Post pad.....who does and why dont you


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
Ron Werner said:
Can save a lot of water by prevac'in the snot out of the carpet first. Reduce your wickbacks tremendously.
I don't have a pad machine so its not an option for me, plus I never wanted one anyway.
The only jobs I could see the use for it would be a commercial berber, glued down or with pad, and it has a ton of soil in it that could never be vacuumed out. The post padding would even out the wicking or remove it.

Vacuuming helps prevent wick backs if you have graphite in the carpets, maybe, but when it's hair, pollen, and dander, wick backs aren't a problem.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
On the occasions where I scrub a carpet it's before the extraction not after. But I do NOT charge extra for scrubbing so the only way I'm going to do it is when it's beneficial to me and on some nasties pre-scrubbing then extracting will actually take less time than just extracting and do a better job. Post padding on the other hand can only take extra time for no benefit for me and marginal benefit to the customer.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
not worth the time on residential, I have test padded residential carpet and it didn't dry any faster then my HWE side of the carpet did, actually took longer to feel dry to the touch and it you prelube the bonnet like you should and it will only absorb so much water I doubt it really works like you say it does

it can be worth it on commercial

Ricky, what happen to you saying OP cleaning rots carpet?

Mikey is right; and don't think there's any better equipment available for cc than a V ! Wish I could afford one!!
it would kick the shit out of that recoil you are so proud of, cost of ownership isn't as bad as you might think
Jul 12, 2008
Doug Cox said:
I don't do it because my dry times are fine and I would rather charge more without doing more work. Amazing Curtis, with 9 years under his belt would pick a fight with guys with 20-25+ years under theirs. Just a punk I guess.

Punk? how is debating someone worthy of calling me a punk....alrighty only a cod sack would call me a punk when Im having a friendly debate till you chimed in ...very uncalled for so Grow TFU..BTW 25 years dont make them smart..may make them more stubborn. :0
Jul 12, 2008
admiralclean said:
It is. It adds a rediculous amount of time to the job, and gives no appreciable drying benefits and little visual benefits.

It's just method masturbation.

If you noticed the other reasons to use it was for wicking and getting that last year on the nasties...yes we were debating on dry time but it has saved us on made alot of custys when do both the combo is a WOW factor.
Jul 12, 2008
meAt said:
C Pennington said:
Whatever..It works for me very well and my custys love it, quicker dry times

well and good, Curt.
have at it if you can get the dough for the extra step/time.
I'm not "anti" post Dobs.

[quote="C Pennington":3fkrlxf1]
less wicking and BTW my wand tech and equipment is way....good.

if wicking is an issue and you have "less" now, I'd argue this point ,

"my wand tech and equipment is way....good"

vEEgs, for crying out loud, for as much as you charge, you HAVE to do something extra, or you'd never get a com prospect to bite.

I'm curious though, while you're twirling that Michelin, do you twirl and keep changing tires til it looks like a gangster white wall?

and where the heck is Dobs, anyway?


So your one of those guys who never has wickback or callback...LMAO..wickbacks happen I dont care who you are or claim..unless you do one job a day and its not dirty.
Jul 12, 2008
Lets see:

Im always right and your wrong even though it works well for you guy

I charge 200.00 a room guy

Coupons dont work guy

Im referal only guy

I clean high end only guy

VLM cleans better than HWE guy

I neeed only one tool In my tool box guy

After watching your cleaning video your wand tech sucks guy or I duuno I never seen you clean but you suck

I have a bigger,hotter more sucky TM guy

Cleaning packages dont work guy

My van you could eat off the floor guy

Ive been doing this longer so Im always right guy

Ive never had a wickback guy

Ive never had a callback guy

Ive tried it it sucks and if you like it you suck

I cant prove it but I know Im right guy

If your not certified you cant be doing it right guy

These boards are simply full of them keyboard cowboys who know it all which makes good,bad and ugly............

I started a thread awhile back on satisfaction "guaranteed" and it was started as an example how stupid a custy can be. I ot accused/asked how I did it, what did you say...for crying outloud how did it get spinned this way?..unbelievable. Same way here try it, if works for you fine and if it dont ...dont start accusing me how I dont clean right and dont need it. I run 5 trucks fulltime we must be doing something right. Yes I charge more when i post pad my customer like it so what is wrong with that? This one reason I quit posting on the boards 2 years ago...lot of people full of sheetttt...But I missed the good people so I came back and I do enjoy finding out about modifying your TM, new tools/toys and chems. Anyway I off my soapbox now If I offended you I apologize but dont attack me and accuse and call me names...that is not what this board is for..I dont mind debating.......and the debate wuz about dry time and we were having fun with that but it turned to something else..why I dont know. Ok if Im wrong with the dry time fine butI feel it works for us....and the other benefits with wicking on berbers and nasty commercial is very valuable.. that is one two punch that is awesome and cant be matched.

Disclaimer I am alittle pissy cuz my Noles got the butts kicked last night.
Jul 12, 2008
admiralclean said:
Well, well ... have I just read my first post from a Floridian that is not an idiot?

According to who you?..Joey Im sorry I wouldnt take that as a compliment from a bama peckerwood.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
C Pennington said:
So your one of those guys who never has wickback or callback...LMAO..wickbacks happen I dont care who you are or claim..unless you do one job a day and its not dirty.

honest to God, Curt, we have very few wickbacks.
Never have in 19 years. maybe a dozen or so.
99.9% of those were our fault, either due to faulty jets or valves , leaky sprayers and pi$$ poor (or lazy) technique.

It should be noted, I started with a drag wand, so when I dumped the DW soon after and went to a scrub wand, I never was a "saw away" chop stroking cleaner.
Which is why i think many have wicking and excessive dry times.
(especially on berbers and trashed com)

lets be clear though, "wicking" as i understand it, occurs during the drying and shows up the next day.
That's not the same as "recurring" spots/spills that show back up a week or month latter.

I know many (most?) have wicking issues.
Other wise Ricky Cimex wouldn't of risen to stardom.
speaking of encRap sCampoo, the worst wicking issues I ever had was when I tried scrub'n run encRap on a soiled com...go figger..

but like I said, if post Dobs works for you, and you're getting paid for the added step,(or keeping custy retention at at all time high)
well and good



Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
You'll have to forgive Curtis. He lives in Panama City Florida. For those of you who aren't from this area, folks who live in Panama City Florida come wired differently. I think it's all the illegal drug, alcohol and sin they grow up using, abusing and living in. It screws with the mind.

I'm sure he's also a huge Nascar fan

And lives in a double wide.

PS Nothing wrong with the double wide.
Jul 12, 2008
admiralclean said:
You'll have to forgive Curtis. He lives in Panama City Florida. For those of you who aren't from this area, folks who live in Panama City Florida come wired differently. I think it's all the illegal drug, alcohol and sin they grow up using, abusing and living in. It screws with the mind.

I'm sure he's also a huge Nascar fan

And lives in a double wide.

PS Nothing wrong with the double wide.

Nascar...yeah right...dbl wide...try again...LOL
Sep 3, 2007
Victoria, BC
Bill Soukoreff
steve frasier said:
not worth the time on residential, I have test padded residential carpet and it didn't dry any faster then my HWE side of the carpet did, actually took longer to feel dry to the touch and it you prelube the bonnet like you should and it will only absorb so much water I doubt it really works like you say it does

it can be worth it on commercial

Ricky, what happen to you saying OP cleaning rots carpet?

Mikey is right; and don't think there's any better equipment available for cc than a V ! Wish I could afford one!!
it would kick the shit out of that recoil you are so proud of, cost of ownership isn't as bad as you might think

Rickie keeps saying that over and over again about encapsulation. I think the Recoil sucked out some brain matter.


Oct 7, 2006
There may be "some" benefit on olefin gluedown, but you are gonna have to do more than show me a gray michelin over 300 sq. ft. before you convince me.
Of course most of my guys run something in their rinse, not just soft water....could it be they are cleaning more soil?

As for Drying, this may have been a truth back in the day, and indeed Porty users could use any benefit avail. to tehm to compete, but I must say with the volume of 2.5" conversions, guys are parking the post bonnet routine cause they just aren't seeing gray pads very often, and it's dry fast regardless.

In fact, with a hole glide, olefin berbers dry the best.

Got holes?


Dec 18, 2006
Do you think post padding would have made a difference?
Carpet was dry in 30 minutes. Airpaths. No post padding.No wicking.

And those are shadows.....



Dec 18, 2006
Just trying to help.
I personally don't see a benefit to post padding after HWE.
Everyone has their own way of doing things and that's fine.
The only thing that matters is the end results and your customers happiness.



Dec 18, 2006
Do you actually read a whole post before you reply?
Read the post again. Shadows........Duh....



Oct 7, 2006
admiralclean said:
This argument was regarding the drying benefits of post padding, Mellon. Not if it removed more soil.

Having said that, let me ask you this, can you SEE a benefit from the extra soil that is removed (on the carpet, not the pad) by post padding?

If not, then it's just more method masturbation ... and the 13th step in your "process."

Hey, Mr Doofus, Bama Logic, do you suppose that the soil removed by post padding was dry soil ? or possible WET soil?

So obviously if the process removes soil it also removes moisture and reduces dry times.

Maybe, just maybe Curtis has the brains to be using absorbent cotton pads while you've been using STOOPIE synthetic Pads and wonder why nothin happened.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama

Listen buddy, I know you're hurting, but if you would just come up with something ... anything ... that would pass as test results regarding the "protector tests" you were trying to hard to impress everyone with at MF, you wouldn't have to chase me around the boards trying to be relevant.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
Do you think post padding would have made a difference?
Carpet was dry in 30 minutes. Airpaths. No post padding.No wicking.

And those are shadows.....

Do you actually read a whole post before you reply?
Read the post again. Shadows........Duh....


what you call shadow I call streaks, looks like there are 3 different wand streaks, I can see a shadow in the upper right hand corner of the picture

I read it but really don't believe you but you know pictures are a funny thing. You could show that same picture with maybe a chair mat still on the floor. Carpet looks clean in the photo but if you pulled the chair mat you would see that is wasn't.

So maybe it is just a light reflection thing going on but it you had put a cotton pad to it you might have changed the appearance of the carpet enough that your shadow wouldn't be there

that is the thing about op & encap cleaning, you could OP a carpet and wipe it with a white towel and the towel will pull dirt but the carpet will look great but if you had HWE cleaned it and wiped the carpet with the towel and the towel pulled no soil, it still might not look as good but would be clean

so sorry Joe but if you didn't do any of those things, you didn't say you did, then I call it dirty :shock:

carpet looks good in this photo along the edges of the mat where it was cleaned but if you pull the mats then you would see a different story

ran a cotton pad over it when done with a glided OP machine and it pulled more soil

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I was thinking of the whole post pad thing but now I just go 2.5 to the wand with the high flow jets and I think it would a waste of time here is the one I did sat..



Here's some more:



This job was for a landlord that lives out of town and the person that deals with her properties told her that those carpets needed to be replaced! She told him "have Keith clean them and we will see"..

I really didn't want to post this untill I checked to make sure it dried alright but I went there today and it looks just how I left it.

The last tenant/ animal that lived there was there for 5 years.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Oh, by the way I only use a carpet brush to agitate!
Jul 12, 2008
Able 1 said:
Oh, by the way I only use a carpet brush to agitate!

Now run a clean pad will be surprised they is some dirt left. This was proven at summerfest awhile back when dodaddy HWE demo carpet and John G Op'ed after him.....needless say doodaddy wuz surprised that his pad still showed dirt especially after Duano claimed how clean it was.
Nice job btw but if you think its all gone its not. Post pad it will pu that last little dirt left...and that is a fact. BUtsometimes when I post pad the pad is barely dirty< I do think its do to fact I went 700 psi and 2" wand with a GG...but when I do a severe nasty there is no doubt Im glad I post padded.

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