Chiropractic care, anyone use one and is it worth it?

Ron Werner

Nov 25, 2006
Sooke BC, Lower Vancouver Island
Ron Werner
I've been going since I was about 6. Chiropractors take a lot of abuse from people who think they are quacks. I've popped a rib a couple times and I know it helps. I had a bone out in my wrist since 89 when I fell on some ice. It was getting aggravated by using a 2" wand. Finally told my chiro a year ago. He said its normal to have a bone out in the wrist and he worked it, it snapped, and I had to think the other day to remember which wrist it was. I had thought it was sprained and weakened for over 15 yrs!

Last Dec I popped a rib again. Started going to a chiro that promoted getting the neck curvature back. Started going 2-3x per week from Jan till April. The only reason I stopped was that I got sick for a week and never booked another appointment. (Point: book the next appointment before you leave, whether a date, cleaning, or chiro :wink: ) Last week was the first upper back pain I've had since April. Longest I've ever gone. Been too busy to make it back in but I know it will be beneficial to go in once a week to couple times a month.

When cleaning, most guys put their head forward, adds 15lbs of pressure to the base of the neck for every inch forward. When you loose the curve in the neck, the lower back curves sideways to add a curve to give the back its strength. Also, need to get motion in the vertebrae to get nutrients to the disks.

when the mechanics are out of alignment, I go to a chiro rather than just a massage or muscle relaxants.
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