Yet another prespray thread....


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
I know we all have our favorites for different scenarios...

Mine these days is coming from CCCS called Kleenline.

For those none cali guys its Central California Cleaning Supply.

I picked up another bucket of it last week. Usually fill my HF 3/4 way up with hot water-
then add 3 scoops of Kleenline and about 5-6oz of 40vol. Shake it well and its ready to CLEAN!!!

Works beautiful!!
Try it out!

A this point I'll let Shawn Forsythe tell us more about his product! If he wishes...

No I wasn't paid or given large discounts for this thread.

Oct 7, 2006
Shawn Forsythe
Some might very well say, "what. another chemical line?".... "don't we have enough of them already?"

With the recent turmoil of the volatility of some of the component prices for chemical formulations, and with the resultant price rises of end products, we've seen a lot of customers anxious to try new products in an effort to save money. It's been a bad time to raise prices in a recession. Personally, I've always been an advocate of sticking with what works. What I mean by that is that you have to look at the big picture, not just the price of a product per pound or gallon, but what is the true cost to use the product per square foot, with labor factored in.A dull knife, even if that knife costs nothing, will be an expensive device to try make money with.

A chemical's value should be measured by its own cost, plus the labor costs to implement. This I have always advocated. For the most of my life in this profession (As an R&D person & a Purchasing Agent) , I have had the luxury of having this opinion without compromises.

However, I have leaned over the past few years in my position here at CCCS, dealing directly with customers sometimes, that I now have to think more pragmatic. Not all my customers are going to share my opinions, no matter how what I might try. If a customer wants a product, and his chief discriminating factor is price per pound, you had better be that supplier or lose the business of a market segment.

Recent changes in our company permitted us to openly discuss a practical solution that solves a fundamental question. Can we at CCCS sell a top-tier product, that also has pricing characteristics that fill a longstanding niche of our market that is growing immensely in this economy. Sure, we've tried private labeling, and it works to a small extent. But really, we have the ability with some of recent staff acquisitions to do what really needed to be done, and that is to actually manufacture.... our own formulations.

"Kleenline" was born. Kleenline is not a private labeled brand, but our own top-tier line of chemical formulations that will expand only at the rate we can introduce performance competitive products that meet a very high standard. But as well, the ability to be a manufacturer direct makes the pricing a huge draw.

90 plus percent of our business is walk-in, and the bulk part of our advertising is direct. As such, the products themselves will have a low advertising overhead to further their goal of performance at low cost, with no compromise.

So far, we have:

Kleenline Powdered Carpet Cleaning Emulsifier (Introduced in March)
Kleenline Powdered Carpet Cleaning Preconditioner (Introduced in March)
Kleenline Carpet & Fabric Odor Counteractant Concentrate (Introduced in April)


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Now I know a heck of a lot more about KleenLine too. Thanks Shawn!

Great job with the product!
Oct 7, 2006
Shawn Forsythe
Just a little about the new Odor Neutralizer Counteractant, of which I take some pride.

Kleenline's Odor Counteractant is based on a concentrated compound that works on “contact” to entrap malodor molecules. The active component in the product “surrounds” malodor molecules such as mercaptans, sulfides, amines and certain aldehydes to permanently encapsulate them within the molecular structure of the odor conteractant. The product works phenomenally well on pet type odors, e.g. Urine, Feces, & Vomit.

The fragrance itself in the Kleenline Counteractant is an additive to the basic formulation, and not even considered by us to be an active. Not an active insofar as it would be there to counter any malodor. We had to look at particular fragrances which are compatible with the deodorization characteristics of the active, so it would remain stable for this application. Even then, the odor itself is temporary upon application, lasting only a day or two at most. By then, the counteractant itself has performed it's purpose of actually eliminating the malodor molecule's ability to offend. We describe the fragrance as "Mango-Melon", but to me it is rather non-descript, which is a plus. As well, it is not a strong scent in use concentrations, another plus. The philosophy of the fragrance is as a sales aid, for us and for the applicator. Customers expect that any odor control product is going to have a pleasant aroma, and leave one...even if purposefully temporary. In the end though, customers prefer that all trace odors, even good ones, dissipate before they tire of the new scent you introduced.

The Counteractant must contact the malodor to be effective. The method of application and deployment is very important. Saturation works best, but it is important that as much source contaminatin be removed by prior cleaning. For light odor application and "freshening", the product can be safely added to typical cleaning products used in Hot water extraction or low moisture carpet cleaning methods. There is no use of surfactant to solubulize the fragrance, so any residual is very minimally soil attracting. This is not the case with many fragrance odor products.

When using the product, only minimal safety precautions are needed. Not even incidental skin contact is a real concern. Kleenline Odor Counteractant has no effect on the normal bacterial processes of the skin. Toxicity tests show that it is so safe to use, the active component has found application in the personal care products industry. This is important where a textile often makes skin contact, like carpet and upholstery do.


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
Lyman said:
When are the samples going to be shipped.

Sample... :roll:

Personally I could never tell if a product works or not by trying a tiny bit of sample.

I usually just order a 6lb jar and see after extended use if I like it or not.

We spend more on a half decent dinner then buying a normal jar of chem....unless the brokedick is really a brokedick.


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
Shawn Forsythe said:
Just a little about the new Odor Neutralizer Counteractant, of which I take some pride.

Kleenline's Odor Counteractant is based on a concentrated compound that works on “contact” to entrap malodor molecules. The active component in the product “surrounds” malodor molecules such as mercaptans, sulfides, amines and certain aldehydes to permanently encapsulate them within the molecular structure of the odor conteractant. The product works phenomenally well on pet type odors, e.g. Urine, Feces, & Vomit.

The fragrance itself in the Kleenline Counteractant is an additive to the basic formulation, and not even considered by us to be an active. Not an active insofar as it would be there to counter any malodor. We had to look at particular fragrances which are compatible with the deodorization characteristics of the active, so it would remain stable for this application. Even then, the odor itself is temporary upon application, lasting only a day or two at most. By then, the counteractant itself has performed it's purpose of actually eliminating the malodor molecule's ability to offend. We describe the fragrance as "Mango-Melon", but to me it is rather non-descript, which is a plus. As well, it is not a strong scent in use concentrations, another plus. The philosophy of the fragrance is as a sales aid, for us and for the applicator. Customers expect that any odor control product is going to have a pleasant aroma, and leave one...even if purposefully temporary. In the end though, customers prefer that all trace odors, even good ones, dissipate before they tire of the new scent you introduced.

The Counteractant must contact the malodor to be effective. The method of application and deployment is very important. Saturation works best, but it is important that as much source contaminatin be removed by prior cleaning. For light odor application and "freshening", the product can be safely added to typical cleaning products used in Hot water extraction or low moisture carpet cleaning methods. There is no use of surfactant to solubulize the fragrance, so any residual is very minimally soil attracting. This is not the case with many fragrance odor products.

When using the product, only minimal safety precautions are needed. Not even incidental skin contact is a real concern. Kleenline Odor Counteractant has no effect on the normal bacterial processes of the skin. Toxicity tests show that it is so safe to use, the active component has found application in the personal care products industry. This is important where a textile often makes skin contact, like carpet and upholstery do.

Can you tell us how it compares to Odorcide which is what some of us use now.

What's the dillution ratio?

Can it be added to pre spray while cleaning or it must be applied before or after cleaning?

Price on the pint and gallon containers?

Jul 12, 2008
Send me some prespray samples please and I will include in my prespray test Im doing. Im leaving a carpet strip in front of th office and will put some PS head to head on cleaning.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Great cleaning, nice scent and cheap

I don't buy it because it is cheap I buy it because it is awesome

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
What happened to the 123 guy Greg?

He shipped out all those samples and hung for a while and has now vanished..

Did he not get enough orders?
I think members here like to order stuff from those that help out here on a regular basis.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Shawn, do the chem companies that you sell feel like the advertisers on ***?

I bet CCCS moves a lot of juice, I would think Prochem, Chemspec, CTI and the like are very worried that you'll be pushing you own line over theirs now.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I think he sent so many out and expected to be the next chem king and when it didn't return in the form of orders in 5 minutes he rolled.
He believes in the product and thinks it should just sell itself.

I still use it.
Jul 12, 2008
Greg Crowley said:
I think he sent so many out and expected to be the next chem king and when it didn't return in the form of orders in 5 minutes he rolled.
He believes in the product and thinks it should just sell itself.

I still use it.

It wasnt bad but the orange smell was overwhelming on one job...I think I mixed it right but its kinda of a pain to mix chems before each job.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I always mixed before and during jobs. The heavy ornage smelll was the #3 and I hardly ever even use that


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
I'm tired of all the pre-spray hype. You can only buiy so many brands, and of all I bought lately, there ain't much difference....even with the citrus booster added. I'm going back to mixing my Procyon pre-spray. It allways worked for me on all types of carpet and soil. It's pricey, but the damn stuff works!

gary mackay

Sep 2, 2007
I miss the head rushes I always got from Argosheen. I stopped using it when my wife caught me in the garage sniffing it from a pad soaked in it and said it was her or the argosheen that had to go.
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Jan 9, 2009
I agree Robert - prespray is the least important component of equipment, operator skill and chemical. We stock 8 or so different presprays on the truck at all times but mainly use Cobbs PowerMax. The price is great and its just about as good as anything out there. I haven't done the math but we use around 8 scoops per hydroforce and it probably works out to be around 50 cents per hydroforce - hard to beat! Use Powerburst and Grease Eraser for real nasty jobs. I definitely prefer a powder prespray over a liquid anyday.
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