Will this help or hurt me and you?

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
I'm sure some of you have seen already so it's no secret.
In the Google maps they now allow us Carpet Cleaners...and others...to give a service area instead of just brick and mortor listings.

You can go out as far as 500 miles around your location.

It will help, of course to get your name on more local searches....but it will also help carpet cleaners in other areas get their name into YOUR area.

So really, it could bring your rating down possibly.
Maybe closer to home you will still do better and further out not so much.

Help Fred! What the skinny on this new thang?

I am testing it right now so we will see....problem is Google takes a while to do anything so I won't really know for a while.

Anyway, I figured this would be a tip for anyone who didn't know about it.
I don't think it can hurt to do it instead of not doing it but having the option should change things for everyone.
I almost forgot, there is an option to just pick the cities you work in as well.

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