What to expect moving forward

Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
Good Morning
I just checked with my IT department and by the end of today we will have a new page on the Sapphire site that will have the manuals for the Vortex machines that were previously on the Vortex website. We will also be posting the tips pages as well. The next item we will be adding moving forward start with a full parts list. This is going to take some time I should have an update in a week but in order to do this we have to go through all of our part numbers and pull just those that are for the Vortex. Unfortunately the parts were not coded by product when the data based was created so it is a manual process. However once we have that done it should make parts sourcing much easier for you. After we have this completed we will be changing our parts sales process by removing distributors from the supply chain so to speak. This will result in lower prices for you as a Vortex owner. Initially ordering will have to be by phone but we are planning to make this an online system by midyear. Next I am working with 2 of the very best truckmount repair facilities in the country to establish Certified Vortex Rebuilder locations for people who either purchase older models and want to have them fully restored and upgraded or for existing customers who what to to the same. These companies will help us supply the best ongoing support for your machines.
As for the current model the 8000Q, we have experienced nothing but problems with the system and its integration into the Isuzu truck. A big part of this is related to new emission system requirements for these types of vehicles which has practically doubled the exhaust temperatures resulting in diverter valve failures. The next issue we have experienced is significant coolant loss problems on these same trucks. Isuzu has been working with us on several solutions and we are hopeful that we have a solution today but after having been in the same situation several times this last year only to have the "fixes" work for a short time and then have the problems return we are very skeptical. This is one of the reasons the site has taken down along with the integration to the Sapphire site. We are not comfortable selling any more units using the Isuzu truck. As for other truck interfaces we don't have any more solutions available today.
What we are working on is a brand new design that provides all the performance of your current V, and then some, without the truck interface and all the complex switching systems that are part of the current and past designs. It is our general opinion that V owners need to do far more equipment maintenance than most other units and definitely more than we feel is both practical and reasonable. Our goal is to provide a super high performance machine that meets your needs but does not break your bank.
Finally I need your help determining what the top parts item are that people need so we can work on having stock available for you as fast as possible. If you can email me at billb@legendbrands.net I can forward the information to Jon Simmons our Customer Relations Manager so he can get things rolling.
Thanks for your help

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

How many times have you kicked yourself for not buying that empty K Mart building down the street from Blueline?

What a nightmare.

Can't thank you enough for cleaning up the mess Bill.

Hope it pays off someday.

Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
Re: What to expect moving forward UPDATE

I just saw the Vortex page that will be going online today, it has the manuals as promised. They are working on the tips section but because of the programming format that was used and the password requirements we can't get it to link over. (This website has always been managed by another company and they aren't jumping for joy at the idea of helping us transition it) Will kepp everyone posted. I forgot to add that we are going to also add a live chat function that can be used instead of picking up the phone if you have an issue as well. It will be staffed by Kevin Miller and Scott Harlib.

Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
Regarding Jim
I understand that he helps a lot of people out and I think he is very kind hearted to do so. I have the impression that helping people gets in the way of him running his business some days which bothers me so I won't ask for any more from him than he has given.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
not to much gets in my way....If I am working I never answer my phone... so who ever it is .. stays broke down until I get finished or they find someone else to call.....


Everyday is Saturday.
Sep 20, 2008
Fort Worth , Texas
bill if you keep this up you will be earning a very good reputation here. good job. and tell your IT guys, nice and clean i like it! :mrgreen:


Supportive Member
Jun 17, 2008
Billy Lewis
I hadn't been back here for several days. Catching up on the reading now, I just wanted to say thanks! I had been feeling a little down lately about my V, now I see light at the end of the tunnel. Since it is my only unit, it is a must that I be able to keep her going. Thanks, for everything that you are doing.

I can't wait to see what your next offering for a TM is.

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