I'm convinced....and you should be too!


Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
I know there have been some recent posts and discussions on clients booking online, via text, email, facebook etc. (@Mikey P getting texted upholstery pictures asking how much, Marty bitching about it too)

Some of us are embracing it, some of us are fighting it.

I'm in between....at least us was, but now I think I will fully surrender.

I know what I'm about to say is not feasible for many of you. But find a way to incorporate even some of it if you can, because it IS the way things are going. Everyday I get more and more people reaching out electronically and not by phone.

I prefer speaking to customers. Mainly because they want the most accurate estimate possible and that requires me to ask many questions and gather a lot of information. This can be a huge PIA to do over email, text, instant messenger - way too much back and forth to accomplish would I could have in 5 minutes or less. But, I do it.

I've learned to at least respond, start some dialogue through which ever electronic means they have contacted me. If it seems like it's going to be complex, I suggest that it may be easier to chat for a little so that I can get the info, and answer their questions so I can BE AS ACCURATE AS POSSIBLE. Very few have an issue with that and will take the call. But, some people just can't do that for what ever reason. So I provide what they need, the way they prefer (even if I'm kicking and screaming).

For us the past 8 months have been HUGE on Facebook. We have a 'closed' group that I'm a member of for the biggest town in the area. People are always going there asking for references for every type of thing from doctors, contractors, auto repair, day cares etc. Our name comes up often. I make it a point of PERSONALLY acknowledging everyone that mentions us on the post or comments. I give a bit of info about our company and make sure our phone number and website are on the thread so they can click through or click to call.

I LOVE It when people just post a name (Carpet Care or Tom Jones). Who would you call....Carpet Care/Tom Jones with no company info, no personal touch, no contact, or would you make a call to the person who's number is right there, at your fingertips?

I also do my best to PM people right away from a facebook post. I start contact immediately. Engage them. It's amazing the work we've booked this way.

I'm in the situation where I'm in the office, behind the computer all day. I've set my facebook to alert me when my name is tagged and I come up in these conversations. I get an alert right away. Facebook is always running on my desktop (I have a dual monitor system set up so I can have it up on one screen, while I'm working on my other). If I'm on the road, I get the alerts and notifications on my cell phone so I can respond right away.

I booked two jobs this week that were emergencies/time sensitive and did it all through facebook. One for $349.80 and the other $941.28.



After we cleaned for the second one, she went back on Facebook (we didn't ask her to) and posted this....


John sent me this text from the other job:

She loved the private message you sent her and all the positive feedback from Doylestown Facebook page. She said, 'if it wasn't for that, I never would have used your and because your wife private messaged me is the reason you are here now'. That was the $941.00 job.

Since July of last year when I started doing the Facebook stuff: Over $18,000 in jobs booked off Facebook recommendations. Since the first of this year, over $7,000.

I KNOW this isn't workable for all of you. But think about incorporating this with your admin team or person who answers your phone.

Things are going this way, whether you like it or not. I seriously think that in the next few years, we will need to have a full time person just to respond to electronic inquires. Someone solely to sit and respond to social media, review sites, email, texts and instant messages.

I don't know that I can ever got to electronic scheduling (@smastio ) with Fittle Bug as much as I'd love to cause right now it doesn't work with the way we schedule. I am convinced you MUST find some way to let people connect with you electronically in the next few years if you want to stay a viable player in the industry. The sooner you get on board, the better.....Sorry Marty!!

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Electronic is the future. Its where all the people are, either socializing or browsing on the internet.

Here is a question asked on Facebook late last night.



Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
I find in interesting that they post there, but still respond to some level of personal communication.

Like the one customer said, it was cause I PM'd her. So people are starting with social media as a way to research, but they still do appreciate some sort of personal touch, customer service and quick response time.

They key is to figure out how to deliver the right balance of both.
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
That's a good post Meg and thank you for sharing.

Also like the fact that you charge good prices and can get them. Show people that you can run a high price service and be very successful.
What's the size of the community that you serve?

Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
I think its a great tool for targeted/nichee players like me.
Gives me the ability to think about responses and provide "evidence"

That being said, the biggest cleaning company here has 500 employees or something. Janitorial, truckmounts, residential, distributorship, EVERYTHING you can think of they do.
Pretty sure they dont know the internet exists...

For us targeted players, this is exactly the game plan. Every app or production tool available, this is what we do.
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Supportive Member
Nov 24, 2006
Bill Yeadon
We vertically challenged people are always over achieving. Of course i didn't understand the reference either.


Oct 7, 2006
Prattville, Alabama
That lady I complained about yesterday, because I played email with her for over 6 hours before she booked, emailed me an hour before I was supposed to be there today to tell me "something unavoidable has come up and I need to reschedule."

I emailed her back and said "No problem. My number is ###- ####. Call me to reschedule."

I haven't heard from her.


Shane Deubell

Supportive Member
Jun 30, 2011
We vertically challenged people are always over achieving. Of course i didn't understand the reference either.

Never see it as over achieving but defense. Whenever i know something bad is about to happen, better line up some options.

When ya grow up in the city, its either that or get the crap beat out of you everyday...

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
My guys have seen the trouble I've had to go to to fix bad online reviews.

Let your crew know how intensely important it is to schmooze customers who came from FB, Angies, Yelp or other sites that allow commentary.

Reward them if they generate good reviews, and threaten to fire if they dont.. :shifty:


Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
Nice! :cool:

What was that last sentence? "What impressed me the most was that all three men did not.." ???

Fart? Chew tobacco? Wear any pants at all? Copy & paste? :winky:

what? Inquiring minds must know!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
But what impressed me the most was the fact that all 3 men did not seem in any rush to "get the job done", as so many of us have experienced with services in our homes. They cared about the job they did and it sure shows.

Thank you Gentlemen!


Jan 2, 2008
NorthEast, USA
I think MOST people know there will always be someone that is unhappy or has to complain. When you have a huge list of positive comments and posts, and most of a town putting your name out there when someone asks for a recommendation, then I don't think those once in a while negative nellies matter.

And I think there is value in people seeing how you respond/reply to those types of posts/reviews.

Don't get into a pissing match or he said she said with the customer. I've seen some of them and can't believe how the business and customer go back and forth publicly for all to see the finger pointing. Who in their right mind would want to hire a company that publicly "reminds" the customer of the paperwork they signed or that they dealt with the husband who they told all of this to and it's not their fault he didn't relay the information to you. I have seen this type of thing!

Respond in a positive way, ask what you can do to resolve the issue, sincerely apologize that you didn't meet their expectations. When people see that, they will know that you are trying to do the right thing and provide that level of customer service. When you have all the good reviews and handle the very few not so good ones in this way, the general public will get what kind of company you are.

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