A titillating business article from our New Global Mod

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
First things first.

You have to know what you're selling. Any question that a current client, or potential client can ask you about your product(s) you only a split second to give them an answer. If you wait too long, they lose interest, and my not think you know anything about it.

Secondly, you have to have confidence in your product(s). Know that its the best you can offer your client, and this will take you far. Having confidence, also shows you know a lot about it. Any you can give that cocky salesmen attitude to sell your product(s).

Use scripted speech. This is so very important to make sure that everyone across the board is repeating the same thing back to the client. It causes less confusion, and shows strength in your organization, that you are true pioneers of your field.

If you say you're the best, than be the best. Look at what the competition is doing and do it one step better. But don't try to provide the impossible. Take it one step at a time. There is no such thing as an absoulute final product, because there are always ways of making it better. This also ties into the scripted speech portion. Literally write out script to what is to be said in certain situations, and follow it.

Create systems and organized programs. This will not only ease the stress on employees, but those in management positions as well. Having a stict company protocol for every operation is important. Thing will run smoother, with less error and with high profitabilty. Create systems for your clientele as well. Make it easier for them to receive the best product. Whether it be actually something physical you're giving them, for them to use. Or if its a service, give them the best service experience possible!

Provide a guarantee. This is probably one of the most important parts of all. No body wants to buy something whether it be product or service, that isn't guaranteed. Even if its a limited one, it still means you're standing behind your work, and are willing to make sure things are right for your client. Sometimes its not always our fault, but as the saying goes "the customer is always right." This is so true, whether they messed up, still back them up to a certain degree. This will create a huge revenue with repeat business.

And probably the most important of all. Follow up, follow up, follow up! It still ceases to amaze me how much business is lost, and how much we lose in revenues due to not following up. Its just as simple as a phone call. Remember, we all have busy lives, and I hate to say it, but we're all not as important to our clients. They don't like us, as much as we do. But have the attitude that we like them. Which we should!... they're the ones that are paying our salaries. A lot of people will ask you to follow up, just to test you, to see if you actually will. The sad part is, the majority of salesmen don't. And therefore lose hundreds and thousands and thousands because of it. Remember its just a simple little 5 maybe 10 minute phone call. If they don't seem interest, follow up with them in a month.

Do not be pushy! This along with follow up, are the leading causes to a loss of sale. No body wants to feel pressured into buying something. So just respect their wishes. If they're feeling "iffy" about it, follow up in a month or two. It gives them that little tap on the shoulder that tells them "Hey, remember me just letting you know I'm here to serve you. Usually a piece of mailing really does the trick. It puts you in the back of their mind.


Not always is EVERYONE your demographic. Find the niche or demographic you want to see to, and then hit it hard, and get your information out there. Be educational. Show them a need to have what you have to offer. Don't show them that they want it, show them how they need it. Human Psychology, and Emotion are huge in sales. Touch that spot in them that makes them say "Yeah my life would be easier, or better having your product, or allowing you to render your service. Spend that extra money on that glossier brochure, or that glossy flyer. It really grabs the eyes and makes people think "Wow what do they have to offer"

Thank You,

Steven Hoodlebrink

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
How come when I post crap like this in the clean room it gets moved to the marketing and beezwax room??
I need to be in control of my life Gawdamnit!
oh you all just suck.
But I concur.

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
I made it about half way through and I had to cut and run. *yawn*. And what the hell is a global moderator?


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Marty, Marty, MARTY

Inappropriate thread




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