Chiropractic care, anyone use one and is it worth it?

Jay D

Oct 9, 2006
DFW, Texas
Jay D
I'm 46 and I always have a little pain in back and neck off and on. Well I went to a chiropractor from a BNI group I have attended. He took X-rays and it does'nt look to good. Back is like 7 degrees out of alignment and degeneration of discs between 2&3 and a couple other areas with bone spurs. I don't understand it all but it does'nt sound to good to me. I trust the Guy but I am still unsure what to do. He has 2 different treatment plans(JUST Like carpet cleaners do). One sounds like it is going to take some big bucks to start off and the other is seems to be adjustments here and there. I have never had surgery. I am unsure of chiropractic care and don't want my back to get worse. Anyone gone thru this before please let me know your opinion. I am the main breadwinner and need to keep working to feed my family.

Mister Sir :(

J Scott W

Oct 16, 2006
Shelbyville TN
Jeffrey Scott Warrington
Some chiropractors get really enthusiastic and excited about their work (just like some cleaners do). Others are more in it for the money (Also like some cleaners).

I have been told about my back being out of alignment, degenerating vertebrae and such. I opt for an adjusting treatment every once in a while. It really helps me. But I have not bought into the high dollar plan.

Getting off the truck helps, but even office work using the phone and computer all day can be hard on the back and neck.

Proper exercise (you can ask the chiropractor to suggest some exercises), loosing weight helped me. I could still stand to loose a lot more weight.

BTW I am 55.

Scott Warrington


Jay, having gone to a chiropractor most of my life...i know that there are good ones AND there are some really BAD aroun a little...what's the harm of a second opinion...?

and when you DO find the right'll know!

Mark Imbesi

Been going to one now for almost 10 years. Started off 3 times a week when I was full time installing and cleaning. Went to once a week, then to once per month when I took an inside sales job. Now that I'm starting up again and will be on the truck, my frequency may increase again.

Not only did it help my back pain tremendously, but I was also able to quit the allergy medicine I had been taking. From what I understand, the back controls every other part of the body. So an aligned back means a healthier person.

Good Luck!

PS - My chiropractor allowed me to barter cleaning services to both his home and business and was a great source of referrals for me.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
Firstly, having bulging disks and vertebrae out of alignment is common and usual for anyone that gets out of bed regularly. Unless you have pain, this isn't something to worry about, it just looks frightening on film.

A chiropractor can move an out of alignment vertebrae back into position and relieve pain from nerve pressure. This is definitely worthwhile if you have back or neck pain. Just make sure they do your entire back and neck in one visit, as neck alignment can be affected by something out of place in your lower back, and some chiropractors want to do sections at a time to increase the number of visits you'll need to pay for.

A chiropractor can't keep the vertebrae from going back out of position, nor can his adjustments make your liver function correctly, cure your heart murmur, or any of the other BS that chiropractors often claim.

I would definitely NOT recommend an annuity program for the chiropractor that is sold as a regular adjustment schedule. I would recommend a series of three or four deep tissue massages instead, as tight muscles are to blame for getting those vertebrae out of alignment in the first place, and any adjustment without massage will be undone by those tight or cramped muscles. Stretching and attention to the ergonomics of cleaning will keep you from having to visit the chiropractor much.

From a lifetime of back issues (being tall, playing football and other impact sports, doing a lot of lifting and commercial cleaning) have learned how to self-adjust most kinks, but still need to visit either a chiropractor or an osteopath (a medical doctor that does adjustments) once every five years or so.

Good luck!

diamond brian

Mar 28, 2007
Oz said it. The x-rays can be a little scary, but all of our spines become less and less perfect as we age.

I tried a chiropractor years ago. He had a chart in his office telling him which nerve centers (or whatever) could be manipulated to cure cancer, aids, dog breath, you name it!

I like to hang from a chin-up bar. Looks stupid, but doing it daily provides effective relief from low back pain.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Chiropractors are quacks.

Not medical doctors and can only give x-rays.

They rank right up there with faith healers.

Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
I believe in chiropractic. Unfortunately, the field attracts some who view if more as a money maker and less as a healing profession. And some are just plain scam artists. (And yes, I know the average MD is not in it for his/her love of mankind.)

I would repeat Oz's advice. Find a reputable THERAPEUTIC deep muscle massage therapist and have them give you some treatments. (If they take their clothes off this is not a good sign.) Properly done this will hurt like heck but you will feel much better and for a longer time between treatments.

If this doesn't help get a second opinion from a different (and recommended) chiropractor.

BTW, you have my sympathy, Jay. Chronic back pain can take all of the fun out of your life and even twist your personality. It has for my mother-in-law. (She is on an electrical current TENZ unit. But the problem with this is you are treating the symptoms, not the cause. Of course, at 82 who cares?)

Island Boy

PS Also try to drink a gallon a day of water and of course eat better too. Some say an inversion table has helped them.


Oct 7, 2006
Hey Jay...I have a 1:30 appt with my chiro today...I usually end up going about 4x per a month might be a smarter choice for me!

I have 6 years on you...and still clean about 4 days a week. I'm trying to always switch sides when coming back across with the drying stroke...just to spread out the wear!

I think it is a good choice for the mature cleaner...Jim

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
I would not call them quacks but if they tell you they could cure cancer by doing adjustments then I would run

I have went to one for several years, also clean his office, and I know when I pull/strain a muscle the adjustments help me heal faster

I know my pressure points quit well, a few months ago I messed up my right arm and shoulder. I rubbed out a few pressure points and the only thing bothering me anymore is my elbow

I also hang from a chin up bar also, I also will hang upside down from the knees but the thing that has helped me the most is a daily stretching routine, I feel it when I don't do it

I also will wand with my left arm quite a bit, it help to balance out the muscle group. The right side of the body was a little more developed then the left at one point in time. A wand glide has helped to make this switching of hands to be very easy to do


Apr 15, 2007
Did the chiropractor thing for years and years now I go for acupuncture
when back or neck pain occurs, get much better results from this.
Mar 28, 2007
omaha ne
steve snail

Are you overweight? Do you have an exercise routine? I would be inclined to check out a local health club to get and stay in shape. Huge bang for the buck!

Core strength is key to keeping your lower back pain in check say some. Have been very lucky in that I have been very active, cycling, skiing, cleaning, etc. The past couple of years I have been practicing yoga in the hot room. Not for everyone, however sure it is helping save my bacon.

Hope you find some answers that work for you.

Good luck!


May 19, 2007
I have gone some. It seems to help the pain when I've got it bad enough to go. But it seems like you would have to go for ever to fix anything. If you have a sore back it feels really nice to get everything lined up. But the pain comes back. The best thing to do is make sure you do the stretches that they give you or at least should give you. It's all about keeping your muscles loose and stretching. Everything should go back to place and stay there if you stay limber.

I try to do the stretches but it's hard to make a habit out of it. I usually just deal with the dull ache in my left hip/lower back. It seems when I don't do any work to keep it loose it can hurt pretty bad. I'm sure a lot of you guys have much worse than me though.

Tile Nerd

Feb 23, 2007
It's worth it with the right one. I'm very happy with mine. I did some water damage restoration for her an bartered it for some therapy.


Oct 26, 2006
I can whole heartidly say that my chiropractor is THE ONLY REASON I am still in business!

Wait, is that a good thing or a bad thing? :?

Get a good one, you'll love it, get a "hack" you'll hate it, it's that simple.

(if he tries to sell you a pillow, in-soles, supplements or some other BS right off the bat....RUN! )

I hope you got a good one. :wink:

clean one

Mar 7, 2007
went to mine today, have been going for about 9yrs when one day i couldn't hardly move or even put on my shoes. he took ex rays that day done 3 adjustments on me by the next day i felt so much better, done the every other day for about 2 weeks, then once a week, i try to go once a month or so now. For me it works great. But like anything you have to find the right one


Oct 19, 2006
Just about all chiropractors are crooks. Your better off with an inversion table, it works wonders.

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
i had a great chiropractor, but he got sick one Wenesday and was room temp on Saturday??? never found out what happened!

i went for my neck mostly, but he adjusted top to bottom along with a neck stretching apparatus that really helped me.

look for a chiro who teaches advanced techniques to other chiros and you'll get a good one!

TimP was also right in that staying limber is a key to good back and core strength!

PS mine used the Activator device to adjust, not one of those guys who twisted and snapped ya, those are the ones to shy away from!!!


Oct 7, 2006
Like a lot of people here, I generally have a positive image of chiropractors. I've been to about 4 different ones in thru-out my life & 3 were great, one was a quack. You'll more than likely get a feel for the doctor pretty quickly & know if he's on the up & up.

I'd suggest ya sign up for less than 10 visits. Preferably one at a time if ya can. Maybe take a 4 or 5 plan visit if they offer some kind of savings.

Also mentioned in this thread was accupuncture. While I've never had it done personally, I've seen it in action during one of my martial arts classes. It worked so well that they had to do the 2nd part the next day. My friend had two bad shoulders. After the first one he started screaming & we thought it was either a joke or something went terribly wrong. When he got his wits about him he said it was great, but like a sharp pain whooshed out his body before it left. Once it left his whole shoulder felt great. He was thrilled w/ the results but wasn't up to the whooshing pain again that day. Sounds crazy I guess, but that's how it panned out. Like chiropractors, I'm sure there's good & bad in the accupuncture world. I'm not as sure how to identify the good from the bad in this field.

One other thing ya might want to consider is a massage. I've had 2 massuesses. One was a student from my martial arts class & the other one was a nun. Gotta love it. Both were great & both did wonders for my back when it's been hurting.

Hope this helped some,


Jul 7, 2007
Inverted Board

I use a inverted board about 3 times a week 10-15 minutes, I can feel things shifting in my back and neck sometimes, not a cure all but does seem to help.


Apr 14, 2007
As with most above, I do recommend a good chiro. I go every three to four weeks and this seems to keep me pain free. I trade out cleaning in his office and home so I only pay occasionally. I also agree that when you find the right one you will know it. Look for a family oriented office. If moms will trust their kids with them, they are probably alright. My wife and 3 kids go regularly (my youngest has been getting adjusted since he was one year old). My kids have not been on antibiotics since they started going. It's amazing what an adjustment and some garlic oil in the ears will do to an ear infection.

One more story..I tore my rotator cuff this spring to where I couldn't lift my arm above 45 degrees. I went in to see him on a Thursday morning and he told me to come back at 5:30 when he closed because he "didn't want the patients waiting to hear me scream." Ha ha I'm thinking. So I go back that day and he goes mid-evil on me. Twists my arm and shoulder in ways that God did not intend. He wasn't kidding about the screaming. Funny thing though, when he was done I felt better. I rested and iced Friday and by Monday I was pain free with full range of motion. Pushed a wand all day. That made a true believer out of me.

There are good honest ones out there.


Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Pay me da money and I will "Crack " yous back.

I crack it wit a baseball bat you smucks.

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
If you take your kids to a chiropractor regularly, I can set you up with some air purifiers, a Ugandan that will pay you millions if you give him $2,500, some multi-level marketing groups and maybe even sell you a bridge or two.

I would never take my kids to a chiropractor. If a child has something wrong with his back, he needs medical attention not an adjustment. :evil:

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