Now who are you voting for?

My vote will be for

  • Total voters

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Danny Strickland said:
so are just white people racist, or are blacks able to hate also???

you betcha

When i worked at the UAW car factory (75% black) there was a stark difference in the amount of racists that varied by geography too.

The Cleveland area brothers by and large were more racist to whitey than the Akron area brothers



Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
You don't seem to get it. If McCain would show us that he has a "temper" he would be pulling ahead right now. His problem is that he doesn't get pissed off enough about the crap that's going on. He seems to be too chicken shit to name the names of the people who primarily got us into this mess. Actually chicken shit was really to strong I should say he's too "politically correct" he goes out of his way to not offend people instead of just telling the truth.

Rex is right by the way, the only reason Obama beat Hillary is because he's black NOT inspite of it. The media and the "elite" so called would just love to have a black president. As long as he's not a black republican. After all black republicans aren't really black at all they are "uncle toms". Total BS.

I got more news for you libs. Had Hillary won the primaries you would have the White house locked up by now. Because myself and people like myself would not be voting for McCain if she was the nominee. McCain would not have the support of conservatives and meat I said conservatives not republicans because they are NOT one and the same. Don't get me wrong I couldn't cast my vote for Hillary but I would be able to live with "wasting" my vote on a third party or even writing someone in, just to send a message to the republicans. But with Obama as the dem choice I have NO CHOICE but to vote AGAINST Obama not necessarily for McCain.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Its crazy to say that people are voting for Obama because he is black. You are *wrong* Rex T. Reports do show that people are not voting for Obama because he is black or think he is muslim.

It is known that 80% or more of americas doesnt like the way the last 8 years or so have gone. Americans want change, they see something in Obama that is different, they see change, he has a *presents*... He offers hope in a time of despair. I dont see that with McCain, so do majority of Americans.

Many Americans see McCain an extension of Bush and his policies and see very little change. That is why Obama is ahead. Is Obama perfect? NO. Is McCain perfect? NO. McCain has been in the game longer for sure, but is that such a good thing? Politics as usual?

Fact is McCain has been unable to run a successful campaign this whole year, what does that say if he took office. Barak has run a very successful campaign, which could translate into a successful office, because he has the power to inspire, which is powerful tool and I do believe he can back it up.


Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
MikeD00019 said:
Bush administrations policies have ran this country into the ground. I'm not a democrat if you read my statement right. I think we need somebody new. John McCain offers NOTHING different. He says country first but leaves an horribly inexperienced VP in charge if something happens to him. That's not putting country first.

Please enlighten us with all your historical knowledge and understanding of the financial markets and the creation of jobs. SPECIFICALLY, what do you see as the top 3 Bush policies that caused the problems we have today.

Inexperienced VP? OK Please enlighten me to what Obama has accomplished or even attempted that makes him more qualified than Palin? Just curious. I mean you have it all figured out so please clue me in. If you want some one new Vote McCain and just wait a little while. I mean he is in his 70's. :wink:

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
The Green One said:
Its crazy to say that people are voting for Obama because he is black. You are *wrong* Rex T. Reports do show that people are not voting for Obama because he is black or think he is muslim.

It is known that 80% or more of americas doesnt like the way the last 8 years or so have gone. Americans want change, they see something in Obama that is different, they see change, he has a *presents*... He offers hope in a time of despair. I dont see that with McCain, so do majority of Americans.

Many Americans see McCain an extension of Bush and his policies and see very little change. That is why Obama is ahead. Is Obama perfect? NO. Is McCain perfect? NO. McCain has been in the game longer for sure, but is that such a good thing? Politics as usual?

Fact is McCain has been unable to run a successful campaign this whole year, what does that say if he took office. Barak has run a very successful campaign, which could translate into a successful office, because he has the power to inspire, which is powerful tool and I do believe he can back it up.


I will not waste my wit and wisdom on a tree hugger. I do agree that McCain has not ran a good campaign. As for Obama beating hillary if'n he would have been white.... You are in denial.


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
Rex is right by the way, the only reason Obama beat Hillary is because he's black NOT inspite of it. The media and the "elite" so called would just love to have a black president. As long as he's not a black republican. After all black republicans aren't really black at all they are "uncle toms". Total BS.

Nah, he won because he can talk and inspire people. That was the main issue against him, "Is he just full of hot air".


Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Just curious if anyone knows the percentage of the black vote Obama carried in the primaries? Research that answer and then tell me how I am wrong. There are only 2 real block votes left in America. The Black vote and the Bible thumper vote. Every other group votes more independantly. These two blocks vote in the low 90 percentile.


Oct 18, 2006
Redding, CT
Kevin Dineen
meAt said:
McCain has run a terrible campaign
Obama has run an excellent campaign

That's the biggest reason Obama will be our next prez

all that a side, if Obama was white, it would be a slam dunk blow out that would rival the Reagan vs Carter vote in '80

If Obama was white it would be McCain vs Hillary Clinton.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Dont you want a president that has the power to inspire and offer hope, dont you guys think that is a great tool? Its only bad if he doesnt back it up and no one can see the future and say he cant....

No t Rex do enlighten us with your great wit and wisdom. So since McCain hasn *not* ran a good campaign do you really think he can run a good office??????? Do tell...........

Majority of americans are color blind now, not all but majority. They did not vote for him because of his skin color. You got to get out of the 60's man. :roll:

May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
kmdineen said:
meAt said:
McCain has run a terrible campaign
Obama has run an excellent campaign

That's the biggest reason Obama will be our next prez

all that a side, if Obama was white, it would be a slam dunk blow out that would rival the Reagan vs Carter vote in '80

If Obama was white it would be McCain vs Hillary Clinton.

Do you really think Obama got a pitty vote because he is black? :roll: You must think majority of americans are dumb. There are issues in america that outweigh the color of a mans skin. Figures people would think he has gotten this far because he is black and no other reason. We still have a long way to go as americans. :roll:


Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
The Green One said:
Dont you want a president that has the power to inspire and offer hope, dont you guys think that is a great tool? Its only bad if he doesnt back it up and no one can see the future and say he cant....

No t Rex do enlighten us with your great wit and wisdom. So since McCain hasn *not* ran a good campaign do you really think he can run a good office??????? Do tell...........

Majority of americans are color blind now, not all but majority. They did not vote for him because of his skin color. You got to get out of the 60's man. :roll:


Inspriration is but one tool that is required. It is like having a Greenie pimped TI wand with no truckmount or hoses.

By you merely comparing running a popularity contest to being the leader of the free world explains much to me.

The 60's is when he would have not had a chance of being elected. :shock:

Everyone that is voting for him is not doing so because he is black. I never said that. I did say the MANY MORE ARE voting FOR him because he is black than AGAINST him because of it. I realize you are in Washington state so I uderstand.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Rex Tyus said:
[quote="The Green One":29tpq8ri]Dont you want a president that has the power to inspire and offer hope, dont you guys think that is a great tool? Its only bad if he doesnt back it up and no one can see the future and say he cant....

No t Rex do enlighten us with your great wit and wisdom. So since McCain hasn *not* ran a good campaign do you really think he can run a good office??????? Do tell...........

Majority of americans are color blind now, not all but majority. They did not vote for him because of his skin color. You got to get out of the 60's man. :roll:


Inspriration is but one tool that is required. It is like having a Greenie pimped TI wand with no truckmount or hoses.

By you merely comparing running a popularity contest to being the leader of the free world explains much to me.

The 60's is when he would have not had a chance of being elected. :shock:

Everyone that is voting for him is not doing so because he is black. I never said that. I did say the MANY MORE ARE voting FOR him because he is black than AGAINST him because of it. I realize you are in Washington state so I uderstand.[/quote:29tpq8ri]

Well you do want a president to be popular, like, respected if not you get another Bush, so it is very important. No one knows *how* Obama or McCain would do as president. I think Obama is more intelligent than McCain and would be a greater leader than McCain and would make *good* decisions, again based on how they run their campaign. I'm sorry McCain just seems lost, the left foot doesnt know what the right foot is doing. That is not leadership, that is not what we need as a president.

Do you have the stats on how many are giving him the pitty vote vs not? I was getting at that skin color is not that much of an issue than the 60's.

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Brent if we continue this we start to repeat. In response to your last post reread my previous post. I'll check back in a couple of hours.


Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Joey J.
The Green One said:
kmdineen said:
meAt said:
McCain has run a terrible campaign
Obama has run an excellent campaign

That's the biggest reason Obama will be our next prez

all that a side, if Obama was white, it would be a slam dunk blow out that would rival the Reagan vs Carter vote in '80

If Obama was white it would be McCain vs Hillary Clinton.

Do you really think Obama got a pitty vote because he is black? :roll: You must think majority of americans are dumb. There are issues in america that outweigh the color of a mans skin. Figures people would think he has gotten this far because he is black and no other reason. We still have a long way to go as americans. :roll:


No I don't think the majority of americans are dumb hence I still believe McCain will win in the end. I do however think the majority of liberal democrats are dumb or maybe just uninformed hence their giving the nomination to Obama instead of Hillary but the fact is Hillary was to "conservative" for the democratic party and that is a scary thought. Hillary would have been a slam dunk to win this thing. It kills me the criticism of McCain's judgement for picking Palin who has relatively little experience and then out of the other side of your mouth you pick Obama to be on the top of the ticket and he has even less experience than Palin..... but oh he's "inspirational" you just can't grasp the concept that Palin is just as "inspirational" to conservatives as Obama is to Libs.

Please please please I beg of you Obama supportors go to the library and do a little historical research. You can start with the late 70's and President Carter and his policies. Then compare Carter's policies to Obama's. Then maybe just maybe you'll understand why Obama is the worst possible candidate that the we could pick.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
kmdineen said:
If Obama was white it would be McCain vs Hillary Clinton.

Rex and I have already been over that and i already eluded to why i disagree.

add some new points as to why you think that.
Other wise I get bored...

May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
40 years ago and a different person, things have changed in 40 years a different America and Obama is not Carter. IMHO, but go ahead a tell me i'm wrong cause you have all the answers. :roll:


May 15, 2008
Rex Tyus said:
MikeD00019 said:
Bush administrations policies have ran this country into the ground. I'm not a democrat if you read my statement right. I think we need somebody new. John McCain offers NOTHING different. He says country first but leaves an horribly inexperienced VP in charge if something happens to him. That's not putting country first.

Please enlighten us with all your historical knowledge and understanding of the financial markets and the creation of jobs. SPECIFICALLY, what do you see as the top 3 Bush policies that caused the problems we have today.

Inexperienced VP? OK Please enlighten me to what Obama has accomplished or even attempted that makes him more qualified than Palin? Just curious. I mean you have it all figured out so please clue me in. If you want some one new Vote McCain and just wait a little while. I mean he is in his 70's. :wink:

Republicans on Bush's Policies

"If he needs more authority, he just can’t unilaterally decide that that 1978 law is out of date and he will be the guardian of America and he will violate that law. He needs to come back, work with us, work with the courts if he has to, and we will do what we need to do to protect the civil liberties of this country and the national security of this country." - Sen. Chuck Hagel, January 29, 2006. []

"[A]ny time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap ... a wiretap requires a court order." - President Bush, April 20, 2004. []

"If I knew then what I know now about what kind of situation we would be in, I would have opposed the war." - William F. Buckley, preeminent conservative commentator and founder of the National Review, on the Iraq war. [The Hill]

"The situation with the CIA and ghost soldiers is beginning to look like a bad movie." - Sen. John McCain, September 10, 2004. []

"I've reached the conclusion, retrospectively, now that the inadequate intelligence and faulty conclusions are being revealed, that all things being considered, it was a mistake to launch that military action, especially without a broad and engaged international coalition." - Rep. Doug Bereuter, Former vice chairman, House Intelligence Committee, in an August 18, 2004 statement. [CNN]

"I truly am not that concerned about him." - President George W. Bush, when asked about Osama Bin Laden during a March 13, 2002 press conference in which he said that he was "deeply concerned" about the alleged Iraq WMD threat. [CNN]

"I would not have voted for [President Bush's] tax cut, based on what I know. . . . There is no doubt that the people at the top who need a tax break the least will get the most benefit. . . . Too often presidents do things that don't end up helping the people they should be helping, and their staffs won't tell them their actions stink on ice." - Former North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms. [Washington Post]

"He was saying how Colin Powell was being a wuss because he was overly concerned with the lives of the troops. And I said, ‘Look ..., he’s supposed to think that way!’ And Perle didn’t agree with me on that. People like that worry me.” - Author Tom Clancy, describing how he "almost came to blows" with leading neoconservative Richard Perle. In the same interview, Clancy called the invasion of Iraq a "mistake," because it lacked “casus belli,” or suitable provocation. [MSNBC]

"What the hell! What are these guys thinking about? . . . Can't you get these guys back in the box?" - Secretary of State Colin Powell to General Hugh Shelton after Rumsfeld had brought up the possibility of attacking Iraq in a September 16, 2001 National Security Council meeting. [Slate's "Condensed Bob Woodward"; Woodward, "Plan of Attack," p.25]

"[How much Iraq has in the way of WMD's] can be debated." - Former U.S. President George H. W. Bush, in a speech given February 26, 2003, just weeks before the Iraq War began. [London Times]

"Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in midstream, engaging in 'mission creep,' and would have incurred incalculable human and political costs." - Former U.S. President George H. W. Bush on why he didn't occupy Iraq in 1991, in his 1998 book, "A World Transformed.'' [Bush, "A World Transformed"]

"It is interesting to me that many of those who want to rush this country into war and think it would be so quick and easy don't know anything about war . . . They come at it from an intellectual perspective versus having sat in jungles or foxholes and watched their friends get their heads blown off." - Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. [MSNBC]

"If we go after Saddam Hussein, we lose our rightful place as the good guy." - Vice President Cheney, September 16, 2001. [Woodward, p.25]

"Woodward meets Bush at a White House Christmas party in 2002. Though it's months before the prez would declare war on Iraq, Bush suggests that a sequel to Woodward's previous best seller, Bush at War, should be in the works.'Maybe it will be called More Bush at War,' Bush says. Laura Bush responds, 'Let's hope not.'" [Slate's "Condensed Bob Woodward"; Woodward, p.25]

"We see an unprecedented secrecy in this White House that ... we find very troubling." - Larry Klayman, executive director of conservative legal watchdog Judicial Watch. "This is a case where left and right agree ... True conservatives don't act this way." [USA Today]

"This is not a monarchy." - House Government Reform Chairman Dan Burton, a Republican from Indiana, after President Bush invoked executive privilege to deny Congress access to prosecutorial documents, which have routinely been turned over to Congress by past administrations. [USA Today]

Democrats on Bush's Policies

"At present, we still have much to learn about the NSA’s domestic surveillance. What we do know about this pervasive wiretapping virtually compels the conclusion that the President of the United States has been breaking the law repeatedly and persistently. A president who breaks the law is a threat to the very structure of our government. Our Founding Fathers were adamant that they had established a government of laws and not men. Indeed, they recognized that the structure of government they had enshrined in our Constitution – our system of checks and balances – was designed with a central purpose of ensuring that it would govern through the rule of law. As John Adams said: 'The executive shall never exercise the legislative and judicial powers, or either of them, to the end that it may be a government of laws and not of men.' ” - Former Vice President Al Gore, January 16, 2006. [American Constitution Society]

"General Pace, if you were shown a video of a United States Marine or an American citizen in the control of a foreign power, in a cell block, naked with a bag over their head, squatting with their arms uplifted for 45 minutes, would you describe that as a good interrogation technique or a violation of the Geneva Convention?" - Democratic Sen. Jack Reed of Rhode Island. "I would describe it as a violation, sir," Pace replied. [CNN]

“$200 billion for Iraq, but they tell us we can’t afford after-school programs for our children; $200 billion in Iraq, but they tell us we can’t afford health care for our veterans; $200 billion for Iraq, but they tell us we can’t afford to keep the 100,000 police officers we put on the street.” - Sen. John Kerry, Democratic Presidential Candidate [MSNBC]

“That’s why we have these treaties. So when Americans are captured, they are not tortured. That’s the reason, in case anybody forgets it.” - Sen. Joseph Biden, Democrat from Delaware. [MSNBC]

"Congress, by and large, has been left to learn about major war-related decisions through newspaper articles . . . Is it any wonder that members of Congress are beginning to question whether the administration is deliberately leaving Congress in the dark — or whether the administration is making major policy decisions on the fly, without taking time for due consideration or consultation?" - Senate Appropriations Chairman Robert Byrd, Democrat from West Virginia. [New York Times]

Military Leaders on Bush's Policies

"The invasion of Iraq, I believe, will turn out to be the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history." - Retired Lt. General William Odom, former head of the National Security Agency. [AP]

"To my knowledge, I have not seen any strong, hard evidence that links the two." - Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld discussing the alleged al Qaeda-Iraq link, on October 4, 2004. [CNN] According to the article, in June, Vice President Cheney said: "There clearly was a relationship. It's been testified to. The evidence is overwhelming."

"We all believe that current administration policies have failed in the primary responsibilities of preserving national security and providing world leadership . . . We need a change." - Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change, a group of 27 former U.S. diplomats and military officials. [Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change]

"Retired Marine Gen. Anthony C. Zinni, former U.S. commander in the Middle East, charges in a book to be published today that 'everybody in the military knew' that the Bush administration's plan for Iraq consisted of only half the troops that were needed, and says that country is now 'a powder keg' that could break apart into warring regions." [Washington Post]

Scientists on Bush's Policies

"Across a broad range of issues—from childhood lead poisoning and mercury emissions to climate change, reproductive health, and nuclear weapons—the administration is distorting and censoring scientific findings that contradict its policies; manipulating the underlying science to align results with predetermined political decisions; and undermining the independence of science advisory panels by subjecting panel nominees to political litmus tests that have little or no bearing on their expertise; nominating non-experts or underqualified individuals from outside the scientific mainstream or with industry ties; as well as disbanding science advisory committees altogether." - Union of Concerned Scientists, a group that includes 20 Nobel Prize laureates and 19 National Medal of Science honorees, in its statement "Scientific Integrity in Policymaking." [Union of Concerned Scientists]

"The administration plan would hurt public health and help big polluters by weakening, delaying and diluting cuts in power plants’ sulfur, nitrogen and mercury pollution compared to timely enforcement of current law. The administration plan would roll back the current law’s public health safeguards to protect local air quality, curb pollution from upwind states, and protect our national parks. Tens of millions of people would be denied clean air, even as late as 2020 and beyond." - The American Lung Association, in its "State of the Air 2004" report [American Lung Association]

Religious Leaders on Bush's Policies

"I warned him about this war. I had deep misgivings about this war, deep misgivings. And I was trying to say, Mr. President, you better prepare the American people for casualties," Pat Robertson told CNN's Paula Zahn. But Bush said, " 'Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties,' " Robertson related. [Newsday]

"[The conflict in the Holy Land is a] senseless spiral of blind violence" - The Pope, Christmas Day, 2002. In the same article, the BBC also reported that: "The Vatican has made clear its opposition to what US officials refer to as a preventive war against Iraq, saying it would not qualify as a just war." [BBC]

"In a spirit of shared faith and respect, we feel called to express grave moral concern about your 'Clear Skies' initiative - which we believe is The Administration's continuous effort to weaken critical environmental standards to protect God's creation." - The National Council of Churches, which represents 50 million American Christians [CNN]

"Christian and Muslim, Hindu and Jew, Buddhist and Shinto, Baha'i and Sikh -- all our faith traditions celebrate the sacredness of human life. All charge us to build a just, peaceful, and equitable world. In their essence all these traditions celebrate the power of love to vanquish hate and the power of mercy to overcome vengeance. Therefore, in the name of God, the Ultimate, we say 'No' to war against Iraq." - Statement of Conscience on the Iraq War, dated October 2002, from the Progressive Religious Partnership, a coalition of leaders from a wide variety of faiths. [Progressive Religious Partnership]


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
kolfer1 said:
It's really a hard choice.
Let's see:
On one hand there is an old, not too bright geezer with a temper problem that tends to reach hugely important decisions like an old western gun slinger would, and give it about the same attention span. Attested by his assuring choice for the vice pres-a back woodsey, bear hunting, an instant away from the presidency, religious fundamentalist.

And on the other hand there is a bright young charismatic person who truly cares about people.

Indeed, a very tough decision.

only thing he cares about, is getting into the white house....and running us into the ground with the "no strings attached" conferences he wants with lunatics...

mark my word, that if he does get in.....we WILL be attacked with in 6mths.....


May 15, 2008
floorguy said:
kolfer1 said:
It's really a hard choice.
Let's see:
On one hand there is an old, not too bright geezer with a temper problem that tends to reach hugely important decisions like an old western gun slinger would, and give it about the same attention span. Attested by his assuring choice for the vice pres-a back woodsey, bear hunting, an instant away from the presidency, religious fundamentalist.

And on the other hand there is a bright young charismatic person who truly cares about people.

Indeed, a very tough decision.

only thing he cares about, is getting into the white house....and running us into the ground with the "no strings attached" conferences he wants with lunatics...

mark my word, that if he does get in.....we WILL be attacked with in 6mths.....

Scare tactics have worked on you..........


Oct 11, 2006
Albert, I have to say "THAT ONE button is rather humoreous.

I don't know how anyone can conclude that Obama is more intelligent that McCain.

Just because the marketing is better and one in more inspirational does not a leader

Anyone has to ask when you read all the facts and understand the direction Mr. Obama
wants to head the country in, is that the direction we really want to go.

Socialism , communisim and marxism does not improve or make prosperity.

The system of free markets and capitalism does.

The greed in Washington and special interest groups have been the age old problem all of these years.

In Luke chapter 11:17 it says this
But He knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every Kindom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.

Taxing to death it's people for one is one of those ways of many I believe a Obama administration will bring is a kingdom divided against itself.

I wish our nation would go back to it's original intent of the people for the people and by the people.

I wish we as a nation would go back to it's origianl warnings by our forefathers to not have party's of any kind. That too in of it's self is yet another house divided against it's self.

It is all complex and we all know it and feel it, but we have to have wisdom as to what road do we really want to go down.

I think one of the answers is for leadership that will be for the people first.

A change like I have been hearing, or really not actually know what we are hearing is not the road I want my country to go down.

We must let the free markets and small business people pull this together and make it doable by lowering taxes for everyone. By making our tax system fair and simple.

There is a lot that can be done without more government. More government is not the answer. More government gives more government control and less voice from the people.

It allows a segment of society to continue to be bottom feeders off society.

It is complex we need answers that will work, not answers that will further oppress it's people and more taxation does just that.

Just my -.02 cents.................


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
atleast Rex doesn't cut and paste answers to question. You should reread the question before you cut and paste. Rex asked name 3 policies that ran us into the ground and you post what other people think of policies and aren't specific to the policies.

In the words of the great admiral DUMBASS


Oct 11, 2006
There was an extensive post about Bush.

May I remind you that Bush is not running for President and if he were, I would not vote for him.....Why? based upon past performance.......Period

Mike Draper

Jan 13, 2008
No t Rex do enlighten us with your great wit and wisdom. So since McCain hasn *not* ran a good campaign do you really think he can run a good office??????? Do tell...........

Silly lib's, Mc.Cain doesn't run his campaign, people run every aspect of it for him. Same with Obama, except he has 98% of the media spewing his crap positively for him.
May 7, 2008
I'm Rick James
Mikeyxj8 said:
No t Rex do enlighten us with your great wit and wisdom. So since McCain hasn *not* ran a good campaign do you really think he can run a good office??????? Do tell...........

Silly lib's, Mc.Cain doesn't run his campaign, people run every aspect of it for him. Same with Obama, except he has 98% of the media spewing his crap positively for him.

Uhh he does pick his campaign manager and advisors and is involved with desicions. Your not saying he's just a puppet are you? :roll:


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Dolly wrote:
Socialism , communisim and marxism does not improve or make prosperity.

The system of free markets and capitalism does.

The greed in Washington and special interest groups have been the age old problem all of these years.

In Luke chapter 11:17 it says this
But He knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every Kindom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth.

For someone who freely quotes that "Jewish guy" from Nazareth, it seems like you ignore the fact that he was a whole lot more socialist then the so called socialists.

It will be nice if you quote less and apply more of what he preached and what you hear every Sunday if you truly believe it!
Do you?


Oct 7, 2006
The Green One said:
Mikeyxj8 said:
No t Rex do enlighten us with your great wit and wisdom. So since McCain hasn *not* ran a good campaign do you really think he can run a good office??????? Do tell...........

Silly lib's, Mc.Cain doesn't run his campaign, people run every aspect of it for him. Same with Obama, except he has 98% of the media spewing his crap positively for him.

Uhh he does pick his campaign manager and advisors and is involved with desicions. Your not saying he's just a puppet are you? :roll:

Guys, let's get a grip here.

Obama beat Hilary cause he is black, not because he speaks better, is more attractive, etc... The only thing better for a Dem is a Balck Dem in this day and age.

And let's get something else straight, they are all puppets, you are not electing a man, you are electing an army, a pre-planned army, just pick your poison, but it's still the whole Division, not 'a man'.

And i know this will piss off some young libs, but Obama ain't gonan do nothing for you, you will still be in a shithole in four years, probably deeper in taxes....of course neither will McCain....

Sorry I don't have better answers, but i also can't stand ignorance.


May 15, 2008
Matt Murdock said:
atleast Rex doesn't cut and paste answers to question. You should reread the question before you cut and paste. Rex asked name 3 policies that ran us into the ground and you post what other people think of policies and aren't specific to the policies.

In the words of the great admiral DUMBASS

I'm sure a couple of those quotes might lead to some bad policies. Do I need to draw a picture or write it out in crayon DUMBASS?


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
ok we need to put this into a poll....

I wanna see who is voting for obama and for mccain.....

actually what i really want to see is the age of the person, dont care who it is....

i would bet most are under 35 who are voting for obama...

the "younger" generation is well screwed up i guess....

this is their 1st war to deal with

this is their 1st crisis to deal with...

so of course a black man, or a white woman or someone other then the "norm" is going to appeal to them...if its different and they speak of "change" then it must be better...

that and the fookin media...can we put a muzzle on these people all the way around???


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
name 3? that was question. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid.

It is unfortunate that it will be guys like you who end up hurting the most if Oblabba wins.

I thought I would never vote for John McCain until Obama won the nomination. So I am going to vote for the only Democrat in the race............John McCain.

There are plenty of things to cut and paste against each candidate and every politician but when asked a question what YOU think oops I am guessing we got our answer. Next time you should just say "I can't"

I could probably come up with 3 policies Bush has had that helped destroy this country. I can think of many more ideas that were squashed in the house that would have protected us

You say
He says country first but leaves an horribly inexperienced VP in charge if something happens to him
What about oblabbas experience?

Do you love kids? What do you think of full term abortions?

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