Satisfaction guaranteed!!!!!!

Jul 12, 2008
Re: Satisfaction guarantedd!!!!!!

Hollywood said:
Some people cannot be satisfied, usually because they WON'T be satisfied. All you have to tell them is that you gaurantee your work. If they want specifics it's up to you to cover your A.
I just tell them I will come back if any problems I didn't let them know about at the end of the job comes up IE; stains coming back etc.
I don't run into this very often anymore because I have learned to be, and how to be upfront with the customer. And I tend to advertise to a better class of customer.

How do you "advertise to a better class of customer"....this kinda people come from all classes.



Oct 18, 2006
Redding, CT
Kevin Dineen
Re: Satisfaction guarantedd!!!!!!

So your "satisfaction guarantee" means as long as YOU are satisfied you honored your quarantee?
I am not trying to pick a fight with you. However companies that make unrealistic promises as part of their advertising seem to be the first to cry foul when a customer tries to use that guarantee. "Best cleaning ever or it's free" or "satisfaction quaranteed" both allow the customer's (often uneducated) judgment to determine if you get paid. Sometimes you have to just suck it up. That is the cost of using this type of advertising.
Jul 12, 2008
Re: Satisfaction guarantedd!!!!!!

kmdineen said:
So your "satisfaction guarantee" means as long as YOU are satisfied you honored your quarantee?
I am not trying to pick a fight with you. However companies that make unrealistic promises as part of their advertising seem to be the first to cry foul when a customer tries to use that guarantee. "Best cleaning ever or it's free" or "satisfaction quaranteed" both allow the customer's (often uneducated) judgment to determine if you get paid. Sometimes you have to just suck it up. That is the cost of using this type of advertising.

Again spin boy.... I have refunded people, recleaned and this the first pyscho I have stood up to... I made her pay half cuz she wuz prepped and not giving unrealistic promises. Besides we all know she was trying to take advantage of the situation. Im also a member of the BBB here with not one complaint....funny thing is my tech handled this situation with me on the phone..after we offered her half off not one complaint( HMMM) and not one call to the office to complain about our guarantee( OH MY)...elementary sherlock she got what she wanted...almost.:)....this IS not my first rodeo. Saw right through this one and i stuck to my guns and Im glad I did. Not changing a thing.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
Re: Satisfaction guarantedd!!!!!!

ODIN says
"Is she from New yORK and a cusin of Evan Kesssler"

I'm glad HE sED it!!

But the first rodeo is MY line!

Rex Tyus

Oct 7, 2006
Re: Satisfaction guarantedd!!!!!!

C Pennington said:
kmdineen said:
So your "satisfaction guarantee" means as long as YOU are satisfied you honored your quarantee?
I am not trying to pick a fight with you. However companies that make unrealistic promises as part of their advertising seem to be the first to cry foul when a customer tries to use that guarantee. "Best cleaning ever or it's free" or "satisfaction quaranteed" both allow the customer's (often uneducated) judgment to determine if you get paid. Sometimes you have to just suck it up. That is the cost of using this type of advertising.

Again spin boy.... I have refunded people, recleaned and this the first pyscho I have stood up to... I made her pay half cuz she wuz prepped and not giving unrealistic promises. Besides we all know she was trying to take advantage of the situation. Im also a member of the BBB here with not one complaint....funny thing is my tech handled this situation with me on the phone..after we offered her half off not one complaint( HMMM) and not one call to the office to complain about our guarantee( OH MY)...elementary sherlock she got what she wanted...almost.:)....this IS not my first rodeo. Saw right through this one and i stuck to my guns and Im glad I did. Not changing a thing.

Curtis, you are debating with someone from New England. They know better than to promise ANYTHING related to satisfaction. People up there are the most unreasonable people you will ever meet. There are some good folks up there but the percentages are not in your favor. Looking for a loophole is a way of life. We are spoiled here as most people are reasonable and honest. The sad truth is times are changing and it won't be too awful long before enough yankees impose their attitudes on the natives to the point we will have similar concerns as the rest of the country.
Jul 12, 2008
Re: Satisfaction guarantedd!!!!!!

Rex Tyus said:
[quote="C Pennington":15pixzqy]
kmdineen said:
So your "satisfaction guarantee" means as long as YOU are satisfied you honored your quarantee?
I am not trying to pick a fight with you. However companies that make unrealistic promises as part of their advertising seem to be the first to cry foul when a customer tries to use that guarantee. "Best cleaning ever or it's free" or "satisfaction quaranteed" both allow the customer's (often uneducated) judgment to determine if you get paid. Sometimes you have to just suck it up. That is the cost of using this type of advertising.

Again spin boy.... I have refunded people, recleaned and this the first pyscho I have stood up to... I made her pay half cuz she wuz prepped and not giving unrealistic promises. Besides we all know she was trying to take advantage of the situation. Im also a member of the BBB here with not one complaint....funny thing is my tech handled this situation with me on the phone..after we offered her half off not one complaint( HMMM) and not one call to the office to complain about our guarantee( OH MY)...elementary sherlock she got what she wanted...almost.:)....this IS not my first rodeo. Saw right through this one and i stuck to my guns and Im glad I did. Not changing a thing.

Curtis, you are debating with someone from New England. They know better than to promise ANYTHING related to satisfaction. People up there are the most unreasonable people you will ever meet. There are some good folks up there but the percentages are not in your favor. Looking for a loophole is a way of life. We are spoiled here as most people are reasonable and honest. The sad truth is times are changing and it won't be too awful long before enough yankees impose their attitudes on the natives to the point we will have similar concerns as the rest of the country.[/quote:15pixzqy]

New England that explains everything.....yankee...down here people more often dont take advantage of people to ge outta paying. Believe it or not a good ole handshake is still good on a promise. People up north have no idea how people are down here,we are different in a good way, some imbreeding (Marty) my next subject

Now I understand this guys thought process (I understand), he's a product of his enviroment and so am I.

Life is good. :)

Bob Savage

Oct 7, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
Bob Savage
Re: Satisfaction guarantedd!!!!!!

Curtis, didn't I read in your original post where you covered expectations before you started the job, as in "We can't guarantee that your grout and tile will ALL look brand new, but we will do our best to restore it as best we can!"

Did you also mention beforehand that you can colorize and seal the grout if the cleaning and sealing alone didn't give the appearance that she wants?

I had a tile/grout job a while back ($2200 job - million dollar home) that I did for the most anal couple I've ever encountered in 24 years of cleaning.

We spent an entire day there running 2 spinners, hand scrubbing with pole brushes and a Host machine, cleaning over 2000 square feet of tile, with what I thought was a very thorough job, with almost perfect results (grout and tile both). The next day I returned for sealing and finish up so we could get paid, and this guy started picking apart the entire job, even to the point where we had nicked a little paint from the wall (he was going to call a contractor to touch that up and bill us for that), didn't remove some dried paint on the tile (which we just didn't see as it was that small), and we leaked a very small spot of oil in his driveway, etc. IOW, he went looking for any little thing he thought should have been done, in his mind.

He also wanted to backcharge us for some wiping up he and his wife did after we left (at $25 an hour for each of them for their time spent, according to him), which we would have done the next day when I returned. We got into a little heated discussion, and I told him I have never worked for someone who was as particular as he was.

Long story short, I left since we were going nowhere, and ultimately did not charge him a dime for the job as it appearts he needed the money worse than I did.

Sometimes you gotta just bite the bullet.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Re: Satisfaction guarantedd!!!!!!

C Pennington said:
Hollywood said:
Some people cannot be satisfied, usually because they WON'T be satisfied. All you have to tell them is that you gaurantee your work. If they want specifics it's up to you to cover your A.
I just tell them I will come back if any problems I didn't let them know about at the end of the job comes up IE; stains coming back etc.
I don't run into this very often anymore because I have learned to be, and how to be upfront with the customer. And I tend to advertise to a better class of customer.

How do you "advertise to a better class of customer"....this kinda people come from all classes.


Yes they do. All I know is when I moved from San Jose (scum bag) CA. to Roseville, CA. I just ran into a better class of people. I used to get people complaining about nothing just to get their money back. Not so much up here now.

At the end of the day I and most people I have read on here will honestly know if the custy deserves their money back and I would hope that most would come clean (pardon the pun) and give it to them.
With that said, if you do the best possible job and the carpet is still trashed they should have known that before you started the job.

If they still complain, they are trash. Give the half money back and cut the loss. It's gonna happen if you work in the industry long enough.


Oct 8, 2006
San Jose, Ca.
Albert Lazo
Yes they do. All I know is when I moved from San Jose (scum bag) CA.


Where is SJ?. My previous place that I lived in was the ghetto compared to SJ. The neighbors here talk to each other. And here I thought I was in heaven. :lol:


Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Albert Lazo said:
Yes they do. All I know is when I moved from San Jose (scum bag) CA.


Where is SJ?. My previous place that I lived in was the ghetto compared to SJ. The neighbors here talk to each other. And here I thought I was in heaven. :lol:


Did you mean, "Where IN SJ?" or Where is Roseville?
Either way, I lived near Winchester and Steven's Creek Blvd. That area was not as bad as King and Story...the worst place on earth. I used to count drug deals being done and I am not kidding one little bit. Cops wouldn't go there.
My neighbors used to talk to each other but everyone spoke a different language.

Roseville, CA. is near Sacramento. Sac has it's ghettos also but I don't head that directions almost ever.

Life is just better now.

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