Centrum Force buys the Moore Machine

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
While the Mor (new spelling) Rug Washer has not been sold for years, the company was still servicing and providing parts.
Tom Monahan recently acquired the rights to once again make the machine available to the trades..

Coit had/has one when I worked there, It was damn quick at doing a decent job.


I could not find any video about the machine that didn't not involve Dusty being dusty so you can watch these about similar units if you'd like..


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T Monahan

Supportive Member
Sep 9, 2012
Ann Arbor, MI
Tom Monahan
Thank you for the post. However, the videos are not Moore or MOR Time Saving Machines. There are some on this board that have machines or systems made by the company we bought last month. Three come to mind: D.A. Burns, Hagopian, and Lisa Wagner's mother's company. I would be happen to post pictures, if any desire, to see what these machines look like. Currently we are ramping up to bring back some of the most requested ones back to market use. Our website will announce when and what will be produced as time goes on. Our first project that is well under way is a special machine for Robert Mann of Denver Colorado.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
you missed the above Tom..

I could not find any video about the machine that didn't not involve Dusty being dusty so you can watch these about similar units if you'd like..

please post some video when you can, thanks!

T Monahan

Supportive Member
Sep 9, 2012
Ann Arbor, MI
Tom Monahan

This is on Boushelle's website. As a matter of fact: Boushelle bought the first Moore washer in 1949. It was a brush machine similar to the one seen here. The Royal Rug Cleaning Company was bought and merged with Boushelle. That is why you see their name on this machine. There are many versions and models of Moore rug washers and wringers. (Dusters and rug hanging systems too)
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T Monahan

Supportive Member
Sep 9, 2012
Ann Arbor, MI
Tom Monahan
Here is a 16 foot MOR Roll-A-Jet I owned in the past. When I downsized I sold it to someone out of country. There is a irony coming back on this board. Since I registered, I started to read posts made by a number of posters about my company and me. I am humored by the baseless remarks. Especially the ones that said I was going out of business! View attachment 504


Supportive Member
Dec 9, 2006
San Lorenzo Ca
how much does one of them things cost....no i am not in the market...but they look the biz

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
... I started to read posts made by a number of posters about my company and me. I am humored by the baseless remarks. Especially the ones that said I was going out of business!
Uhhhh... Tom, you do know this is a place called MikeysBoard, don't you? Without the "baseless remarks" there would be no drama and without drama a soap opera is a pretty dull show. To survive here you need both a thick skin and to constantly remind yourself that while the Internet can be diverting it is not the real world.

It is encouraging that you are "humored" by all this. People who take themselves too seriously don't last long here AND don't have much fun in life either!


PS Best wishes on your new venture.
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Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I don't know Steve..

The internet appears pretty damn real to me and my world.

It will be interesting to see if Tom fairs well here better than the other Rug ***s did...

Tom please tell us habit more about your company

How is Ellen enjoying her equipment?
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T Monahan

Supportive Member
Sep 9, 2012
Ann Arbor, MI
Tom Monahan
Ellen appears to benefit from her Centrum Force made Centri-Maxx and her 'Big Red' Moore washer. If she didn't like our equipment, she would tell me so. She has never been shy.

Regarding our company: www.centrum-force.com

If you want more than what is on the website, I will be happy to elaborate on further details how Greg and I met and so on...

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Please do Tom....

and while you at it please give us your thoughts on how to set a 1 to 5 rug a week "plan"t as well as a 5 to 10, 10 to 20 and a 20 plus set up..



Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
There is a irony coming back on this board. Since I registered, I started to read posts made by a number of posters about my company and me. I am humored by the baseless remarks. Especially the ones that said I was going out of business!

Maybe, just maybe, many of those posters were told very convincing lies by one of your opposition, who shall remain nameless until the cobwebs are wiped off and the memory banks are not so dusty.

To be a successful liar, one needs a great memory.

Mine's ratshit.


T Monahan

Supportive Member
Sep 9, 2012
Ann Arbor, MI
Tom Monahan
Greg Turcotte and I met in Las Vegas 6 years ago at the Connections Trade Show. A supplier/salesman introduced us to each other.

Greg was at that time, and had been for years, building hanging systems for rugs, while also representing the Greek company Katsas in America selling their rug washing equipment. (Katsas is a manufacturer of rug washing equipment that included centrifuges and flatbed washers)

Greg had just delivered a Katsas centrifuge in a Midwest State to a client and then drove all the way southwest to Las Vegas Trade Show to show one on his trailer that he was going to deliver to Joe Appleby in northern California. This ‘show and tell’ occurred in the parking lot of the conference center. I still remember clearly how one individual climbed all over it, studying its design, taking measurements, discussing how to knock it off and copy it.

Not much later after this, Greg called me when he returned to his home in Calgary Canada. He knew that I had built an automated duster (Soil Separator), Moore style 90 poles rug hanging system, and a prototype of a clam style squeeze rug wringer. He requested some suggestions on a centrifuge project he had intended to build and furnish for a trusted client that trusted that he had already built a rug hanging system for and installed. He learned from me that I had plans of a different sort of centrifuge in the making that never made it to fruition. Greg was intending to work with someone else, but suffice to say, things went sour, and asked me to consider working with him. In the next few weeks that followed, we talked about how we may work together. We decided to collaborate on the project and continued to improve upon what we originally intended to do. The rest is history. Centrum Force® was formed at the end of the year. Linda Plunkett, our 1st client, received the world’s first ‘Dual Port’ horizontal rug wringing centrifuge.

We announced this design and sale to Linda Plunkett of AWPOV during Aaron Groseclose and Ellen Amirkhan’s Master Rug Cleaners course in March 2007. Two days later, 15 trademarked names were registered as internet Domain names by an alias, and redirected to various websites intended to do harm to our business. (See: Centrum Force, LLC v. Diogenis Mavridis http://domains.adrforum.com/domains/decisions/1250002.htm) The alias was traced back to the registrant using an email address revealing the true identity of the culprit.

The Centri-Maxx® proved to be so innovative; we applied for a US Patent on this new element of design. On December 13, 2011, United States Patent 8,074,370 was awarded with all 8 claims

At the end of April in 2007, we introduced the alternative to a portable rug duster prior to the Connections Trade Show in Florida. Up till then, the only current rug duster being widely sold was fashioned after the Hild, and later the Tri-State. All these former portable dusters had commonality: Wheels to travel on and a restrictive adjustable handle, and rotating beater straps. Our design had no wheels but moved across rugs on two rollers that could secure the fringes while rotating straps beat the rug. Our machine significantly had a full rotating 180 degree handle for ergonomic benefit. This machine and its designers became the reason for a long post that lasted for 3 months on Mikeys Board: See “A Poor KNOCK-OFF”

Every year since our inception, we made efforts to bring to market at least two new things for the rug industry use. This year we broke our own record and introduced and brought four new items to Connections. We even designed and built an aftermarket accessory to the other wheeled portable dusters out there. This accessory package consists of two brackets, bolts and roller that can be attached when the wheels are removed. Actually, if you add the announcement of buying the MOR Time Saving Rug Equipment Company, then the number of machines in our Centrum Force® line took a big leap numerically. I should also mention, Greg and I own our own manufacturing company, contained in our own building we also own. This all before we bought Mr. Moore’s company.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Shorty hit the nail..

Dusty at one point did his best to schmear you here..

I sure enjoyed his and spOno bOngo's temper tantrum when Ellen went with blue instead of red..

T Monahan

Supportive Member
Sep 9, 2012
Ann Arbor, MI
Tom Monahan
Centrum Force designs, builds, and sells rug washing equipment. We leave the marketing to customers or ideas of filling your 'pipeline' with rug customers to experts. However, we did do a video to show ROI if someone acquired our full system. This video shows real life potential. Feel free to review the video on our Home page of our website: www.centrum-force.com

David VB

Sep 9, 2012
David Van Briggle
I read over the arbitration decision. Looks like the party who tried to high jack the Centrum Force name was the owner of Ron's Area Rug Cleaning Equipment? He still has a website selling towers, wringers, dusters etc. I remember seeing these pictures in the past. Who is this Ron? My memory isn't the best but I'm thinking he had some connection with Greg. Looks like he was really upset to go to the trouble to buy up all those domain names. Too bad there has been so much contention in this little industry. Seems the result of people fighting over a pretty small pie.


Feb 1, 2007
VB - The domains were merely pointed to arearugcleaningequipment.com. Over the 3 years that it took to deal with this issue, the sites were pointed to several other companies websites. Katsas.com was one of them. The individual who registered the sites used a Greek sounding name to make them look like they were guilty of this act. They were not. This individual also at one time pointed the websites to Tom's company website at arearugcleaningcompany.com. Once we noticed this, Tom had our webmaster put up a paragraph about hijacking domain names that explained how it was illegal to do this on the landing page. The individual then redirected the domain to a different page on Tom's site. Once again, Tom instructed our webmaster to move the paragraph to the landing page. It was then redirected somewhere else.

This individual in their selfishness and spite, made other people look as though they were guilty of a criminal act. You yourself, VB, incorrectly concluded that it was Ron Turcotte who was guilty of this act.

What brought the individual down in the end was the fact that when you register a domain name, you must use an active email address. All of the information used was fake. The physical address, the name of the registrant etc. But the email address had to be real.
Unfortunately, that email address is not on the decision. BUT... I have it! And since I keep ALL of my email correspondence backed up for years, I had proof that I had corresponded with this individual. Many times! This information was presented in the legal case and
most definitely made the necessary impact.
There is always a trail. Push come to shove, a credit card had to be used to pay for these domains. Those records still exist too! The guilty party also spent a considerable amount of money covering up their real identity by using a service that shields the WHOIS information. Why so secretive?

As for the fight VB, we did not want a fight. I was building equipment years before someone else started building theirs. You know that, since you contacted me several times over the years asking question after question. I patiently answered those questions for you. You bought red in the end. That's fine. You made a choice based on the information that you had at the time and what you felt was best for you.

You blame the contention in our industry on people fighting over a small pie. I do not consider my livelihood something small and insignificant. Small or not, I will fight for it.

David VB

Sep 9, 2012
David Van Briggle
GT - Thanks for some clarification. What you are saying was a conclusion I reached, was a sentence that ended in a question mark. The arbitration decision that was posted seemed to indicate that. I thought that was strange since I thought the party was connected to you in some way. I usually pay no attention to the rug soap opera but I am interested in legal things so I read over that link and gave in to curiosity.

I do remember enjoying talking a few times years ago. You were just starting to work on importing the Greek centrifuge. I think the only item you had to sell at the time was the rug drying tower. I remember talking some about how to dust rugs with what was available and I remember your suggestion to hook up a vacuum hose to my truck mount exhaust to try to air dust. Early days indeed. Seems laughable now, but I actually tried that. Seriously though, I wish you had told me that I was testing your patience. I certainly would have not called again.

I've known Clark Lancaster for many years also. So long in fact, that I remember talking to him years ago and made a suggestion to him that he build a dusting machine. He was already in the design stage of what came to be the RugBadger. I can't remember who I talked to first or who was building what first, but neither answer would have had any bearing on my decisions.

When I went to Michigan to see your equipment, I was impressed and was hoping to someday be able to invest the $90,000.00 for your system. I did continue to do my due diligence and kept learning more and more about rug washing. I got some training from a couple of rug pros, also in Michigan, and they taught me a lot about rug washing and the rug cleaning world.

GT, for what its worth, my buying decision was based on value. When I was shown your equipment, the centrifuge was jumping around on the floor at only about 700 RPM. It was also made of painted steel. Clark's machine had double stainless cylinders and an effective suspension system. And it cost much less. Your dry stands had no system for lifting the rugs. Clark's did and they cost less also. I didn't like the way your duster had to be moved around on soft aluminum rollers or be kept on a furniture dolly like it was. Clark's duster looked to me to be made better made and it cost less also. (I do understand that you have now updated your centrifuge and dry stands to include these features.)

I really liked the look of the wash tub. But, when I read on the forums about the cross contamination concerns and learned to efficiently clean on a wash floor (as so may top cleaners do) I was able to keep another 40,000.00.

I'm sure your livelihood is not insignificant to you. The market for rug cleaning equipment is unquestionably a small one. GT, fight and compete as you wish. Perhaps some day you will have equipment that I may want and at a price I would be willing to pay. If so, I'll apologize ahead of time since I will probably have to ask some more questions. :~)

T Monahan

Supportive Member
Sep 9, 2012
Ann Arbor, MI
Tom Monahan
Greg brings clarity to this matter.

I would add that this is another example of stating something without the facts. Over the years some have publicly posted remarks and assertions that are missing the point and/or proved out to be untrue.

Please note the remark I made earlier in the post: "The alias was traced back to the registrant using an email address revealing the true identity of the culprit."

It is true that there were times the Domain names were pointed to “Ron's Area Rug Cleaning Equipment”. This was only one example that was captured and used by the judges in their summary. As Greg said, moving and pointing Domain names to various sites was frequent. The issue: What was the objective? The intent clearly was to cause harm to our business.
The Domain names registered were only known to some of the small group taking the Master Rug Cleaners course at Ellen's place in Dallas. Some of that group learned, and only then, that our company existed and was named Centrum Force® and that our centrifuge was named Centri-Maxx®. The registration of the Domain names took place immediately following that course. “Ron” was not in Dallas for the course. To imply “Ron's Area Rug Cleaning Equipment” was responsible for acquiring these Domain names is another baseless assertion done publicly and is unfair and wrong. The matter for judgment was clear to the attorneys and the deciding panel involved in the case. The email address was traced to the 'Alias' and his name was not “Ron”. (Let the reader use discernment)

Now I see the point Steve Toburen made when it comes to drama. Hey Mikey, how am I fairing? I thought this post was about Hardware and Mikey’s further requests to answer some questions about Centrum Force®.

Regarding remarks about a jumping centrifuge: I absolutely showed a number of people during demonstrations how a centrifuge could move with an unbalanced wet rug load. This was to impart visual comprehension about the concern for components being durable that must go into a machine to sustain the stress created every time you spin wet rugs at high speeds. In the US market, a builder featured big heavy Chinese ring-bearings as his solution for success in making a centrifuge. These pictures were displayed in trade magazines and on his salesman’s website. Apparently, it was revealed that these bearings did not meet expectations. They could not hold up under the routine of everyday rug washing. The acquired bearings by this manufacturer were not designed for this application. In past years, purposely I gave a demonstration of my machine jumping and scooting across the floor. This demonstration was within the context of discussing the ‘sweet’ spot of balance while spinning a wet rug. I showed this to most everyone that came to my place during those early years. We have produced 50 plus centrifuges since 2007. It is rather obvious to the owners of Centrum Force® centrifuges across North America that the patented vibration isolators, we install on every machine (David VB did not see), prevents machine movement in everyday use. Nonetheless, some even bolt the isolators’ bottom foot pad down for extra assurance. Mine is not bolted down and sits within inches of other things within my shop. Many single individuals, as well as entire groups of rug washers from Rug Summit Conferences have been to my shop to eyewitness a none jumping centrifuge equipped with the vibration isolators we currently use on all our centrifuges.

If anyone desires to talk to users of centrifuges made by Centrum Force®, there is a long list available of companies that will permit you to visit them and see for yourself how it works in a real rug washing environment daily. Ask anyone of them, without hesitation, about what their service record has been on the equipment and what kind of reputation Centrum Force® has in providing serving repairs for parts or breakdowns. (No one has ever been left in the lurch as if they were isolated on some island) If Mikey permits, I can list them here.
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David VB

Sep 9, 2012
David Van Briggle
Drama? I have to wonder why out of all the positive information that you could have shared when asked about your company, you instead chose to include this arbitration case. As you said, the settlement listed someone named Ron. If you were concerned about a false understanding of this, why didn't you make it clear? I think most readers can use their discernment to figure out why you included that information in such a vague way as to promote speculation. Drama?

You call the jumping around of your machine back then the "sweet spot." Was that the sweet spot for the best extraction of the rug or was it the sweet spot for the limitations the machine had at the time. I said that you had included a suspension system now. It just wasn't there when I was making my decision.

In the last few years I have heard stories from both sides of this junk. The vast majority of what I have been told has to be viewed as hearsay since I wasn't directly involved in any of it and so I draw no conclusions based on this talk. I do have my own view however of what I have seen and directly experienced. But, I have nothing else to say. I wish you both well.
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Feb 1, 2007
Why did we choose to share the info of the arbitration case? Oh, I don't know... maybe it has something to do with the fact that our reputation was damaged by your good buddy right on this board. Wouldn't you like the opportunity to clear your name
if someone trashed you? Lot's of people have asked about it and we have taken the time to show factual information. Facts are what we are given counsel to use in these situations.
But one good thing has come out of this. That would be your second last sentence!
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Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
well then, why don't you gents just name the name instead of "this individual" or " that party"

are you guys referring to Dustin as the head schmuck?
Dustbin has never fared too well here from my observations

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Feb 1, 2007
The simple answer is that the lawyers do not want us to do that. Even though we have a ton of evidence to take someone to court and sue them for their misdeeds, we can also get sued for naming names.
I really hate that! It just seems DIRTY to me.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
The simple answer is that the lawyers do not want us to do that. Even though we have a ton of evidence to take someone to court and sue them for their misdeeds, we can also get sued for naming names.
I really hate that! It just seems DIRTY to me.

yea, I figured as much when i asked ....



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