Jim Pemberton

MB Exclusive.
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Pemberton
If any of you followed the events of this weekend on ICS, and perhaps some of the ones early this week on T M F, you’ll no doubt note that my own company and family were drawn into the fray between the MB and T M F.

I had several choices of how to handle this issue, and decided to choose to contact both Evan Kessler from ICS and Rob Allen from Truck Mount Forums by phone. My concern was partly for the sake of my own business and family, partly for the sake of the upcoming MF6 event in Nashville, and mostly because of the state the “BB” world had devolved into.

I had, I felt, constructive conversations with both gentlemen, and both made positive moves “in the direction of peace”.

This is what I’d like to ask each of you to do:

Let’s leave the battles and personal attacks between the BB’s as a whole, and individuals within them out of the public forum. I am not speaking for Mike, I am speaking only as Jim Pemberton, a Supporting Member of Mikeysboard, and as a friend to many of you.

If we can keep Mikeysboard as a place for information and yes, fun, but not a place for personal attacks, I think we can find it a beneficial arena for everyone to learn and to grow. You’ll note Shawn Forsythe has already made a similar request, and I’ve seen positive changes as a result of that.

I cannot guarantee the actions of the members of the other boards. I AM ASKING ALL OF YOU, though, to consider what you post before you post, even if you are provoked. There are other avenues of settling personal scores than making them public.

With this all said, I will say publicly what I said to Mr Allen and Mr Kessler privately:

“I am extending my hand in peace toward you. I hope that you will accept it.”

Desk Jockey

Oct 9, 2006
A planet far far away
Rico Suave
You're right, everyone has responded positively to Shawn's post.

I will abide by your wishes Jim.

Thanks for calming the stormy waters.

We need to move on from here.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
There is a limited number of people involved in this "feud" each time I see it come up it is either by a principle in the groups or an angry toss away such as Moynihan. I think that the board wars(i laugh everytime I see that saying, the first thing that comes to mind is losers) has its place but Rob Allen and Mikey take it to a new level. I personally think Mikey likes to taunt and is very honest, I find rob allen to be the Joe Polish just keep getting the name out and saying stuff that can't be proven kinda board owner.

I am a Mikeysboard guy because that is all the bullshit I can digest and there is more than enough bullshit here

truckmount girl

Oct 7, 2006
Sun City, CA
Lisa Smith
Well thought out Jim.

I concur, but I am saddened to see that it went so far.

The term "bully pulpit" means to use a position of prominence and/or power to persuasively advocate an agenda. The phrase was coined by Theodore Roosevelt who often used the term "bully" in it's common British meaning which is - superb or wonderful.

A bully pulpit can be an instrument of truth or a vehicle for manipulation and deceit. Most commonly it is a blend of both. What we have on the industry forums is a true bully pulpit. The forums are our most valuable source for information and fellowship within the industry and our most divisive force. They are open to speculation, manipulation, deceitfullness, misunderstanding, misinterpretation, misunderstanding, competing interests, self-promotion, self-protection, ego, machismo, anger, fantasy, jealousy and the drunken poster. There are those who wish to blame the boards (and each other) for their failures and shortcomings. Those who take it way too seriously and those who take it way too lightly.

While it is not right to stifle opinion and debate, and some will suffer and some will thrive because of it, most deservedly so, we should avoid attacks on the person and stick to the subject. We should also be responsible in what we say, post, interpret, critique and look inside ourselves for the reasons WHY we are doing it. Do our actions reflect our values? If not, instead of justifying bad behavior by pointing out another's bad behavior, we should take the higher ground. Which is not to say you should excuse or condone the behavior, but debate should remain respectful.

Looking at the posts over the weekend and the last several months leading to it, I think many have sacrificed their personal values in order to acheive revenge for slights perceived, whether, rteal, imagined, deserved or unwarranted. Crtiticism is an opportunity, an opportunity to improve and an opportunity to clarify...but criticism is hard to take well. We all need to look at criticism directed to ourselves, our products and services and businesses and decide from where it comes and how much truth is in it....then instead of getting angry and defensive we need to either make changes or clarify the situation. Not lob bombs back and forth.

....and let's face it, some people just don't like each other and never will, but that doesn't mean the rest of us need to be drawn into their personal conflicts.

I still maintain that this industry is full of great people. I'm proud to share this industry with most all of you on all the forums.


Take care,

Art Kelley

Supportive Member
May 19, 2007
Rainbow Carpet And Upholstery Cleaning
I think many of the participants on the boards enjoy the slings and arrows judging by the post counts on some of the most provocative threads. I find it amusing that people have lined up to take sides with one or the other. Personally I like both boards and the posters on them. A lot of great information is produced and perhaps the "board feud" adds to the color.
But I'm sorry Jim that your good name got dragged into the mud. Collateral damage, I guess.


So does this mean another amnesty is coming for all the people kicked off? :wink:

Paul Demers

Supportive Member
Sep 11, 2008
Paul Demers
I hope your advice is followed Jim.

I for one do not even know who Bob Allen is. I check out Mikey's board a couple of times each day, but I generally ignore the type of posts you refer too.

I come here to get information. I started my carpet cleaning business several months ago, but began researching the business over a year ago. I owe a lot mikey's board. I have made better business decisions on the type of equipment to purchase because of this board, and have learned a lot about how to deal with specific spots and stains.

I will continue to read Mikey's board, and plan on writing more posts that might help others as I gain more experience. But I will continue to ignore what I consider foolish threads..., I don't know that the issues are in the first place, and I really don't care. I just want to learn the best way to remove red dye spots. !!!!!


Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
ErictheRed said:
So does this mean another amnesty is coming for all the people kicked off? :wink:

This idea popped into my head today also. C'mon Mike. Do it. Unban everyone and encourage Rob to do the same. I feel this would go a long way towards making peace. If people want to come here or there to cause trouble, just ban them again. Time for a clean slate?
Oct 7, 2006
Shawn Forsythe
Doug Cox said:
ErictheRed said:
So does this mean another amnesty is coming for all the people kicked off? :wink:

This idea popped into my head today also. C'mon Mike. Do it. Unban everyone and encourage Rob to do the same. I feel this would go a long way towards making peace. If people want to come here or there to cause trouble, just ban them again. Time for a clean slate?

One has nothing to do with the other. The reason(s) that one might be discharged from this board have nothing to do with any antagonism that existed between this board and any other. In fact, we have often let things go to far at times to make that point, and let troublemakers post far beyond their welcome when they decided to make their exit "in a blaze of glory".

Doug Cox

Supportive Member
Dec 17, 2006
Delavan, WI
Doug Cox
Shawn- I'm talking about making a "Good Faith" to co-exist and get along. Its about having a fresh start.
Oct 7, 2006
Shawn Forsythe
Doug Cox said:
Shawn- I'm talking about making a "Good Faith" to co-exist and get along. Its about having a fresh start.

Again, you are tying one with the other. They are separate issues.
People left because of personal issues and inability to live by the rules of the board. They didn't leave because there was a issue between rival BBS's.

Any decision to let someone back on is a case by case basis. I'm sure Mike will be very accommodating for those really wanting to return in, as you say, a good faith attempt at reconciliation.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Any ***'r or ICS'r who was banned and wants back on can contact me @ 831 588 9063.

I want to apologize to the members here for dragging you through my/our past war with the Allens and crew..

You won't have to endure it any more.

Time to move on and focus on being the World's Greatest once again.
May 12, 2007
Good job Jim and Lee.




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