3 weeks.........

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
3... MotherF'en weeks and I still don't have a part I ordered.............

first I was told...It's a prochem part and I know where I can get it......I will have it for you in a few days....

then the normal brush off....its not in yet....

called today...and was told the guy at Sapphire is on vacation and he does not know the part number yet to order it....

WTF.....one guy at Sapphire goes on Vacation and I am supposed to believe that the entire Fking industry is shutting down...........

I have never ever seen so many fking incompatent people in a industry in my life...........

I am beginning to think that Bristor was correct for dumping everyone and making people deal with him direct.... and companies like Sapphire and such needs to follow his lead and cut out the middle man and stop forcing us to deal with the shit for brains middle man............

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Thank you Jim. I just keep an inventory of spare parts because of the utter incompetence of the supply chain. And the shittiest part is thePARENT company claiming it's a distributor issue.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
3-weeks is damn for ever when your unit is down. What part is it Jim? No other sources for it?

Machine is not down...it is that orifice and fitting for the thermal wave....I took a part off my secound Hoss so I could keep it going....Its not the right part and I had to rig the thing but it has kept me running....I have a few very big jobs coming up and I am going to need both rotaries and so I need to put it back together.....


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
3... MotherF'en weeks and I still don't have a part I ordered.............

first I was told...It's a prochem part and I know where I can get it......I will have it for you in a few days....was it your supplier you dealt with??? prochem number for a sapphire unit???

then the normal brush off....its not in yet....

called today...and was told the guy at Sapphire is on vacation and he does not know the part number yet to order it...so in 3 weeks nobody else got the part number?? or it wasnt even called in

WTF.....one guy at Sapphire goes on Vacation and I am supposed to believe that the entire Fking industry is shutting down...........

I have never ever seen so many fking incompatent people in a industry in my life...........just the supplier??? or did the mfg screw the pooch to???

I am beginning to think that Bristor was correct for dumping everyone and making people deal with him direct.... and companies like Sapphire and such needs to follow his lead and cut out the middle man and stop forcing us to deal with the shit for brains middle man............while people may have issues with him....he does have a point.....

lol very funny

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Worst case run the hoss without the orifice and use the needle valve. Will this not work?

thats what I do anyway...........I just need the fitting part......that's not the point......no one should have to wait 3 fking weeks for a part.......that's just total BS....

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Your talking about your tempature balance orifice? I'm guessing by what your posting...they are in stock...and even if I didn't have it I have a themal wave 2 just sitting here until we can get to it so we can list it. You wouldn't have waited more then the two days it takes to get to you sorry...and no Bristor isn't right he is a loon...you just need to call people that tell the truth and care and understand and make it a priority to keep you up and running. Don't blame the whole industry because you called the wrong people..just thought I'd point that out :) now if you don't have it Monday call TW and you will have it Wednesday unless you want it overnight.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin

I did not call anyone....the guy said he knew where to get it and offered to order me one.....from that point...there was no need for me to have to hunt one down......

your good at what you do John.......but just like the majority of the bad cleaners make the good ones look bad........it goes the same with other parts of this industry......

no worries.problem solved...a new one was on my door step yesterday......shame it had to come to this to get it...............

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Im glad you got it handled :) we are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but we take you being down just as serious as you do. I have lost count how many sleepless nights not only myself but TW has had over customers machines not running and being at the mercy of the manufacturer either getting parts to us or in helping us find the "ghost". Sorry you had to wait for a part that is or should be on everyone shelf. We don't have everything but a temperature balance orifice is standard as they get lost all the time when the owner cleans them.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
being at the mercy of the manufacturer either getting parts to us or in helping us find the "ghost".

And that right there is the point.....

add on that the screwy distys that suck ass in 1 way or another... You may not be in that fold, or 1 or 2 jon-don places, or interlink across the country, and yes if you get along with him...Bristor...(just cuz you dont doesnt mean you have to be pissy, there are plenty that do)

but yes there is larger group that suck....and thats the case for damn near every type of biz out there....some wendys are good, and some suck...etc etc
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Wow Doug, why are you all of a sudden kissing Bristor ass? You know he will find out how you really feel about him and then. NO SOUP FOR YOU. Just because you posted that to me won't keep the truth from him. He is wicked sneaky..probably part of his neurosis...with that said we are all still human, you judge a man not by his mistakes but by how he responds when he does and so the same applies to a business. Lord knows I make my share everyday...glad that most people never see them...

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Sorry John - I'm sure that your a nice guy and everything and would do their best to help the cleaner, but your credibility to on some water with the Warrior contradictory posts and the liquid slurry crap.Inferring that I was ultimately "mistaken" soured me. Spending time defending what is often outright often mismanaged things from the mother ship rings pretty hollow.

I'm just calling them as I saw them and as they happened to me.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Excuse me? I think our blinded by your need to make someone pay for what your feel is a slight to you. Your issues are with you and your supplier. I was pretty clear I would have given you a new bucket and moved on. Your supplier on the other hand chose different for reason I'm sure you know and frankly unless they want to come open that can with you I'm staying out of. As for the motor on the ninja at the time you had issues it was your supplier again that handled that. My customers got new motors under warranty once it was 100% confirmed there as an issue with the motor. Which by the way is NOT made by century 400. So your need to try to drag me into YOUR issues is not only unfair but down right wrong and needs to stop Willy. I don't sell them to you and have no control over fixing them and frankly if this is how you treat someone that dont even have a dog in the fight then I can understand why your supplier doesn't want to help you. You need to look in the mirror if you want someone to blame.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
AFTER I posted the problems I was having, this gem came from you-

Re: The Worst POS porty?
Man that sucks Willy. I have 20 or more running around here and not a single problem. Either you got a bad one and your supplier has dropped the ball or......either way I have sent this post to the appropriate folks and you should be hearing from someone soon.

Again Im sorry to hear this willy and the main folks are now aware of your issues and will be contacting you asap. I have sold quite a few of the new Ninja's and I have a porty company that is a century 400 disty (long story) that has a dozen or more that get packed in the back of cars and trucks and ran by guys that have no clue how to clean carpets and none of them have had the issues you have had. I'm not trying to minimize your issues as you have lost a considerable amount of money in down time. I do not know your distributor nor who his rep is but I know who I have contacted and something will be done soon.

I'm not trying to ruin your business John, as I said, I think you're a good guy and would have dealt with my issues properly, somewhat misguided on this issue, but a good person. but maybe YOU need to look in the mirror, because your reponses were, well, lacking and absolutely not what was happening I've found out (after the fact) . I'm probably not alone with wondering why the defense if this was happening - unless the water in Utah has a unique chemistry. BTW - Not a soul contacted me. It was easier to sweep it under the rug than deal with it. I'm really interested in the "new and improved edition" which I will give a complete review on after arrival ( if and when it finally comes), 3 months in, 6 months in and a year in. No sugar coating, no bull, just exactly what happens in that year. I expect there will be some problems as it's a mechanical piece of equipment, but I'm hoping they won't be as fast and frequent.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Willy at the time not a single motor had a problem. Not a Single one. So my statemnet for the time is 100% accurate. Ill have to check dates but it wasn't long after maybe 3-6 months after that we started seeing the 500 psi motors go. We replaced them and they went to. That's when Century 400 realized the Motors were the issue and they stopped putting them in and put out and "upgrade" kit. Again It is your supplier that should have helped you and would have I'm sure if not for the issues that I'm not going to get it I the middle of. You know what your issues are with them and why they don't want to help you. you need to stop trying to drag me into it. We have 0 absolutely 0 to do with your problems. I have never and will never "tow" anyone's line for ANY reason and to even hint at that is seriously offensive willy as my decisions to not bend to the will of the manufacturer has cost our company money. My integrity and my word are worth more then money so again you need to stop attacking my integrity.

Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Lordy John, ALL I DID WAS REPOST WHAT YOU POSTED. If you think it's an "attack" so be it. It's not an attack, but seriously look at how much you defend your supplier in both cases where I've had issues.Think how that comes across to me. You paint me as the bad guy? Huh? No, I'm nothing but a painfully honest guy that calls it as I see it and post what the commentary there was at the time so it sees some sunlight.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Context willy and you know it....your trying to paint a picture.....and it is a ugly one get over it. Your pissed I get it..you pissed off your supplier and he won't help you...I get it...I'm not your supplier so leave me the f' out of it and stop trying to turn the truth at the time into something different then what it is...get over it and leave me out of your vendetta...
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Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
NO John, I'm not trying to paint a picture, but you told me I was full of shit, politely. However, that wasn't the fact as it washed out and I find out years later there was a problem. I can't understand how there was 20 out there and not any issues, but weirder things have happened.I'm a flatout straight shooter that doesn't like my integrity questioned and that bothered me a lot. I think you're probably one of the best suppliers here with regards to customer service and the realization the success your customer achieves is shared with you. I guess in thus case a difference in opinion and interpretation has happened.

I want to thank you for trying to step in as an intermediary, it's just too bad higher up didn't recall/replace/contact or even acknowledge there was a problem.Blurs a man's vision.
I really like the design, as I can pack everything in with one trip,fits and rolls easily into the van. doesn't blow breakers usually, etc., it was just the components have, or had (hopefully), an early expiry date.As the new one dies off, I'll transplant the guts to what I want and wish I could input a design team.:errf:.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Ok first thanks Willy. Let me make this absolutely clear one last time. I would have given you a new bucket of slurry. The issues you have with your supplier between them and you. Prochem let's the supplier make that decision. Right wrong or indifferent you need to settle that with the supplier it was their determination that decided the outcome not Prochem. It is why Prochem has suppliers. If you believe the supplier lied to Prochem then you can address that with Glen Wilson. You can call him or visit with him at any trade show. Next the machine at the time had zero issues that I was aware of and for whatever reason your supplier again didn't have your back for whatever reason. They make the determination. When later my customers with the 500 psi machines started having issues I made sure they were covered under warranty even for the machines out of warranty. Sorry if I didn't remember to come back and say hey willy you was right the motor was a POS but remember Century 400 (not Prochem different company under the same umbrella but not the same people running it) has to rely on the distributor to tell them what's wrong. And make in the field judgements. You wouldn't even believe what people try to blame on the machine. Until the same issue happens over and over and the manufacturer not century 400 says yes all these pumps that have come back (And you MUST send it back) are bad and it is our fault then Century 400's hands are tied as well. They can't just give out motors because someone says its bad. I know you know what your talking about but remember these folks rely on the distributor to tell them what's going on and then they have to have the part to send back to the manufacturer and then they have to accept responsibility. None of that a an attack on your integrity, it is how things are done with every company. Do you know I don't get reimbursed on most warranties until months later? I am supposed to charge for the part and service then reimburse the customer if it is covered. I personally don't do that unless I'm 90% sure it is the customers fault and that most likely it will be denied.our guys are pretty damn good at telling whose responsibility the failure is and I will go to war on their word alone..
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Willy P

Oct 2, 2007
Willy P
Thanks John. I haven't bought squat from the supplier since this and the Slurry BS was the final straw. I'm not alone in feeling this way about them, but to be fair, we see a label and that's what we believe we bought. The downside is it screws the good guys. There is no mechanism beyond the distributor's word and that's pretty sad. Do distributors refuse what should be done? In this case , I fully believe so. I know the parent company doesn't pay the labour rate I do and there's no parts mark up so the motivation is there to refuse the warranty claim. It would behoove both companies to, at the very least, investigate a little more. It comes across as a main contractor not taking responsibility for a messed up carpet, claiming it was his sub contractor that blew it. That type of policy drives the honest end user nuts.

I still love ya brother!:biggrin:
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
Nope not kissing his ass.....we had a little misunderstanding, I stood my ground and then it was over..

He has got me my stuff on time, hasnt mischarged me, allowed me to use that cfm meter, swapped out those filters...

Just because YOU and a few others have had unresolved issues, wether by his choice or yours.

Does NOT give you the right to throw a generalized blanket over it...

there were teachers I absolutely hated, while other kids loved.....

same with people in general...I think they are plain ass-holes, and yet others think they are the greatest people......does that mean i should talk shit on them???

Personally, after a little while i get tired of the games....shit are we back in the 5th grade???? told foster as much to.....

everyone of you that has issues with the other sides...doesnt matter who, or what it is or about....should just try to STFU about things for about 3 mths......

whoever does might just find, they have a slightly better attitude in general....

me only having about 15 min a day to skim through things, has been better for me all the way around....

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
I hear ya Doug :) I have a great attitude :) Just ask my wife.... LOL wait never mind don't do that.......I'll not bust your balls about nutzo...hard to relay the sarcastic humor...Wasn't meant to be serious and yes I'm at fault at being a dick for throwing you under the bus with Joe for that post. Better he not know so you can keep buying shit cheap from him sorry :) By the way I picked up some of these this weekend. http://www.diversey.com/2009grr/customers/8/d/ they any good and are you interested? 2 used ones and 1 new one in the box with lots of extra new parts

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