going to go full time


Jun 15, 2007
I have made the decision to go part time at my other job so I can devote more time to building my new business. My weird hours at my other job made it very difficult to do much of anything so I am going for it now. I am hoping in a relatively short time a decent cash flow will happen with the time of year that it is. I know that there have been posts about apartment and hotel cleaning but I am curious about the other CCer's in the Ohio Indiana area and what the rates are for this type of cleaning. You know Gotta have some $ while growing. Thanks for any info.


Charlie Lyman

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
Meridian, ID
Charlie Lyman
I would wait too. The thing I regret most is not working at night during the first year. I survived this last winter with rentals, but I also painted them, cleaned them, fixed whatever I could in them or anything else I could find to do in them. Not too many move outs in the winter months.
I'm already starting to get nervous about this winter.

Mark Imbesi

A big reason for business failure is under capitalization. Do you have 6-9 months of living expenses tucked away for an emergency (emergency=no jobs)?

Also, you should have a business plan, and marketing plan. Do you also have the capital to advertise over that 6-9 month period?

You will succeed if you prepare not to fail!


Jun 15, 2007
Thanks for the thoughts. My wife will continue full time while I cut back to 16 hours a week at my formerly full time job. I got about 4 to 6 months of living expenses set aside. My schedule was working from noon to 8:30 pm and that made it very tough to get anything done. My days off used to be Wedns. and Thurs. Starting Sunday, I will work only Sun and Mon at the other job and then I can devote the rest of the time for Carpet Cleaning. I want to have the time to pass out flyers, talk to small businesses to get accounts going, etc... I realize that I need to get my name out there and let people know I am there. I have a web site in the works through Andrechelle and that should be up soon. In my market here, I think right now will be a good time to get going. Thanks again for any advice or opinions and good sarcasm is always appreciated.



May 19, 2007
It can be tough at start up for sure. I'm there right now. I do carpet installs to make up for the lack of business in certain months. However I believe I'm doing really well for a start up business. I expect to do 48,000 in my first year in cleaning. I've done about 15,000 in carpet installations so far. And I just got offered a big cleaning contract however I plan to turn it down because I'm not willing to give up my weekends for any amount of money. My family time is more important. Now if I didn't have a back up job I'd probably would of taken it in heartbeat. Anyway it can be very difficult and you need to make sure you have some sort of back up to get the bills paid while your business grows. And be willing to work for less than you're used to, to be able to get by. You're standard of living may change but eventually it will be better.


Nov 23, 2006
The time to start is NOW- today!!

There is no better time, or worse time. Starting is better than not starting.

Maybe it won't work out, maybe it will. There is no way to tell unless you do it.

I started 3 businesses that failed for various reasons, but kept trying, finally made it.

Working for yourself is always better than working for anyone else- in my opinion.

Sure, it's tough, but now days there are lots of people willing to help- lots of them on this and other forums.

One way could be- send for my Special Report on Free Advertising and Marketing.

No charge. e-mail me at- dfrif@juno.com.

There are several manuals available from several people, including *ahem* me. Bob Wittkamp's is still available too, and that is an excellent one.


Steve Toburen

Supportive Member
Oct 23, 2006
Durango, Colorado/Santiago, Dominican Republic
Steve Toburen
Hi Steve,

I can't argue with any of the posts above. But my heart leans toward Gary's counsel. IF (and it IS a big if) you have the "fire in the belly" then I too would say go for it!

If I (and my guess is many other people on this board) had waited till conditions were perfect then we never would have taken that first step. It sounds like you have money saved and a continuing income stream with both you and your wife's job.

So take this extra time you will get from going part time and INVEST IT. Time (not money) is your most valuable resource in any start-up. Don't squander it. Get aggressive. It sounds like you have enough money coming in to keep your head above water but you will also be a bit hungry. This is good as I always found that desperation was a tremendous motivator for me.

By happy coincidence I just finished today a new E-Report on how to sell commercial work. E-mail me at stoburen@homefrontsuccess.com (no PM's please) and I will send you the Report- no charge! And if you would like my free DVD on SFS management concepts be sure to include your mailing address. No charge and no obligation. (Offer open to everyone, even Sutley, as I am feeling generous tonight.)

Steve Toburen CR
Director of Training
Jon-Don's Strategies for Success

PS One obvious hint, Steve, would be to curtail your discretionary spending. I am amazed at how much money people spend in the U.S. on entertainment/ restaurants/ clothing and yes, even Starbucks. (Sorry, Big Billy!) If you can do this your nest egg will last a lot longer AND you will have more time to focus on your business.

PPS You have a huge resource with the "band of brothers" that have formed on this web site.

Greg Loe

Oct 7, 2006
T gave you some great advice. I'd wait till spring if I were you. Build up some more money and start very strong in the spring. The extra income could be for marketing. use the income for post cards, fliers, joining a referral group, to buy nice uniforms etc, etc...

Trust me, I started in October. Wait till spring.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
I agree with Gary and Steve. You sound ready so go for it. If you start aggressively now when spring comes you'll hit the ground running. If you wait till spring you're not likely to get the full benefit of the spring rush. I went full time in October with no reserve money and a wife in nursying school so she does not work and I managed to get by.... by the time march arrived I was already getting some repeat business to go along with new business from spring cleaning.

*disclaimer* I'm in Florida so we probably don't suffer as large of a winter drop off as you would in Ohio.
Nov 8, 2006
Ron lippold
Steve lots of flyers and door hangers in the neighborhood's that you want to work in. AND for gods sake no specials they will kill you and stay away for the low end commercial. Focus on what you want. Good luck and God Speed. :D :D

Greg Loe

Oct 7, 2006
Please post a follow up in December when you've spent your reserve on marketing. You'll have 2 weeks of cleaning for December.

Buy your Christmas gifts now, so at least you'll have those.


Good luck no matter what you decide to do.
Nov 8, 2006
Ron lippold

It is real simple

Just do it

Pass out flyers and door hangers lots of business cards door to door.

dont stop

do more



Nov 23, 2006
Deciding when to start can be tricky- there are so many variables, lots of reasons to delay, decide on systems, equipment, market to go after, etc.

START with your friends and relatives, then ASK them for referrals- they all know people you don't know.

EVERYONE works somewhere. Ask the above people who to see about getting their commercial work.

And- yes, my Special Reports are free, and available to anyone.

Just e-mail me for it. Get Steve T's, and Scott Warrington's too. Hard to go wrong with free stuff.


As an added bonus, if you get a manual from me, I will give you my Cleaning University Of The Internet web address.

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