
Rick J

Jan 9, 2016
rick Jones
we all hear it ,
checked a rental , was told to "deodorize'

entered and actually not too bad. pulled out the UV light and checked , found a few minor spots. did the sniff test with my nose . slight odor but not much. Figured I could possibly adress from the top when cleaning.

BUT,,,, since vacant, I did pull up a portion of a room,,, and wow!!!! totally hit. UV light showed , when shining on the back a HUGE amount affected. !!!??

Seen this a few times. because of being poly?, it all runs through and down, leaving little evidence above ?. Esp, if they maybe tried adressed it ongoing themselves. and maye did an OK job.

while back, I observed this in an occupied res. People I know. called be because of an issue with carpet in a newly house. After a short time the owner notice little areas of mold/fungus on the surface fibers. Poly frieze of course
Now he is no dummy. Actually , in the past had experience with carpet Cleaning .. IICRC credentialed. (for you Mikey)
But,------ no smell.,, so he was sure his pooches were not the culprit.
He contacted the builder, thinking something was up with his new carpet. , Maybe stored somewher innappopriate, and contaminated somehow? The builder sent carpet inspectors, actually a Servicemaster from somewhere. they pulled up some carpet and showed it was their dogs. Which it was.
Wife is stay at home mom ,, always cleaning. so, apparently it remediated it enough to hold down the odor, all the whiile not realizing the situation. , but when the carpet was pulled up -------- WOW! Sneaky dogs!!!!!

Sorry Marty/ Jimmy .. put on the reading glasses! 🙂

for those who may be curious,,,, he is a SS alumn. When he was on a truck years ago,, he/ on his own chose to address stuff he was not trained to do. Stains etc.
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Rick J

Jan 9, 2016
rick Jones
FWIW top showed nothing , hardly even looked soiled. Not the usual obvious pet piddle/puddles. Not the tacky feel. only a few VERY SLIGHT UV light flouresing spots, and hardly any odor. But , this, when pulled back.

PM manager, (it is a single free standing nice home) said they had lived there 2 years. No issues , other that the fact that they were not supposed to have a dog. Left the place nice, not evicted.

Most likely the tenant had done quite a lot of cleaning on their own. And this being crappy poly, everything migraged DOWN?

Just sharing cause this is prob becoming more an dmore common. I belive, also ties in to @Mikey P recent post about crappy products. :biggrin:

any way, what you all want to know!! LOL! What did I do.? Sorry Jimmy, I do not have PSor.

since it is one room, isolated by itself, no seams etc. & easily pulled up and put back. (and sorry , no, I did not power stretch!!!!)
while up I hosed it down with a cide I got on closeout at my Interlink. sprayed the back, tried to not get the pad wet.
then cleaned normally , using a UPS as pre condition , and extract HWE.

And, a few days after I checked it. It was good.

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