Yet another Connections confusion that some may comment on


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Why do they do this ?????

C. Commercial Carpet Maintenance Program - Interlink Supply - Advanced Commercial Maintenance Programs - Rob Hanks, Doyle Bloss, Dave Hanks, and Tom Porter, Interlink Supply. 4-hour seminar designed for commercial cleaning professionals as well as companies who want to diversify further into the lucrative world of commercial maintenance and cleaning. It will focus on carpet cleaning, stone care and polishing, wood floor care, and drying solutions, and on understanding the different maintenance systems available, how to set up planned maintenance programs, and how to do commercial bidding on small and large jobs.

They advertise it as Commercial CARPET, then add into it stone & wood care plus drying. :evil: :evil: :evil:

Can't they just leave it at Commercial CARPET, or is there not enough interest or information available. ??

This one, I'm in two minds (both of them are mine) :wink: about.

D. Maximize your skills, sales and profits in 2010! Sherman Guffy, ProChem System. To maximize your potential in 2010 you need more than advanced technical skills, you must be able to communicate the service to your client in a powerful way and you must price your service for maximum profits. This action packed session includes all three topics. Attendees may participate in sales role playing. Enter to win a give-away!

Now, I have the greatest respect for Sherman Guffy, especially in his role as a spotting expert, HOWEVER, last time I attended his session at Connections in Vegas, I was treated to a small bit of his expertise followed by another person whose name I can't remember, then another person whose name I can't forget, Ninja George. :( :( :(

Will this session be JUST with Sherman, or will there be some of the clowns from Circus Circus as well.

And I don't mean any attendees. shiteatinggrin

Damn, I may as well go the whole hog, (sorry Marty, no offense).

Heroes seem to be more common today than they ever were in the comics.

On Thursday between 8:30 - 11:45 am, I find a bit confusing.

There are 8 sessions involving restoration techniques.

Are each of these confined to their own room for the three hours, or is one following the other in the same room for about twenty minutes each ??

Also on this day, there are three rug seminars, again, are they in three seperate rooms, or does one follow the other. ??

I must admit that I am dismayed about the lack of seminars regarding spotting techniques including your favourite chemicals, dyes and crayons.

Nothing regarding leather.

Nothing about upholstery.

Nothing about carpet repair.

These are all well paying add-ons, or even skills that a business can be built around as a seperate entity that haven't really been flogged to death like rugs and restoration.

Anyhow, that's what I think.

Still tossing up whether to pay the full price for some of the seminars, or just attend the trade show.

...........................................Member ................Non-member
First attendee before September 8: $395 ....................$495

No doubt, others may find value in the seminars, to each their own.




Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
thats becuase them fooks think they need to get carpet cleaners into areas of work they have no business nor equipment to do..

IE...stone care, wood floors, stripping and waxing..

These areas need to be done with the right equipment or you can fook up not only the job but your $20k + machine

I am lucky as i loved doing stripping and waxing more then carpets, so i have machines for stripping..THOSE machines to a small extent can cross over to stone floors...and to a lesser extent (i think) wood....only in the scrub and recoat, not the full on restoration...

But as of now i dont now what chems to use on them (sealers)...i do know i am NOT using that bridgepoint shit. nor that laminator plus shit either...i want a made for wood type sealer..


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
So Shorty... why not identify the ones you want to learn from the most from your fellow cleaners on this and other boards, and chip in $100 for pizza (versus the $395 ticket for the commercials) and pick their brains for 3 hours on technical know-how. You can even be in the trade show and choose who you want to learn more from (if there is a potential sale involved these exhibitors may buy YOU food instead of the other way around).

Just an idea.... you are coming so far I'm sure some would be happy to hang out with you, versus the other slugs they usually see at a show.


J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
Shorty -

I don't know if Sherman Guffy will do the entire presentation himslef or not. Prochem doesn't share that with me. My guess is that there will be other participants.

Regarding the Interlink sponsored seminar, the topic is supposed to be Commercial Floor Care. I don't know where the switch or miscommunication got made to list it as carpet care.

We feel that commercial area has great potential for independent cleaners. Most large commercial accounts are now being done in-house. However, having the special skills needed to do carpet, wood, stone and so forth is one way a cleaner may get in to these accounts.

The training will share ideas on how to get these large commercial accounts and the basics of commercial wood, stone and carpet care that will help an owner decide if these are a good match for his company to go after.

Of course, we will also try to sell you some product and equipment to get into those lines of work.

If you want to get into the Interlink session, let me know. Maybe I can pull some strings and get you intoto the seminar without paying full price.


Jan 30, 2007
San Diego
Lisa Wagner
scottw said:
Shorty -

I don't know if Sherman Guffy will do the entire presentation himslef or not. Prochem doesn't share that with me. My guess is that there will be other participants.

Regarding the Interlink sponsored seminar, the topic is supposed to be Commercial Floor Care. I don't know where the switch or miscommunication got made to list it as carpet care.

We feel that commercial area has great potential for independent cleaners. Most large commercial accounts are now being done in-house. However, having the special skills needed to do carpet, wood, stone and so forth is one way a cleaner may get in to these accounts.

The training will share ideas on how to get these large commercial accounts and the basics of commercial wood, stone and carpet care that will help an owner decide if these are a good match for his company to go after.

Of course, we will also try to sell you some product and equipment to get into those lines of work.

If you want to get into the Interlink session, let me know. Maybe I can pull some strings and get you intoto the seminar without paying full price.

Scott - are these part of the Connections ticket - or ADDITIONAL classes before/after the main Connections event?



Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
uhhhh why no comment on the trying to weasel their way into lines of work they have no biz??


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Thank you Lisa, Scott & Doug for yout replies.

Networking amongst my peers when I attend Connections, or any courses anywhere, has always given me a lot of valuable information that has not been gained via a class, anywhere.

Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying I don't learn at the classes, just that one learns a lot of other stuff outside, very practical stuff that others have learnt, but is not usually common knowledge dispensed during a course.

I do get a lot of value out of talking with the exhibitors and attendees at Connections and also getting to see a host of different products all in the one spot.

Even from the other slugs that drink my Bundy :wink: :lol:

With this economy, a lot of cleaners are doing it tough, even the new ones just starting up, they may not have the dollars to get into the big money spinners, nor the grey matter to deal with some of the national companies that they'll be going head to head against to win work.

In this case, they usually turn their toes up and close business, or become another "all yer carpet cleaned for $XX.XX" type person.

I would like to see these people have the opportunity to gain an insight into other needy skills that they can implement to keep them afloat, that won't cost the earth.

Things like spotting & dyeing, repairs & leather for instance.

Even the veterans sometimes need a kick in the rear to bring them back to reality and become more viable.

Maybe I need more than one kick :oops:

Can someone please explain in v e r y s i m p l e terms, how the blocks of courses are going to be staged

( On Thursday between 8:30 - 11:45 am, I find a bit confusing.

There are 8 sessions involving restoration techniques.

Are each of these confined to their own room for the three hours, or is one following the other in the same room for about twenty minutes each ??

Also on this day, there are three rug seminars, again, are they in three seperate rooms, or does one follow the other. ?? )



PS ::: Doug, we all have reasons for doing our own thing, we don't have a monopoly on any one thing, as long as what we do, we do well & it is profitable for all concerned, I find nothing wrong in that.
My point was not to stir Interlink for the extras included, but I found the course header misleading in regard to Commercial Carpet Cleaning, of which I am a big fan.

PPS ::: Lisa, they are all part of the Connections program. ... genda.html

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