It’s been an interesting ride!

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
October 6th 2006 was the day that everything changed for many cleaners who chose to participate in the carpet cleaning forums.

Mike got laughed at, heard that many was glad he was gone and more than one administrator of another board thought he was never going to make a go of it. Was Mike disappointed in the other boards and what was allowed to be said? We can leave that for a thread in the Bird Room. For whatever the motivation, inspiration or vision this man and his collective group of carpet cleaners has shown everyone, to everyone’s amazement including Mike, this place has truly become the world’s greatest carpet cleaning forum.

Mikey’s Board has become a venue for enlightenment and entertainment for all in the industry to participate in except for liars, cheats hucksters and sociopaths who will (eventually) be eliminated (but we do keep a few around for everyone’s entertainment).

Here are some of the things that are apparent to most of us that hang around here (some of us way too much). The depths of our member’s sincerity and generosity has yet to be sounded because we are constantly exposed to the actions of fellow members for what they will do to help their fellow members. We aren’t too proud to admit when we are wrong and stand corrected. At the same time most of us have the courage to stand up for what is right. Mikey’s Board is especially powerful because what we say is heard and not deleted.

Mikey’s Board has only just begun. You can look forward to an even more informative and entertaining place to hang out in the future.

I have to say one final thing, there is a person here who should be acknowledged for not only having the ability to put up with Mike and this place but who also does a lot to make it run and that’s Paula, Mikey’s wife. Thanks Paula.

Thanks to all of you members, and thanks Mike for your vision and sincere commitment to this industry.

steve frasier

Supportive Member
Oct 9, 2006
portland oregon
steve frasier
doesn't matter what it is Mike does, be it the BB, Mike Fest, carpet cleaning or just giving a guy like me an ear full

he seems to pour himself totally into it, nothing wrong with that


Oct 11, 2006
Yes it has.....

I met Mikey at connections and I enjoyed the time together when we joined for dinner with Greenie , Lisa, John and Patty . There were two other gents there as well.

Lisa is a sweet heart and Greenie, well you can understand why they are a great team when you meet them.

Mikey, many are proud of your accomplishment with your board.

The award night you put on was very nice. Many of us had nothing less then a good time. We met many that we only knew by name on the board.

Your award idea was great. Fun, entertaining and certainly a great gesture.

Maybe the next time Karaoke. that would even be more fun.

Paula must be a gem. Like many have said. She puts up with a lot of time your occupied with this board.

As you know, I don't, it must have taken a lot of talent to put it together.


bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
You all DO know that witout ME an' OPee.....this would NOT have happened.....RIGHT?

Thank ya ...thankya very much.....

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
I didn't tell 'er.....she's following Mike around lik a little lost puppy dog......

If she only knew that HE was the REAL Debil......

The Preacher

Oct 13, 2006
i hope the admin gets a few new faces (or fingers as you will), a couple of you have thin skin and little sense of humor, judging from some of the posts that have been deleted!!!

Bob Foster

Oct 8, 2006
Huh? Not me, I can speak my mind and often do. But when we settle our differences which are few we don't do it here.

I think the last thing Mike would tolerate is an ass kisser.

You guys got nothing better to do today?

Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
A year ago I climbed on board and "enjoyed" the first Hot Seat. Many people in this industry thought I was nuts; (I think most still do!)

Much of what I've written and the stands that I've taken have been the result of what has been shared here.

Thanks to all of you.

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