Please......give me your best shot


Apr 7, 2008
Bill Martins
...listen to Wayne...put a happy picture up. For people that do not know you may think it's a mug looks scary to Mrs. Piften and her kids.

You wanted opinions, Mike gave his and you went off on the guy. I don't disagree with Mike on certain things, I personally think the site looks usefull but it can still be tweeked.

rick imby

Jun 5, 2009
Eight months to get up? It looks great. Did you say you already have a site that this is replacing? It doesn't need to be perfect to be bringing in business. Our site brought in bookings within two weeks of being live.

I agree if you could get a picture of you and your wife or grandkids playing cribbage or Wii Bowling or your dog and you on your home carpets. You are almost as ugly as I am and I would never put a picture of just me up there.....

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
okay, I'm late to this game and i have not read the other comments, but here are mine:

First, I don't like the picture of you at all, you look formal, and a bit mean or unapproachable. get one in jeans and a nice shirt, preferably outdoors in the sunshine and green grass, where you are smiling and look happy.

Second, WAY too wordy. Simplify it, cut back the verbage and place something memorable up there. People aren't interested in reading all that. just give them the basic points they want to know and a way to easily contact you on every page.

what does your logo look like? I like the toddler feet pic, if you had that on carpet and used it on all your marketing from truck, to biz cards, to invoices and ads it would be a powerful, memorable and simple image that folks would remember.....and make it BIG.

Take care,

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Wear jeans and get jobs from people who wear jeans. :roll:
You've shown enough respect for yourself to wear a suit and better customers will have respect for you because of it.

Yes, rich people wear jeans too... just not in a professional setting.

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
I disagree. he looks like he's afraid to get sweaty and do a good job. He also doesn't look friendly. I'm shopping for a carpet cleaner, not an accountant.

Take care,

Wayne Miller

Nov 7, 2007
Wayne Miller
The whole point of having a pic is so people can see who they're getting.

Jeans? Haven't we all seen those $2500 portraits in some of our customer's homes? You know, the ones where the family is sitting on some dune at the beach and everyone is wearing jeans? They tend to be rather wealthy and educated. Jeans can work, a suit and tie can work, a uniform can work. I think the bigger question is does it make you look like a professional people can trust and do you look like the happy, positive, honest type of operator people feel comfortable around in their home.

Just my preference, but I like more casual, less staged images of people in real life, with big, inviting smiles, well groomed, and approachable.

And, as far as too many words, I've been trying to revamp our webpage for a few months, in part, because I think there's too much stuff. Some of our customers, on the other hand, say they called because we had so much information. Hmmmm.....

Some folks are interested enough to read everything you want to say about your business. Some don't. The ones who don't won't read it. As long as your site is well laid out and easy to navigate and your individual pages aren't ten screens deep I don't see a problem. It's information. You wouldn't throw out the entire set of encylopedias if you were only looking for some little tidbit on carpet cleaning, why assume volumes of easy-to-sift-through information on a web site is necessarily a problem. We are not our customers and we don't think like them. Don't confuse the two.

While I tend not to go as deep as I used to we've had good results from short copy as well as long copy (in print and online) and you'll find "experts" on both sides of the argument.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
truckmount girl said:
I disagree. he looks like he's afraid to get sweaty and do a good job. He also doesn't look friendly. I'm shopping for a carpet cleaner, not an accountant.

Take care,

He looks like a business owner who can gaurantee his work...well he's supposed to anyway.
I think he could do better with a friendly smile and maybe a pose that isn't so formal.

I also think he looks like a guy who has hired trust worthy techs and can afford enough insurance if something gets broke or whatever.

But like Wayne said, as long as you are groomed and have a good outlook on your face then anything can work well.
Mar 18, 2008
Stever, thanks for giving us a shot at your web page.

first off, kudos for actually having one.

one of your vid's would not work.
"Will not operate from this location:" was the error message.

I like your suit and tie.

really nice tie.

do not have a young buck as a tech on there.

old gray hair say's you've got experience and that's a selling point.

I think the font is a little small for older eyes like mine.

the one sticking point is you guarantee.

there is nothing new about recycling an old Joe polish ad.

there's a guy here who was with Joe from the early days and he goes so far to say not only will you get blah blah blah clean but if you're not happy
he'll pay you $50.00 for wasting your time and find you another cleaner.


come one dude?

who but an idiot would swallow that.

if it sound to good to be true....

I don't think ken snow goes overboard with his promises.

he's pretty successful.

Yeah, I realize we have to get their attention but having see this headline in various forms for many, many years it sorta sticks in my craw.

though I'll be the first to say Joe polish has made me more money and helped me more than all the other guru's i've ever done.

dig a bit deeper.

maybe quote one of your clients as a tag line.

one of my fav';s is "wow, wow, wow, we got the wow effect going on here."

visit my blog, the carpet cleaner's crocodile,"

best sunday ever!

your pal,

frankie chocolate

Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
steve said:
Hey Marketing guru
you are not my client and you are not your client either. I ain't marketing to you are your mentatilty. If I was I would be just like the rest of the bdcc around here. The fact that you did not read it tells me its gonna be a HIT.

ps. you might want to lose the mlm card deal..........before the Deputy Sherriffs and Lynch mob sniff you out.

LOL Steve, lose the pic dude it looks like a mugshot... get a photographer to get a pic of you and your entire family, outside even. Other than that it looks great.

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