Yellow page is getting cheap.

Sep 7, 2008
I am thinking about placing an ad.

My options are to do a nice display ad which is really cheap and just try to focus on people that want a good job.

I have done that in the past and been burned, but that is how I got the majority of my customers to start with.

My other option is to do like I did in the past. I could place an ad under a new company name. I don't want to be bait and switch but upsell and do a quicker job and offer low moitsure cleaning etc for a price and upsell deeper cleaning packages. I am telling you I had a 350 dollar per month ad that brought in a couple thousand dollars per week in business because I could upsell good and people in the book want a deal.

My last option is to just forget about the book and continue to do what I am doing now.

They are distributing 600k books in the area.

The price is 671 for a display ad (1/3 a page and you get three months free). If I can use my number that might not be a bad deal.

The in-column ad is 380 and no free months.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
danielc said:
I am thinking about placing an ad.

I could place an ad under a new company name. I don't want to be bait and switch but upsell and do a quicker job and offer low moitsure cleaning etc for a price and upsell deeper cleaning packages.

How is that not bait and switch?

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I'm out this year, even with a nice Wayne Miller designed ad on the first page of my county's Real Yellow Pages, I still lost my ass. Cermak's getting a raise this February.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
If you're going to do a yellow page ad, you would do better to do it on the online version.

Search for carpet cleaners in your area on Google

Carpet cleaning New York NY

Scroll down and find the online advertiser that pops up first and look into advertising with them.
I'm not saying it's the greatest way....but it's a way., Super Pages and some others are pretty good for the premier listings but every area is different.

Try to find the one that's prominent in your take the top'll have to pay for it...but it should be good.

You can also watch some of the girly channels on TV and see what major advertiser is advertising.

Of course you need a website that converts to make it all work....if your website sucks...that's the weakest link and the customer won't call.


I am telling you I had a 350 dollar per month ad that brought in a couple thousand dollars per week in business because I could upsell good and people in the book want a deal.

you had a YP ad that cost $350 and it pulled over $8 grand a month?

why on earth did you discontinue an ad with over a 20-1 return?
Sep 7, 2008
fred boyle said:
I am telling you I had a 350 dollar per month ad that brought in a couple thousand dollars per week in business because I could upsell good and people in the book want a deal.

you had a YP ad that cost $350 and it pulled over $8 grand a month?

why on earth did you discontinue an ad with over a 20-1 return?

Because I got suckered into buying a 1500 dollar a month ad targeting better customers. Everyone wants a deal period. A display ad targeted toward price shoppers might work better than an incolumn ad, but the in-column ad is less than 400 and I can guarantee I will book 5-10 jobs a week. That is the easy part. If someone calls wanting three rooms cleaned, I would tell them the special is 55 dollars or whatever. Then once arriving you present the customer a professional price sheet with all your cleaning packages and at least offer them a deeper cleaning package. IF they want it great, if not then hack the carpet out in 20 minutes and go to the next one. Most people when they see a clean truck will go for the middle package. It all depends on how you present yourself. Yes it is bait and switch, but who cares. They are price shopping to begin with. I used to bust heads everyday all day. I sold sanitizer etc for 250 per house. All I would be doing is offering 4-5 cleaning packages and the customer would choose the one that fit their cleaning needs and budget.

Now as good as that sounds I really don't have the time to take on any more business. I got two referrals today and have a lot of work lined up plus a 8k dollar check in the mail. If I just focus on what I am doing I will be better off. I personally would never do the jobs. Well I could hire the guy and increase production. If we had to squeeze one in we could no problem as I work out of a plain truck. The plan would be to schedule the jobs on certain days and let him focus on the yp ad customers etc. I have a second truck and someone that can clean as good as me. I could let him do the jobs because he needs the money and this would help both of us out.

I am probably not going to do it because I have a simple business plan that is working. The key is the referrals, higher pricing, and keeping overhead low. There are weeks though that I could take on a few more jobs. This would be the easiest and cheapest way to get a second truck going full time. Then again I could place the ad and get nothing. I just had really good success pricing low and upselling in the past and don't see why it wouldn't still work.

My only concern is I should just focus on what I am doing now instead of taking on something else or at least wait until the spring when the even cheaper book comes out. I can get a half page ad for less than 500 dollars, but you can't advertise price. I think you can say something like starting at 45 dollars etc.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
danielc said:
fred boyle said:
I am telling you I had a 350 dollar per month ad that brought in a couple thousand dollars per week in business because I could upsell good and people in the book want a deal.

you had a YP ad that cost $350 and it pulled over $8 grand a month?

why on earth did you discontinue an ad with over a 20-1 return?

Because I got suckered into buying a 1500 dollar a month ad targeting better customers. Everyone wants a deal period. A display ad targeted toward price shoppers might work better than an incolumn ad, but the in-column ad is less than 400 and I can guarantee I will book 5-10 jobs a week. That is the easy part. If someone calls wanting three rooms cleaned, I would tell them the special is 55 dollars or whatever. Then once arriving you present the customer a professional price sheet with all your cleaning packages and at least offer them a deeper cleaning package. IF they want it great, if not then hack the carpet out in 20 minutes and go to the next one. Most people when they see a clean truck will go for the middle package. It all depends on how you present yourself. Yes it is bait and switch, but who cares. They are price shopping to begin with. I used to bust heads everyday all day. I sold sanitizer etc for 250 per house. All I would be doing is offering 4-5 cleaning packages and the customer would choose the one that fit their cleaning needs and budget.

Now as good as that sounds I really don't have the time to take on any more business. I got two referrals today and have a lot of work lined up plus a 8k dollar check in the mail. If I just focus on what I am doing I will be better off. I personally would never do the jobs. Well I could hire the guy and increase production. If we had to squeeze one in we could no problem as I work out of a plain truck. The plan would be to schedule the jobs on certain days and let him focus on the yp ad customers etc. I have a second truck and someone that can clean as good as me. I could let him do the jobs because he needs the money and this would help both of us out.

I am probably not going to do it because I have a simple business plan that is working. The key is the referrals, higher pricing, and keeping overhead low. There are weeks though that I could take on a few more jobs. This would be the easiest and cheapest way to get a second truck going full time. Then again I could place the ad and get nothing. I just had really good success pricing low and upselling in the past and don't see why it wouldn't still work.

My only concern is I should just focus on what I am doing now instead of taking on something else or at least wait until the spring when the even cheaper book comes out. I can get a half page ad for less than 500 dollars, but you can't advertise price. I think you can say something like starting at 45 dollars etc.


A year ago ..I thought you had PROMISE...!!!

But in the last year ...You and Joey UPChUcK...Have made some of the "MOST DUMBAS"
post ...I have EVER read.... :roll: ..."I am NOT posting this to be CRUEL.."...I am just
dIsAPpOinTed... :cry:

The two of you have become TWO of the BIGGEST..."prevaricator's on the board. :oops:

GIVE IT A REST... :idea: You "sPeW"..all of this marketing BS.." With NO clue of how to
IMPLEMENT IT... :roll: "There is NO shame in being a one truck OPERATOR...!" If you HAD
all of this WORK ..that you CLAIM... :!: You would NOT be on the board 24/7... :roll:

You ...."jump-in" SLAM..b&S operators..."when it is convenient"...& in the NEXT
breath you ADMITT to participating in the fOllY... :shock: JUst eAsE-Up...NO one is
ImPrEssEd... !gotcha!

BY the WAY..!!!! "YOU ARE THE BIGGEST PRICE SHOPPER"...on the bOaRd..... :oops: :oops:

As for you & joey buying EQUIPMENT... :roll:

"IF they were selling VORTEX..for $99.00.."
"All you gUyS could do ...Is run up & down the StREEt...!!!!"
ScreAmInG...."HOW CHEAP THEY ARE"..... :oops: :cry: :lol:


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Yellow page is getting cheap.

Just like cheap carpet cleaners.

I avoid both as much as possible.


Sep 7, 2008
Yes Greg they used to distribute over a million books and now it is only 600k. I have made my mind up and will not do it. I am just going to focus on people that want a better job. At the end of the day it is a lot less stressful.

Calm down Harper.

First how is what I said dumb?

What's wrong with subbing a few jobs out? Ok that's what pissed you off.

Holy shit I can not believe I just said that.

I was just weighing my options.

Did I start out getting a lot of referrals. I don't think anyone did. It takes time to aquire the skills and knowledge to do that.

No I busted heads everyday and stacked money like crazy working 7 days per week and nights at Fed-Ex for insurance. That is how I got ahead.

Unlike Upchuck I never claimed to run 18 trucks, own 50 apartments, or that I bought a new Sprinter with TCS Diesel as well as a TCS chief. Oh and he owns two EVERESTS as well.

I may be a bdcc, but I have plenty of cash, good investments, nice equipment, trucks, and homes all paid for, and plenty of jobs. I do all right. Am I Ken Snow? No but I am happy and actually have a business plan or at least I know where I am going and how I am going to get there.
Sep 7, 2008
Oh and I am home for a few hours because I just signed a contract on a nice home for 32,500.


If the deal goes through, great.

If not, then oh well.

I may not own 50 apartments, but I will have three nice homes paid for by year end and rent them puppies for the next 20 years. I will most definitely retire young and rich. I can promise you that.

joe harper

Oct 21, 2008
joe harper
danielc said:
Oh and I am home for a few hours because I just signed a contract on a nice home for 32,500.


If the deal goes through, great.

If not, then oh well.

I may not own 50 apartments, but I will have three nice homes paid for by year end and rent them puppies for the next 20 years. I will most definitely retire young and rich. I can promise you that. InSiSt....on making your fInAnCiAl info...PuBliC... :roll:

Go ahead and take PHOTOS...of your "WARRANTY DEED's"..& AUTO and EQUIPMENT TITLES"

Of course ...."I can unDeRsTaNd.."....if you do NOT have them availiable @ your DISPOSAL..
"I am sure they are In "fOrT KnoX".... :p

Either way ...I WILL WAIT.... :shock:

PUT UP....or SHUT-UP.. :idea:


Jun 29, 2009
danielc said:
Do u want to see my hot Vietnamese roommate as well?

Roommate means you are getting used, unless your making her pay half of everything.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I have to stop reading the boards. I swear some people just get dumber. Thank You Harper for pointing it out. ******* numbnuts Danny

I haven't advertised in 2 yrs and we have been in business the same amount of time and I have only been fulltime for about 2.7 yrs you should have a business by now
Sep 7, 2008
HARPER said:
danielc said:
Oh and I am home for a few hours because I just signed a contract on a nice home for 32,500.


If the deal goes through, great.

If not, then oh well.

I may not own 50 apartments, but I will have three nice homes paid for by year end and rent them puppies for the next 20 years. I will most definitely retire young and rich. I can promise you that. InSiSt....on making your fInAnCiAl info...PuBliC... :roll:

Go ahead and take PHOTOS...of your "WARRANTY DEED's"..& AUTO and EQUIPMENT TITLES"

Of course ...."I can unDeRsTaNd.."....if you do NOT have them availiable @ your DISPOSAL..
"I am sure they are In "fOrT KnoX".... :p

Either way ...I WILL WAIT.... :shock:

PUT UP....or SHUT-UP.. :idea:

Ok Harper. I busted my ass for five years days and nights even hollidays. I have been still working hard but nowhere near what I was doing. I really like working for people that appreciate good work and have no problem giving them a fair deal. I love what I do. I like spending time with my father taking fishing trips etc. I almost lost him a few years back in a robbery attempt.

Greg I guess I am just a bdcc like everyone else here and I wouldn't have it any other way. :mrgreen:

For now I am happy doing my thing and don't need to make much but I do all right. It beats spending tons on advertising and having a big mortgage, truck payment, equipment payments etc. I don't even have to work. I can live off my investments and dividend payments but I would have to live really meager. I need to bust ass for a few more years. My goal is to have what Mikey has. I NEVER want anything like Ken Snow. That is not my thing.

I will more than likely NET close to 200k next year. Ok that is my goal so wish me luck because I will be rooting for everyone here to acheive their goals.

Ryan you have to give to get. I don't mind giving a little to get from Thao. !gotcha!

First home was a dump hud home. I made a small profit and was glad to get rid of it. It was a learning experience.

My rental is very nice and I have awesome renters. They really are the best.


I got an UNBELIEVABLE purchase price. I talked this couple down 60k from their already low price. There is nothing wrong with getting a good deal. It's not like I was buying 250k dollar homes. I got two mint homes with lots of nice furniture, stoves, washers, dryers, and all kinds of stuff for 35k each. My house is AWESOME inside. I can't load pics of it but will later. I love it and have no desire to own a big home. My life is simple for now and I can save money FAST. I easily made over 50k in equity the day I bought these homes, but I will never sell them. I will rent them out for a long time and leave them when I am gone.



Apr 8, 2010
YP is lame.

Our area is looking to put an opt out law on the books.

Meaning, you can opt to not get the books. And if deleivered a fine is given.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I know my Vanquard and Fidelitys have been paying the best DIV's even in down years but there is no living off of them unless you have millions in them before they were no getting ins. Do you have millions in your mutual funds Daniel?
Not sure what you are trying to show with your listing but I will bite , tell me

1232 Vernon Cv, Memphis, TN
estimate $50,500 Close

my vacation home
$679,000 $40,900 Baths: 3.5Sqft: 3,300
Lot: 19,166

my house, devalued because people got forewclosed on and the sq footage is wrong it is 2885 and a finished basement ... 5261_zpid/

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I have only listings going for next year... Even with a half page(3 in one book) it's not worth it, did it for 3 years.

Next year I'll be doing SM, and flyers.. That's it. No one is using the YP, it should be cheap!


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
just presenting facts. I know your a nonbeliever becker.
Sep 7, 2008
Don Greg called me at a quarter to 7 in the am to tell me what a world class athlete he was. He's a good guy. Everyone here is.

Ryan this is Thao.

She's a good roommate.


I never claimed to be king dick.

I am just a small owner-op that takes pride in doing a good job.

Don YP may be lame but I still get calls from books that are five years old, but they are slowly fading away as I have not been in the book for three years.

The book will still be a factor for a few years to come even if it is price shoppers, but yes it is slowly drying up.

Mostly it is people moving in/out, or people that need you to solve a problem.

You can still make good money at least in the yp here. You just have to have the right mindset, but for now my focus is going to keep doing what I have been. If I do any advertising it will be small things like SEO work, spotters, business cards, and all the other neccessary things.


Apr 8, 2010
I've gotten the same calls from Greg.

Funny thing is, I keep telling him I don't care!
I don't care who he was, what he could have been, what he has.

He keeps telling me I don;t believe him. However, I never dispute what he claims to be, have, etc!

Greg and Feehan would get along great.

Feehan can review tax returns and Greg and tell ya how much better he has it.

Of course Feehan has not asked me for a tax return lately.

Greg, don't call.. Just screwing with you.
Sep 7, 2008
Able 1 said:
I have only listings going for next year... Even with a half page(3 in one book) it's not worth it, did it for 3 years.

Next year I'll be doing SM, and flyers.. That's it. No one is using the YP, it should be cheap!

I might do some flyers if I have time.

All I am saying is I made money hand over fist in the book.

I could set the jobs and provide work for a guy I know.

I can guarantee people would get a great cleaning at a decent price but not a cheap price.

I was just thinking about it.

For 380 a month what would I have to loose. It's not like it would be under my current company name.

That's like two jobs a month, but I would bet I could get at least 20 for sure.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I never realized what a chump you were until our last conversation and I feel really bad for you becker so i will let you alone. Hope you get out of your lifelong rut
Sep 7, 2008
Greg I will say if you really ran a marathon that is one hell of an accomplishment.

I kill myself to run a 5k.

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