was involved, the owner was given venturi stock and a contract for a job for a certain length of time. this was john hopkins and gaylord carron, or gaylord fokker is more appropriate who started all this, the same people doing zero rez. what they did do was convince beulieu carpets to give them a bunch of money. back in the day these guys had a big time attitude like they were going to conquer the world and sell out to dupont and everyone was going to be sipping pina coladas in a much nicer place than costa rica. it was around this time that I interviewed for a job with them. the whole thing sounded like bullshit even when they thought they were riding high. it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. I politely declined the offer.

shawn york rather fittingly was involved with these folks nearly from the get go. they decided to buy units from shawn and have aerotech build them. so aerotech geared up to sell a shit load of machines. quite a few were sold initially enough to really make aerotech commit to a huge investment. then within a year problems developed you can't hire a bunch of broke dicks that were on the verge of loosing their companies before they sold out and expect anything to change under the venturi umbrella. the whole thing was a house of cards and aerotech was left holding the bag with a bunch of extra units sitting around. if venturi hadn't of existed I doubt vortex would have either. I hated venturi and their attitudes, that is probably the reason I am so harsh on yorkie is because he was associated with these ass holes.

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
They just came in to my county. They hit up every single one of my accounts with prices in many cases less than half of what I charge. Complete hacks. when I got my accounts I sold them on quality, not price. thankfully I didn't lose a single account to these BD Hacks. Many of the other guys who get their work for being the cheapest have since lost their accounts. I truly don't understand how they make a profit.

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