!!SEO wanna be challange!!

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Yookums, Corkster, FCC and the rest of you web geEks

How about you spend some time SEOing Mikey's Board as a show of appreciation for all the cultivating you do here?

*** does a hell of a job finding rookies/newbs and we need some of that action.

If there is a way you guys can prove your results, all the better for you.



How are you going to quantify results?

All I know for sure about Dave is that he claims massive results from all his marketing efforts...

all the while growing his company from 16 employees all the way down to him and a chimp

you left off Cermak, Eric Strate and John Braun

or is a sPecIal competition?

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Thanks Mike, but, all I know are ways to boost LOCAL listing results.

For any cleaners that want to raise your local rankings without spending a dime. Do a search on this site.

Fred, Thank you for you typical response.

If you need to see proof of my ranking .

Google "Carpet cleaning lincoln ne " or almost any other cleaning related term.

(There are around 75 other cleaners in my area)

I know you will still be entrenched in your rhetoric. Whatever?


most of it is not rhetoric Dave, I've asked numerous questions of you and you fail to answer them.

in the absense of responses from you I merely draw my own conclusions based on my 20+ years in a market much smaller than yours

So you are ranked 1st in Google ( as am I and my site actually ranks much higher than your on Bing but I am a much smaller market )

Here's a question for you

With all this work you claim from all your marketing and internet prowess, do you ever intend on adding another truck or upgrading from a 15 year old electric weenie mount?

If you feel ambitious then tackle this question as well...

How on earth do you handle all this work and why do you only charge under 20 cents a square foot with your room pricing from your website after nearly 30 years in business?

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
pfred said:
most of it is not rhetoric Dave, I've asked numerous questions of you and you fail to answer them.

in the absense of responses from you I merely draw my own conclusions based on my 20+ years in a market much smaller than yours

So you are ranked 1st in Google ( as am I and my site actually ranks much higher than your on Bing but I am a much smaller market )

Bing in my town seems to be ranked by how near the company is to the center of the city.

Here's a question for you

With all this work you claim from all your marketing and internet prowess, do you ever intend on adding another truck or upgrading from a 15 year old electric weenie mount?

I have the electric because it works very well (600 psi, steaming hot)and in the winter I can park in client's garages and shut the door (Which they enjoy)

If you feel ambitious then tackle this question as well...

How on earth do you handle all this work and why do you only charge under 20 cents a square foot with your room pricing from your website after nearly 30 years in business?

I keep busy although business in the midwest is seasonal.

My job average is over $300 per job which is very good for this area.

As far as the special you saw I have had only 2 people take advantage of it. (One a $575 job and the other $375.)

This is a very competitive market with around 75 cleaning companies in a population of 250k.

If you do the math you'll see that there are far too many cleaners here.

(This is my math, (Your math may vary): 250K pop. / 3 for number of house + apartments /100 number of technichions. / 5 number of homes + apartments that are actually cleaned every year (high side) that comes to 166 posible resi jobs per tech. /12 for monthly total per tech.

That comes to 13 resi jobs per month. Not good!!(and my numbers are on the high side)

(Do the math for your own area and see what you come up with)

From the number you can see why go out of business every year and about the same amount of new ones start up.

This is not to make any excuses. More just to tell how that dispite the competition. I have found ways to churn new clients and stay in business for 27 years. Being on top of the web along with my marketing system makes it happen for me and gives me many great client that are not price clients.

Please don't follow with post about my math. That is not the point of my post.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum

This is how you could offset your marketing money to FCC.

You could adopt FCC as your son and then use this board as a vehicle as a way to entice newbies to only use FCC to develop webites and SEO.

Newbies have minds full of mush, it will be soooo easy.

So, if you eliminate all other competing information and have frequent post from shills proclaiming how great FCC is. They will be putty in your hands.

When you have their brains completely washed, You could also sell them chemicals and equipment. If you add just a few more shills.

It will be especially easy if you have the mindset of not caring who you step on as long as you can make your stack.

O'heck!! I see an other board is already doing all this stuff.

Nevermind, Just a thought.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
FCC said:
sounds like a great idea Dave

cept I don't develop websites

How about Wordpress templates?

You just have to fill in the blanks and then, Whamo!! $900.00 and $250 a month.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
Well that beats my site. It said I only had 72 page views per day.

I do agree that the bickering and attacks need to end if this site wants to welcome in more active new members.

Too many of the post are just to find fault in the post preceding it.

The Arizona tragedy should of reminded us to hold back a little and come together.

We all just want to succeed.

We just have different ways to get to the top and that's OK.

Brian R

Jun 13, 2008
Little Elm, TX
Brian Robison
Mike, just get rent the email list from Cleanfax and send out an ad.

If you have a link they can hit right then....they'll be hooked.

Yer makin money enuf to make it happen.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
fresh young meAt comes from the Web not trade mags, spam blasts or $5000 booths at infomercial shows.

FCC and I talked today and he has what it takes to get me some veal.


Aug 1, 2008
St. Charles, IL USA
Chris Newman
How about a Google Analytics Report to develop a baseline Mikey? Then we can track and measure the SEO campaign effect over time.

As a rank amature, I do not see how any one attempt by any one SEO wanna be (or expert) could be tracked. Is it OK if no one wins the honor of being seated to the left and to the right of Mikey at the head table?

imho, it would be hard to adversly effect the ranking of Mikeys Board without mal intent. So, the cumulative result of any try by everyone would help.

I ask myself, how can I help? I have a concern of posting MB on a blog of mine or any link that would lead a customer from my sites to here. What if I run around here naked and they catch me?

I would like to take part with this experiment, yet I do not know the way.

Royal Man

Oct 8, 2006
Lincoln NE
Dave Yoakum
I wonder how you can reach most carpet cleaners that are out of the loop.

As talking to my local competition.

Most are not web savvy and don't even go to and boards or search the web.

(Only 4 out of 75 post on boards.)

Not trying to be a bummer. But, is SEO enough to reach the masses?

Even though web advertising does seem to give the most marketing bang for the buck.

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