You keep spare Cimex parts?


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
a belt and set of pad-drivers for a rainy night (eddie rabbit rules).

i'm near always caught unaware, so i bought these a year or 2 back and they still take up room in my van, but i'm ready :)

thanx --- Derek.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
You should keep an extra one of those black plastic elbows used where the feed tube goes into the yellow shroud.

Delicate item for sure.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Been using my Cimex for the past 3-4 years now, Last month when I ordered another case of juice from Ricks place, I asked about a spare belt, I was told they run about 80-100 bucks and they can send them out real fast. Ok with me I have my 175 rotary to back me up if the cimex goes down. Or My bud down in Everett has his I could barrow or visesa versa.

The only thing questionable on my Cimex are my Pad drivers....

My unit seems to eat the center of my tan pad 2-3 times faster than Pats
cimex. this comparison was done last week while we cleaned 30,000 sq ft with the 2 machines. When I changed the pads for the first time on Pats machine I think I found the answer. His pad driver ha a 3" hole in the center.... Mine has a 1/2 in to 5/8th in hole. Mine has a lot more surface area , but the weight is centered right in the center of the pad driver compared to being spread to the outside edges like on Pats machine. Any body else have this problem?/ Did my drivers get a step forgotten during manufacturing??? I mentioned this to Rick last year at Connections but might have said I didn't have a hole after seeing the 3 incher,but Rick said I had to have a hole or the solution feed wouldn't work which is correct.. My solution feed worked... I forgot to follow up on it when I got home. out of site out of mind...till I use the machine and only get 1200 -1500 maybe 2000 sq ft per pad and then the center of the pad is gone, but there is still 1/2 to 2/3 of the pad left on the outside ring.. I got photo's of the differences and I guess I need to send to Rick..

There is only 1 problem with the Cimex. It doesn't like going up or down stairs.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006

your best bet would be to post the pic's over on the Encap forum and we can all take a look at it. there is bound to be someone who has had the same prob.

as far as stairs go, have you been to that forum and seen the pic's i've posted on the large air-filled tires for easier stair navigation?

yea i still gotta order one of the black elbows.

i also ordered a couple sets of the clear plastic caps that you have to remove to clean out the Cimex's plumbing occasionally...ya know the ones on the base? their only a few bucks.

hope this helps --- Derek.

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