LeTip or BNI?


Aug 30, 2008
My Bni is 330 for for the year plus a hundered for application ,and 10 bucks for breakfast a total of around 1000 for the year. The other group I believe is a 1000 a month . Correct me if im wrong ,BNI has been the ticket for me , ive been in my group for 5 weeks and Im up $1700. Every week as I get to know my members biz goes up. I have a huge chapter of 50 people and with in the 2 weeks I have another 2000 in work. BNI is a no brainer.......

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Erik the red spends too much time on ***.

LeTip is roughly $1000 a year as well.

$330 to join and then depending on where you meet for breakfast you'll have quarterly dues to pay for food and LeTip housekeeping.

My group charges $189 per quarter due mostly because we meet at a overly fancy resort every Thursday.
If you dont bring at least one "tip" for another member or a guest to the meeting you'll be "fined" $1.00 each.

Join the group with the highest quality members. Are they well known and at the tops of their perspective fields?

and more importantly who has the better flooring retailer in their group.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Letip is $325.00 to International and $80.00 to the chapter.
I was membership chair this last year.
Our dues are $230.00 per quarter...probably the highest anywhere because of the location...
Like Mikey said, it pays for your lunch and some other events within the group.

The thing with Letip is, it's very structured. It tends to have high quality members because we don't let just any dirtbag join. We have to vote everyone in.

I made $40,000.00 last year give or take a few hundred.
We have 36 members.

I really made more if you count the referalls from the refferals etc.
Some really big commercial accounts were landed from Letip as well.

If anything the group keeps your chops up. You have to be on your toes to help yourself and help others. It's no game...I am not sure of BNI's structure.

Helped me grow financially and personally.

Our group won almost every award at the last power siminar. Their were about 30 groups from the area (about 400 people).

Just remember, no matter what group you join. Be sure to visit every other group within working distance. They all allow you to visit even if you belong to another one.
I have gotten so much business off of other groups, it's not funny.

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