bitter cold

SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
How do you guys keep your hoses and stuff from freezing? i have a box truck and i run a heater in it. But today i couldnt do a job because the hoses froze (i guess at the fittings) almost instantly as i was setting them up. even my wands froze in the truck in the 10 minutes that the door was open. And i even rushed to set them up quickly.
May 12, 2007
Bay City, MI
When it starts pushing the 10 degree mark it's a grab shoot if things are going to freeze out on the job. It all depends on the wind.

I have cleaned at 5 degrees with no wind and my hose did not freeze.
I have cleaned in 15 degree weather with a windchill pushing 0 and the fittings froze.

when the van is in the shop (not heated) I can let it get down to 25 with out anything freezing or having any damage to anything that did freeze. (did that last winter on vacation.)

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Warm up the unit prior to leaving your home.
1. to get you a jump start on heat 2. just to make sure it will start.

Keep doors closed down as much as possible to keep direct winds from blowing through the truck.

Start the unit upon arrival, the very last thing you do is run your solution hoses. Then keep it flowing.

NEVER drag the quick disconnects through snow, they will freeze easily.

You should be fine down to single digits.

Blue Monarch

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Lincoln, NE
Dirk Wingrove
I hear ya. The triggers on my wand and HF froze the other day. I'm a rookie in this weather.

I better ride along with ladwig. May not help though. He's probably just shampooing all day.

Fred Homan

Oct 7, 2006
Try putting some foam pipe wrap from Menards around the Qd's. Tape them on so they will not slip off.

Fon Johnson

Oct 15, 2006
Richard Chavez said:
Dirk I thought you lived in that weather before?

Living in that weather and cleaning with a truck mount in that weather are two different things. I have had the wand freeze before I could get it in the house too, and I live in the south.


Oct 7, 2006
It really helps a lot to blow the water out of your wand and hand tools before leaving your shop. Use an air-compressor to blow water out of all of your solution lines. Do as Richard said above, keep out of the wind and it's pretty easy. We have cleaned at temps below minus 30 - it can be done but you MUST follow the program - no room for mistakes.

Once inside and cleaning, have a quick connect at hand so that you can have a small amount of water flowing from your solution line, back down your vac hose for whenever you have to stop for a few minutes, moving furniture or whatever.

It warmed up to - 32 today, here.

SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
Yeah this is my first real winter doing this. We started the company almost 2 years ago, but we werent really busy last year. It sucks. i had my porty in the back of the truck too, I hope the pump didnt freeze or anything.


Oct 18, 2007
We have been running into this weather all week. Saturday, the temp in Omaha was -1 (minus one) with a wind-chill of -18. Coldest day yet.

We went out anyway. It helps if all your stuff is warmed-up. We have a van, so its not like your box-truck, in that we can use the van heater to keep things warm.

Our chemical meter froze while we were setting up. poured hot water over it and stuck the feed tube in a gallon of hot water till it was drawing hot water & broke up the slush. all this while we were freezing our asses of. you could have snapped our ears off like they were potato chips.

Got thru it ok.

Keep the doors CLOSED. If you have to run inside, even for a minute, close up your truck. once the machine is running, it should help to keep other things from freezing.

What we do is bring it all inside first. hoses, wands, everything. We dont walk, we jog to the front door.

Solution line has to be the 1st in the house, let it warm-up in the entryway. once you are all set up, take the end of your solution line & RUN to the truck, hit your trigger and you should be fine.

The trick we have learned is it really doesnt matter what the temp is outside. It matters how cold or warm your truck is BEFORE you begin that morning. If its already close to freezing in your truck, an open door in the wind can screw you in less than 5 min.

A warmer truck is more forgiving and will buy you time to set up.

Blue Monarch

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Lincoln, NE
Dirk Wingrove
Being ignorant on this whole thing, how do you go about blowing the water out of the lines? Special connectors on the compressor line that fit the solution line and wand???

steve r

Feb 12, 2007
dirk, hook a fitting to an air hose and put a fitting on the other end with nothing hooked to it. you can do something similar coming off the tank too to clear your whole system on some tms.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
guess a warm TM would have a harder time heating a box as compared to a standard cargo van.

More insulation in the box and a bigger heater?
I'm ASSuming your running run that gets it's heat from the heater radiator hoses?
Essentially a heater core and 12vt blower.

do as the others suggested.
TM pre-warmed up,
start it up again when you get to your first job,
doors closed except when grabbing gear.
solution line inside the home.
pre-spray, set up and be ready to flow.
If you work along, plug a naked QD into your sol line, open the shut off valve and put in the vac hose.
Now hustle the other end to the TM, plug it in and turn on the pump.
(don't forget to hook up vac hose)
Now the water will be flowing and give you all the time you need to get back in the home



Oct 8, 2006
My box truck is better at retaining heat than my van was. Must be the foam core walls and the wood floor because there just ain't no other explanation.

However, I froze up my solution line today too. Then proceeded to freeze my ass off standing in the wind waiting for the drip of water coming out of the line to turn into a stream. Only took about a half hour, LOL.


Oct 8, 2006
12 degrees here. I can live with that. This morning was absolutely BRUTAL! The wind drove that cold into you so hard, there was no place to hide. I moved all around the truck trying to get out of the wind but it just seemed to get worse, LOL.

Luckily, my TM exhaust comes right out the side of the truck. I can stand in front of it to warm up but eventually it will burn "the boys" because it is at just the right height.

SRI Cleaning

May 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Anthony Firmani
Yeah dan its a pain in the ass.

Meat, i dont have a heater run off the van. i think you may be right. The van stays warm with the electric heat, but maybe it is getting near freezing when i drive and then freezing up right away as i start to work.

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
First fill your holding tank with hot water. Get the inside of your van as hot as possible before you arrive at the job, a space heater in the morning going full blast, and running your heat full blast as you drive. It's so hot I can't wear my winter coat and fleece top until I get out. Circulate your solution line back into your holding tank to heat up the line, bring in all your stuff at once as quickly as possible with the hot solution line coming in last and seal up the door to minimize heat loss (I use a large hooded winter coat hanging from the top of the door and my fleece over the door knobs). Make sure your truck is sealed up with the hoses going through the security access slot. As for working outside in this weather it's not bad for you in the least. Here is an article from the NYT that debunks some myths: (The last line says it all) :

Too Cold to Exercise? Try Another Excuse
Published: January 17, 2008
JULIA HENSLEY, a 41-year-old artist, got a taste of bitter cold a decade ago when she spent a winter living on a glacier near Seward, Alaska. Typical winter temperatures were 10 to 15 degrees below.

“The first time it got really cold, I was scared of it,” Ms. Hensley said. “My instinct was to get a stack of books and curl up beside the wood stove.”

But a boyfriend persuaded her to go out anyway, to cross-country ski or snowshoe for hours in deep snow. He taught her, she said, that as long as she kept moving, she would be fine.

It was a conclusion — that extreme cold can be safe for exercisers — that runs contrary to conventional wisdom. But in fact, said John W. Castellani, an exercise physiologist at the Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, it turns out that even though cold can be frightening, more people are injured exercising in the heat than exercising in the cold.

Dr. Castellani was lead author of a 2006 position paper from the American College of Sports Medicine on exercising in the cold.

“The big question was, ‘Is it ever too cold?’” Dr. Castellani said. “The answer is no. People go to the poles, people are out there when it’s minus-50 degrees, people do incredible things, and safely. There really isn’t a point where you can tell people it is not safe anymore.”

Dr. Timothy Noakes, an exercise physiologist at the University of Cape Town in South Africa who was a reviewer of that position paper, even supervised a swimmer, Lewis Gordon Pugh, who swam 1 km or (.62 miles) in 19 minutes at the North Pole last July, in water that was between 29 and 32 degrees.

The problem with exercising in the cold, exercise physiologists say, is that people may be hobbled by myths that lead them to overdress or to stop moving, risky things to do.

Some worry that cold air will injure their lungs or elicit asthma symptoms. Or they are convinced that they are more susceptible to injury when it is cold and that they have to move more slowly — forget about sprinting or running at a fast clip.

But lungs are not damaged by cold, said Kenneth W. Rundell, the director of respiratory research and the human physiology laboratory at Marywood University in Scranton, Pa. No matter how cold the air is, by the time it reaches your lungs, it is body temperature, he explained.

Some people complain that they get exercise-induced asthma from the cold. But that sort of irritation of the respiratory tract is caused by dryness, not cold, Dr. Rundell said. “Cold air just happens not to hold much water and is quite dry,” he said. You’d have the same effect exercising in air that was equally dry but warm.

Dr. Rundell and Tina Evans, a Ph.D. candidate, showed this a few years ago in a study designed to dispel what Dr. Rundell called the myth that cold air can induce asthma. Volunteers with exercise-induced asthma, whose airways tended to narrow after exercise in the cold, breathed cold air or room temperature air that was equally dry. Their airways narrowed in response to the dryness of the air, not its temperature, Dr. Rundell said.

People with this problem should see a respiratory specialist and take medication when they exercise in dry air, Dr. Rundell said. And, he added, “you might want to use a balaclava,” so your exhaled breath can moisten the air you breathe.

Another myth is that you have to acclimatize to cold, just as you do to heat. It’s true that peoples’ bodies adapt to hot weather and that adaptation makes people feel better when they exercise in the heat. It also improves performance. With heat adaptation, you sweat more profusely, your sweat is less salty and your blood volume increases.

But exercise physiologists find only modest adaptation to cold. The body’s main responses to cold — constricting blood vessels near the skin, shunting blood to the body’s core and shivering — do not improve if you spend more time in the cold. Nor are the physically fit any better at adaptation than the sedentary.

“Right now, we’re not sure if there is any degree of habituation,” said Robert Kenefick, a research physiologist at the Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine.

Of course there are hazards like frostbite and hypothermia, which occurs when the body’s core temperature drops too low.
Dr. Noakes said that during Mr. Pugh’s North Pole swim, hypothermia was a real concern. Hypothermia can happen suddenly in icy water, with the swimmer’s core temperature plummeting, and the fear was that Mr. Pugh might pass out and sink before he could be rescued. Mr. Pugh, an experienced cold-water swimmer, was wearing a device to monitor his temperature, but nonetheless, Dr. Noakes was “petrified,” he said.

The biggest risk of hypothermia comes with a combination of wet and cold. That is because water transfers heat from the body 70 times more efficiently than air.

Hypothermia begins to set in when the body’s core temperature falls to 95 degrees. That elicits shivering and a rise in blood pressure. But if your temperature drops to 85, you lose consciousness, and if it goes much lower, you can die. The trick to avoiding hypothermia is to keep moving, Dr. Noakes said. “As long as you keep moving you are not going to die because you generate so much heat.”

One mistake winter exercisers make is wearing too much clothing. You don’t want to sweat profusely because you overdressed.

“You should feel cool before you start exercising,” Dr. Castellani said. “You should not feel comfortable.”

That means, Dr. Noakes said, that even in temperatures as low as 10 to minus-20 degrees, a runner probably needs to wear no more than a track suit, mittens or gloves and a hat.

The other major concern, frostbite, can come on fast, as my running partner Jennifer Davis, 37, discovered about a decade ago. It starts when the skin’s temperature drops to 82 degrees and you feel an area of skin is becoming really cold. At a skin temperature of 68 degrees, the skin starts to hurt. It may tingle or burn or ache or you may feel a sharp pain. When the skin’s temperature falls to 50 degrees, it feels numb. And when the skin’s temperature reaches 27 degrees, the skin freezes. The result is frostbite.

Ms. Davis got frostbite when she went out for a run early in the morning on a cold, windy day with temperatures in the teens. She ran for about an hour wearing a baseball cap. Her ears hurt for a while, then the pain went away.

She took off a glove to touch her ears so she could find out just how cold they were. To her shock, one of her ears cracked. “It was sort of like semi-frozen meat,” she recalled.

When she got home, she was horrified by her red and swollen ear. An ear, nose and throat specialist diagnosed frostbite and told her that her ear would be sensitive to the cold for the rest of her life.

He was wrong, though. The ear was red and stuck out for weeks, but it healed. Now, Ms. Davis said, she can’t even remember whether it was her right or left ear. But ever since, she has worn a hat that covers her ears when she runs in the cold.

As for Ms. Hensley, the woman who lived in Alaska one winter, she now lives in Seattle and rides her bike in the winter rain, charging up hills.

“I just remember the lesson I learned that winter,” she said. “You don’t have to stand inside and say, ‘Oh, it’s a yucky day.’ You can go out in anything. You just have to do it."

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
I've been fortunate enough not to freeze up, yesterday my helper was off school so the helped. It was only about 15 though, not too bad.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Strangely Dirk I will be out eNcAPSuLATiNg/SHAMPOOING today and tomorrow. Have to pick up some rugs today and "Wash" (SHAMPOO) them in my wash pit (LIVING ROOM).

Then tomorrow I'll be SHAMPOOING a house with my van sitting in the driveway with a ceramic heater on and plugged into the outside electric outlet.

When I first started I had my van sit outside with TWO heaters going.
It would still freeze up one of those preheaters on my POS PROCHEM.

Glad I have a PTO now.....less trouble.

I spoke to a guy yesterday who said his VAC HOSE would plug up with frozen water at the cuffs.

Anybody have this problem?

cory kenyon

If it's going to take a long time to get the solution hose in, plug the hose in right away (with engine running). Put in a male end and crack your ball valve open to let the water run. This way it won't freeze on you.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Dirk, Sorry I thought you had cleaned there too.
Yea it is an experience cleaning in the winter but it can be done and we do it daily, provided we have the work.

Jimmy we have had it freeze up on the vacuum inlet, where the cuff meets the metal. That happens a lot when it's real cold.

The PC blower heat exchanger is the weakest link in the unit when it comes to cold, if any thing is going to go it will be one of them.

You can clean with out it, just use some radiator hose and bypass them until you have the time, or the money get get new ones.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Chavez only came for the seasonal work but found out he could buy a house with a dead person's he stayed.

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Well after figuring out I could pick your crops for pennies once a year or stay year round and clean carpets and pick your pockets for dollars, I decided to stay.

After that I then invited some relatives to keep me company......and annoy Jimmy. How was I to know they wouldn't stop coming? :shock:
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