No more free shower estimates.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
We start off with them sending photos.

This guy did but they were all distance shots. I don't know if he was being clever or just stupid as I couldn't see anything wrong in his original photos.

Dear Mike,
Below you will see the relavant info and picture of the shower to be cleaned.
It is quite an unusual shower in that it was built as a pop-out configuration from the bathroom. I hope the picture capture this feeling.
The floor is tile and is 64”X 60”X 31” walls. Above the tile is glass brick.
I hope this provides enough info to give you an idea of the work space. You probably have not seen a shower quite like this before.

View attachment 5215

I asked for some detailed up close shots and he tried to get around it again but I finally got them and after reviewing I sent off this letter..

View attachment 5216

View attachment 5217

Ok Leo..

With these pictures I can see your concerns..

The hard water build up on the tiles will take a lot of hand and tool work to remove most of it. Some times we get it all and some times not. There comes a point where the tile gets permanently etched/damaged. Unfortunately there is no way to predict the results and the end result may vary from area to area.
As for the mold we can remove lots of it, sometimes all, but there are situations where the mold is growing on the back side of the tiles and growing upwards. In that case we can only slow it down but a jack hammer is the only real fix. Cracks in the grout and not keeping it sealed lead to this problem. The steam cleaning and our cleaning agents will make a huge improvement on the mold, far better than bleach alone.

As for the failed silicone, it all need to be removed and new grout put in it's place. Silicone should only be applied in an open are between two tiles, never over existing grout.

We may also be able to polish the glass blocks as well, again results vary from shower to shower.

It may be best for us to come out and do some testing to try and predict the end results. The cost to do so would be $150.

I can't give you an exact quote without doing so but a job like this would take 2 to 3 days, with the shower out of commission for a week and at minimum would run $1200.

If you would like to proceed with a testing appointment please call my office @ 476 9721

Thanks for inquiring!

Mike @ Connoisseur

Think he'll go for it?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Dear Mike,Thanks for your advice. After a long talk with my wife last evening I think we may go with a floor replacement. We will get back to you if that does not work out.
Thanks again,

Bee Busy

Aug 19, 2010
Folsom CA
Bee Busy
I don't blame ya. It's so frustrating quoting showers, most are a waste of time especially the stock white porcelain 1/16 white/non sanded groutline jobs, I've refered them to the local grout franchise unless they mention that they are travertine

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
you mean like this nightmare I looked at yesterday?


bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
that one's a doozie.....did ya do it....

how much would it take for a grown family man to climb in there and do that.....

i think i'd rather stand on the corner wit a cardboard sign

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