How much do you charge if you don't want the job???

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
A previous client, Hasn't used us since 95, Called about cat damage to one of her 8 plex apt. units. Her husband is listening on a different phone and also has a couple of questions he might ask.

Our conversations goes something like this:

What can I sell her so she can fix the problem??? The client also said "I swept and vacuumed and it still stinks"

I explain a few variables and a couple of different scenarios.

1. Foo Foo sprays.

2.Topical treatments and their benefits and drawbacks.

3.Guaranteed pet odor restoration and what it entailed.

Husband: Well the floor should be ok, it is concrete.

Sir, is it concrete or gypecrete??


Well they both are very porous, gypecrete tends to be more so and we porous have to scrub and seal if needed so the urine doesn't come back and contaminate the new pad and carpets.

Oh!! It's the lightweight stuff.

Ok she says, come right over and tell me what I need and give me an estimate on it.

No problem, I can schedule a time in the next couple of days, but first you need to know there is a $75.00 refundable inspection fee, to be pre paid, to be credited and refunded to the job invoice if we do the said job as scoped.

Helen and I stop between our scheduled jobs (Cut our lunch shorter than usual).

We found a 15-20 yr old low level loop olefin about a 30-35 ounces installed over pad in a 450 sqft Living room, hall and 2 bedroom areas.

Carpet looked in great shape for it's age, Normal paths showing, every thing looked and smelt OK to me. Helen, my nose, said it hit her hard as she entered and it appeared to be stronger in the smaller of the bedrooms. About a 6 on a 1-10 scale.

They had already removed all the drapes for cleaning and the small UV light I bought at connections didn't locate any problem areas, it just wasn't dark enough for any thing to glow. So we hooked up our old $450 plus space gun, let it warm up and By Golly we finds all these here pi$$ markings around the perimeter of the rooms. Very few hits in center or away from the walls areas. I explained our topical process, I explained about the necessity of sealing the raw wood on the back of the affected baseboards, I also told her that the walls in my opinion would not need sealing since they had many layers of enamel paint on them, a though cleaning should take care of the walls problem areas. I told her we would reuse the light to mark the heavy deposit areas and heavily apply the deodorizer to those affected areas so we could attempt to topically reproduce the urine paths to the back of the carpet and the tackless strip.

I was all excited, I was going to try some more of Judson's Quat a Lot, for a topical application.

$.45 for cleaning the carpet, .25 for the Quat a Lot, Remove and clean the affected baseboards, wipe down the affected walls to have it ready for their painter to paint and also seal the back side of the affected base boards before he or some one else reinstalled them... about a 3 hour job for a bit better than $500.

I gave her the quoted figure of a minimum of $500 but no to exceed 700 for the work I described we would do for her, but from what I saw at this time was less than $525. After she handed me my $75 check She said she and her husband would discuss it and get back.

2 days later she calls and said she wanted to accept our proposal, when could we schedule it in??

Sure thing, let me get the book.

Oh, By the way she said, This unit hasn't had a good make over in almost
20 years, so we decided to go ahead and replace the carpets, vinyl and do a total repaint. We removed the carpets day before yesterday and they really looked and smelt bad. there was stains all over the back of them.

OK, What did you have in mind for me to do??

Well, I met with the new carpet people and they advised me to seal the walls and floors. They also said that the base boards need to be higher to fit the higher nap of the new style carpet that will be installed. So we thought since you don't need to clean and treat the carpets any more you could clean and seal the walls, floors, back of the baseboards for 1/2 of what you were going to do the other for..We have already done the hard work.. "I also swept and vacuumed it again and it still stinks"

Excuse me, I think you have really changed the scope of our previous Bid. Before I can say what we can do to help you is to make a new inspection.

Really??? Your not going to charge me $75 again are you???

Well, What do you think I should do, you have changed every thing we talked about and the way we had decided how to do it. It is a whole new ball game..

I know,but it still stinks!!!!
We were hoping that just removing it would take care of the problem and wouldn't need you. The carpet man, when he was here yesterday suggested to paint a sealer on everything because of the smell.

Well your painter can seal everything before he paints so we just need to clean and have everything all prepped ready to seal correct?

Not exactly, We checked with our painter and he does not and will not use that Kilz. It makes him sick. We need you to do the cleaning and sealing.

It makes me sick too, and I am a lot more expensive than your painter..You and your husband might want to do it..

No,, You do it, How much is it going to cost???

OK, Let me work up a new set of numbers based on what you have told me, and what I also know you might need due to my experience and worst case scenario. I should have the new scope ready in a day or two.

New Scope:
Remove and Reinstall baseboards, clean and seal backs only, Face might need to be repainted and old nail holes filled by your painter after reinstalled.

Remove all tackless strips and nails from gypecrete. Some floor prep and filling may be needed by your installers before they install new tackless.

Wash and seal all walls in carpeted areas 18 to 24 inches up from floor.

Wash and seal all gypecrete floors where carpet was previously installed, 18 t0 24 inches from walls.

This bid is for just the above services, any and all change orders by you will increase the total job invoice.

They signed it today when we picked up the key.

Change Order #1 Clean and seal all of the gypecrete Add $250.00

What would you charge for these services??? I will let you know what I charged in a few days after my part of the job is complete.


Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
If you think they are being a pita now. Wait until it is time to collect the check. Some things just scream "DECLINE THIS JOB". If I am pricing a type of work I generally don't enjoy doing and could care less about getting the gig. I price it till I like it. In other words whatever rate would make me enjoy it is where I will price it. On the other hand if it is the potential customer themselves I don't want to deal with I don't. Always polite always cordial but will decline if that voice in my head screams at me. I don't make up or give a specific reason I just say it is not something we are interested in doing at this time.

Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Do you have to beg for work?

It sure sounded like you wanted to rescue these people.

They obviously wanted to nickle and dime you and besides what did you expect from an old apartment complex?

20 year old carpet?

Haven't called you since 95?

I would have politely referred them to another BDCC.

There are better fish to catch!

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Strange how when we don't want to do it, some how we are always too busy to get to it. :?:

Of course we can usually recommend a competitor who might have time to take care of it for them. :shock:

Give them Odin's number! :p

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I'm confused, why are they a PITA and why would it have taken more than 10-60 seconds to re-figure your estimate if you already had all the data from your first inspection? Am I missing something? Why is it when everyone here tries to find alternative ways to do things to either save money or increase efficiency it is okay, but when a client does they are a PITA?


Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Hey Richard, doing good! I was back to work the day after I got out of the hospital against doctors orders. I am playing racquetball for the first time this afternoon and am looking forward to being really sore tomorrow. Today is just a light match with a friend, and I scheduled a match with a regular player for Tuesday, which will be the big test.


Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
Nope, i was hobbling around :-)

By the end of the day for the first 3 weeks my leg was like a balloon, and is still a little swollen at night. About 80+ percent better now and should be almost 100% in another couple weeks.

Take care Richard!

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
I'm confused, why are they a PITA and why would it have taken more than 10-60 seconds to re-figure your estimate if you already had all the data from your first inspection? Am I missing something? Why is it when everyone here tries to find alternative ways to do things to either save money or increase efficiency it is okay, but when a client does they are a PITA?


I can't speak for anyone else but for me it isn't the fact they want to save money that qualifies them as a pita. It is more a feeling or instinct, if you will that there will be problems. Us broke dick owner operators have to be more choosy when it comes to allocating resources to a project.

John Watson

Oct 7, 2006
Whoa there nellie belle, Hey guys, I didn't fall off the bike yesterday.

I got the check when we picked up the key, before we started the job including the #1 change order.

and yes Steve I am using Kilz2.

There is no staining visable on the gypecrete, the walls are very heavily coated in enameled paint.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Whoa there nellie belle, Hey guys, I didn't fall off the bike yesterday.

I got the check when we picked up the key, before we started the job including the #1 change order.

and yes Steve I am using Kilz2.

There is no staining visable on the gypecrete, the walls are very heavily coated in enameled paint.

So what was the purpose of the post again :?: :?


Oct 4, 2007
Unless Brevik is just being an ass, which is probably the case, how are these people being ripped off?

I hope you start selling those ugly looking portables and people start nickle and diming you to death.

Your bald ugly ass might be singing a different tune.

Get your ass back up on the slopes...and crash into a fricken tree.


Jimmy L

Oct 7, 2006
Jimmy L
Again kenny Snow befuddles me.

Is he not in touch with reality?

I guess us O/O have a different viewpoint than someone who lives in a depressed market and must find every crumb they can.


Oct 7, 2006
I know that if you happen to gently 'bump' into Brevick's beater that you will get a very fair and reasonable bill of around $4,000.00.

Ken Snow

Oct 7, 2006
Bingham Farms MI
Ken Snow
I am still waiting to get the tie in to the title of the post. I am serious guys and gals I have no idea what the purpose of the title was as it relates to the story.

Were they a pain in the ass? Okay, if so why? Did you overcharge them because of that. I don't mean to judge that you did, as the rates and charges seem reasonable to me, but I'm trying to find the relevance to the title again.



Oct 11, 2006
I kinda thought the same thing because the story did not reflect he did not
want the job or the rates were unreasonable.

But............if I don't want a job, I price it out the hyknee and then if
they still want me to do it, then it is worth the pain in the
keyster to do it.


Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Maybe I am lost here.............

why in the word would you take a job you don't want...??

If it so bad that you feel you have to over price it just to be satisfied to do is not worth it......

Just tell them you don't think that you can help them and move on........


Oct 8, 2006
I think Ken's post reflects something I've noticed a few times with myself. If it seems like too much work to me and I'm the one doing it, I may price it higher to compensate for my aggravation. However, if it's something I can get one of my guys to do for me, there is no "aggravation" surcharge since it is not me who is being aggravated.

Hope that makes sense, LOL.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Rexster, What does the Subject Title say???

The title does not explain the purpose. But it seems you really didn't want feed back you just wanted to tell us what you did. That is ok with me, I could give a shit. But if you really are not interested in input and feed back don't post as a question. Just make your statement. We can all benefit from the experience.

Thanks for sharing.


Oct 11, 2006
Well there Jim

some jobs are just tedious and you can see some snags
along the way, so just not to whittle away profit from the job
I price it high. " customers " will many times not realize what is
involved in what they perceive is just a little thing or just a little
area so on and so forth.

If I really don't want the job for what ever. Then I just pass

Some jobs are worth the challenge if you get paid enough
for the challenge.

Some jobs once you get into them, you wish you did not but
your at a point of no return. You learn how to do that
particular task more efficient, or you decide.......never again.

Kinda of like becoming parents. The baby is cute, but it starts
to grow up and demand and you find out what your made of.
Most especially what the child is. But then, as a parent, your
in it for the duration. Like at least until they are 18, no, I take that
back, the rest of your life.


Nov 26, 2007
Maybe it would be good to just keep the 75 bucks...the check cashed right? and walk away Personally I hate playing when the game rules change all of a sudden lol

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