Why Manufacturers stay away from the boards

Bill Bruders

Supportive Member
Jan 10, 2009
Burlington, WA
Bill Bruders
Good Morning
Every couple of months someone will post the question on this board as to why manufacturers don't participate on the boards, well what's going on right now an excellent example. People go on the boards to take their "case" to the court of public opinion where they can present their side of the story without any concern about being challenged on the accuracy. We have tried in the past to share our company's position in some of these cases only to have our openness twisted around. It seems that there is a growing trend which I personally find disappointing for individuals to take issues into these arenas in a effort to embarrass and harass companies into fixing problems that they do not feel responsible for. It's an easy avenue actually, if any manufacturer took on a cleaner in this industry in the manner that cleaners seem to feel they can attack manufacturers the "war" would be on forever. For this reason we have decided not to participate in any thread of this nature. We will of course continue to support all of our products at the highest level in the industry and assist people when we can in improving their business. Because we feel this board and others could be used in an constructive manner to improve the industry.
This will be the only comment we will make on this subject, our best for the New Year.

Ron K

Jan 3, 2009
Bill sometimes the only "power' a small potato has is the Boards. If there is a gripe it should be aired. Then both sides can tell their side of the story. I think this board has helped me a lot in getting a message out.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Good point.
I think the only way for a manufacturer to deal with any board is to be polite, professional, keep their cool and never engage in negative exchanges.

It is a fact that some posters do not censor themselves and do not practice what they expect from others. Many times, I suspect, the 'big talkers' may not be big buyers.

The good manufacturers and suppliers that deal honestly and fairly with a given situation, do not go un-noticed though.

I think you'd be surprised that with many of us, those manufacturer's that handle things well, are noticed.

And their fair and positive way of doing business does register.
It does with me.

bob vawter

Grassy Knoller
Sep 15, 2007
La La Land
bob vawter
soooooooo then ...this would be a good place to put this?

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steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Freaking amazing a guy spent 200k machines that were poorly designed and he is somehow twisting the issues. If someone comes on here and tries to twist things I think most of us are smart enough to see it. Fix ron's ding machines!!!!!! Period end of story. Mytee comes here without fear because they handle the problem

The other thing is ron should call Shawn york and jim martin because parts are everywhere


Jun 29, 2009
I'm not sure your time would be well spent trolling the boards anyways. You could spend 24/7 on the boards and the same people who buy from you now would still buy from you and vica versa. If you look at the people who read these boards its only 150 or so and maybe 30 who read the majority of the threads. Remember when you look at the "views" a thread has those are not individual views.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
steve g said:
Freaking amazing a guy spent 200k machines that were poorly designed and he is somehow twisting the issues. If someone comes on here and tries to twist things I think most of us are smart enough to see it. Fix ron's ding machines!!!!!! Period end of story. Mytee comes here without fear because they handle the problem

The other thing is ron should call Shawn york and jim martin because parts are everywhere

what did I tell you...some one types the V word and the little drama queen comes running to the computer and once again has to inject his self into the conversation with no clue of what he is talking about.....you are just not getting enough attention in your life are you.......bet you were that fat kid in little league that never got picked weren't you.....
Nov 8, 2006
Ron lippold
Bill thats the exact point i would take if i bought a business and screwed a guy and a whole bunch of people that bought over priced machines good job... way to walk in integrity..

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Jim Martin said:
[quote="steve g":2i6kvxpg]Freaking amazing a guy spent 200k machines that were poorly designed and he is somehow twisting the issues. If someone comes on here and tries to twist things I think most of us are smart enough to see it. Fix ron's ding machines!!!!!! Period end of story. Mytee comes here without fear because they handle the problem

The other thing is ron should call Shawn york and jim martin because parts are everywhere

what did I tell you...some one types the V word and the little drama queen comes running to the computer and once again has to inject his self into the conversation with no clue of what he is talking about.....you are just not getting enough attention in your life are you.......bet you were that fat kid in little league that never got picked weren't you.....[/quote:2i6kvxpg]

parts are everywhere jim, GFY

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
steve g said:
[quote="Jim Martin":209y3ptk][quote="steve g":209y3ptk]Freaking amazing a guy spent 200k machines that were poorly designed and he is somehow twisting the issues. If someone comes on here and tries to twist things I think most of us are smart enough to see it. Fix ron's ding machines!!!!!! Period end of story. Mytee comes here without fear because they handle the problem

The other thing is ron should call Shawn york and jim martin because parts are everywhere

what did I tell you...some one types the V word and the little drama queen comes running to the computer and once again has to inject his self into the conversation with no clue of what he is talking about.....you are just not getting enough attention in your life are you.......bet you were that fat kid in little league that never got picked weren't you.....[/quote:209y3ptk]

parts are everywhere jim, GFY[/quote:209y3ptk]

thats right Mr Utah... they are..so next time you hop on your pathetic little soap box and let you alligator mouth over ride your blue jay ass...at least know what you are talking about..because it is people like you that do more damage to this industry trying to be something you are not....
In reality..no one gives a rats ass if you are anti Shawn..Anti Vortex..or anti anything else you want to add in....just get your facts straight...and then you will only come across as such an idiot......


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
I think it is very cowardly to start a thread and run like a chicken. Honest businesses do really well on the boards even some dishonest ones. We aren't the morons you paint us to be we see 2 sides and some times 3 and 4 sides of a beef.
I got screwed by 2 companies Bridgepoint with the Bridgepoint Direct and Rotovac but I have to say they both are much bigger than me and both told me to go **** myself and that shouldn't happen. Companies take advantage of the consumer knowing that they can overpower them with $$$$$$$ and now we have an outlet and can even the playing field.
Luckily Rotovac is in the unfortunate position of breaking some serious federal laws on their TOS and privacy rights and intellectual property so since the federal lawsuit was accepted they are in the unfortunate position of attending a hearing in boston in January. I am sure they will do what all the big guys do and claim they weren't properly served but it is going to be good since their IT guy posted all the info he had and kept all my emails from me and never refunded the simple couple bucks for set up and hosting. Dumb and dumber

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
So my facts aren't straight ummmmmmm all you have done is atttack me personally and failed to point out ONE think I am wrong or lieing about specifically. Jim once upon a time you were a respected poster around here. Your starting to hurt your credibility.

I just want to see ron with a fixed machine that is the only reason I said anything

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
steve g said:
So my facts aren't straight ummmmmmm all you have done is atttack me personally and failed to point out ONE think I am wrong or lieing about specifically. Jim once upon a time you were a respected poster around here. Your starting to hurt your credibility.

I just want to see ron with a fixed machine that is the only reason I said anything

I am pretty sure that my credibility is a lot better then yours...because everyone here knows you are full of shit....the difference between you and me is that I don't go off of board chatter to state my facts...I know when to shut up..and ..I can back up everything that I say...so while you are sitting over there all high and mighty..because you live in Utah and think you know it all...why not enlighten us all and tell us where you are getting all your utah information and what facts you have to back it up.....don't give us your BB chatter......back up your "I live in Utah and am the anti Vortex god facts".....If you want to see Ron get his truck fixed ..then STFU and let Ron and SS handle there situation them selfs....this is no ones business but theres....


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
for what it is worth. I think Jim is one of the most respected posters on the boards. Very rare company with Chavez, pemberton and a very few others


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Yeah, I know, this is different, this time I agree with Greg.


Shorty Down Under.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
Dipwad GC said:
for what it is worth. I think Jim is one of the most respected posters on the boards. Very rare company with Chavez, pemberton and a very few others

Thank You......I owned my truck for 4.5 years....and the last thing that I will ever say is that I am the smartest one out there that knows these machines..for the last 2.5 years I have sat here and read all his crap and have kept my mouth shut.....I could care the less about vortex..shawn..or what happen to the anything about...not my problem..and I really don't care to get in the middle of it...I liked my truck..it did what I needed it to do and it was time to move on....end of story...all I am saying is..if he feels that he is one phone booth away from putting on the red tights and saving the whole industry...as least know what he is talking about...

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
Jim Martin said:
[quote="steve g":1zul41f7]So my facts aren't straight ummmmmmm all you have done is atttack me personally and failed to point out ONE think I am wrong or lieing about specifically. Jim once upon a time you were a respected poster around here. Your starting to hurt your credibility.

I just want to see ron with a fixed machine that is the only reason I said anything

I am pretty sure that my credibility is a lot better then yours...because everyone here knows you are full of shit....the difference between you and me is that I don't go off of board chatter to state my facts...I know when to shut up..and ..I can back up everything that I say...so while you are sitting over there all high and mighty..because you live in Utah and think you know it all...why not enlighten us all and tell us where you are getting all your utah information and what facts you have to back it up.....don't give us your BB chatter......back up your "I live in Utah and am the anti Vortex god facts".....If you want to see Ron get his truck fixed ..then STFU and let Ron and SS handle there situation them selfs....this is no ones business but theres....[/quote:1zul41f7]

JIM I WILL SAY IT AGAIN WHICH ONE OR MANY OF MY FACTS ARE WRONG?!?!?!??! DAMMIT ANSWER THE QUESTION. search my posts I challenge you to find one thing I am wrong about. I can laugh off just about anything that shakes down here, but when it becomes personal, by calling me an idiot telling me to STFU, and telling me my facts aren't straight, I am going to see it through.

as for being from utah, lets see aerotech is based here, vortex was started here, and a company called venturi which started the who bunch of bullshit was also based here, right in my freaking home town. I have been around the block a time or two and been around this business for a long time.

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
steve g said:
[quote="Jim Martin":1elb9cu5][quote="steve g":1elb9cu5]So my facts aren't straight ummmmmmm all you have done is atttack me personally and failed to point out ONE think I am wrong or lieing about specifically. Jim once upon a time you were a respected poster around here. Your starting to hurt your credibility.

I just want to see ron with a fixed machine that is the only reason I said anything

I am pretty sure that my credibility is a lot better then yours...because everyone here knows you are full of shit....the difference between you and me is that I don't go off of board chatter to state my facts...I know when to shut up..and ..I can back up everything that I say...so while you are sitting over there all high and mighty..because you live in Utah and think you know it all...why not enlighten us all and tell us where you are getting all your utah information and what facts you have to back it up.....don't give us your BB chatter......back up your "I live in Utah and am the anti Vortex god facts".....If you want to see Ron get his truck fixed ..then STFU and let Ron and SS handle there situation them selfs....this is no ones business but theres....[/quote:1elb9cu5]

JIM I WILL SAY IT AGAIN WHICH ONE OR MANY OF MY FACTS ARE WRONG?!?!?!??! DAMMIT ANSWER THE QUESTION. search my posts I challenge you to find one thing I am wrong about. I can laugh off just about anything that shakes down here, but when it becomes personal, by calling me an idiot telling me to STFU, and telling me my facts aren't straight, I am going to see it through.

as for being from utah, lets see aerotech is based here, vortex was started here, and a company called venturi which started the who bunch of bullshit was also based here, right in my freaking home town. I have been around the block a time or two and been around this business for a long time.[/quote:1elb9cu5]

so once again ...enlighten us with your utah knowledge...give me the straight facts....your wrong about the parts..and it is not just me that has tried to bring this to your attention.....


Nov 8, 2006
Shorty Glanville
Yeah, I know, this is different, this time I agree with Greg.

(About Jim). !gotcha!


Shorty Down Under.

steve g

Oct 8, 2006
herriman, UT
steve garrett
so blow some smoke in the air and try to divert attention, you are saying I am wrong about my FACTS that means more than one, you could name one fact I MAY be wrong about. if I can actually be proven wrong on anything I have said I will eat my crow and apologize.

as to parts, my point with that is yeah aerotech does have some parts, oh but wait shawn has the patent on the zyn shit so if they sell you a zyn HX does that mean they are infringing??? or do you have to call shawn for a ZYN HX??? I dunno but its an interesting question. if its the latter good luck with that. AT does not have all the parts to a peterson vortex and they don't sell parts for a blueline, and my other point is if one looks at the landscape one has to question how much longer aerotech will keep having parts. our own mikey is giving AT less time than I do.

jim, given your posts I am sure you are a pretty mechanically inclined guy, reengineering things isn't that big a problem for you. but for the average guy it is, the average guy needs to pull out a part and replace it with exactly what was there before. most carpet cleaners aren't freaking mechanics. with that said to say there is plenty of parts and support out there for big truck owners is well not being honest with ones self.

jim, I am being very very specific with you, my facts are straight. I challenge anyone to prove they are not. read my posts about this, there should be plenty of info as I according to you run my mouth.


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2006
uhhh i may be guessing here...


for the cost of the xen Xchanger...why not just get rid of it and put in a fuel burner????

im just saying....

it dont all need to look like an OG piece of equip....if your using it for cleaning...then fix it to work right....even if you have to have a turn button instead of a push

Jim Martin

Supportive Member
Oct 7, 2006
Jim Martin
steve g said:
so blow some smoke in the air and try to divert attention, you are saying I am wrong about my FACTS that means more than one, you could name one fact I MAY be wrong about. if I can actually be proven wrong on anything I have said I will eat my crow and apologize.

How can I divert attention away from something when you wont answer my question so I can answer yours...??...I can search Vortex and put in your name and sit here and pretty much all I read is you standing on your soap box agreeing with some one who is pissed off about something not going right with Shawn or there machine...taking credit because you have a crystal ball and you can look into the future and you predicted because you live in Utah....So give me something to work with so I can answer your question......What Utah fact did or do you have that allowed you to predict all of this...Not BB bull shit...the Utah facts that you yourself say you already knew.....

as to parts, my point with that is yeah aerotech does have some parts, oh but wait shawn has the patent on the zyn shit so if they sell you a zyn HX does that mean they are infringing??? or do you have to call shawn for a ZYN HX??? I dunno but its an interesting question. if its the latter good luck with that. AT does not have all the parts to a peterson vortex and they don't sell parts for a blueline, and my other point is if one looks at the landscape one has to question how much longer aerotech will keep having parts. our own mikey is giving AT less time than I do.

Patent and parts are 2 different things.....if you are going to steal his design and put it in another application then you have a patent issue....If you already have the unit and need a part to replace..you are not infringing on his patent...do you think for one second that shawn sat back and designed and hand crafted all the therm parts...and explain to me why A/T would carry the parts from other manufactures and there own designs.....are you going to call mytee for parts on your 1980's lancer.....But..all the major components that were not change from manufacture to manufacture..they either still do carry or..... they had to get them somewhere.......very easy to find.....

jim, given your posts I am sure you are a pretty mechanically inclined guy, reengineering things isn't that big a problem for you. but for the average guy it is, the average guy needs to pull out a part and replace it with exactly what was there before. most carpet cleaners aren't freaking mechanics. with that said to say there is plenty of parts and support out there for big truck owners is well not being honest with ones self.

I agree..most cleaners are not mechanics.....and most people that sit behind a desk can't change a tire...and most landscapers when there trimmer breaks down have to take it in and get it repaired....welcome to the real world....I was left high and dry with my machine soon after I got it home from MN.....I don't think I did 3 jobs and was sitting in someones drive way broke down.....the only person I knew to call was Shawn...and it did not take me long to realize that I was on my own from that point on.....so I was forced to learn the machine and what I needed to do.....as things started giving me problems I had to learn where to find them and how to work on it myself...when Blue line was thrown into the mix..this also in a round about way brought Interlink in...I know for a fact that blueline set up a training corse for the interlink mechanics and trained them to work on there vortex machines....to date this is the only one that I know of that has done this....aside from that everyone was calling me..for awhile there they people were calling me on a daily bases....I was more then happy to help.....and there was NEVER a part that could not be found....but I will admit....it got old real fast....spending parts of my weekends off and some evenings trouble shooting someones truck and trying to get them up and going.....

jim, I am being very very specific with you, my facts are straight. I challenge anyone to prove they are not. read my posts about this, there should be plenty of info as I according to you run my mouth.

I don't make it a point in my life to set out and prove anyone wrong....and normally I don't waste my time in the BB bull shit...but I will back up what I know for a fact is true......you have never owned one of these machines...you know nothing about the mechanics of one...so aside from the BB chatter....what are your Utah facts based on......
I don't blame Bill from SS or any manufacture for not getting involved in these type of topics....there is 2 sides to everything and not a single one of us know what has happened behind closed doors and have all the facts straight....any CC can come on to the boards and piss and moan because things are not going the way that think it should......then other people start posting and jumping down all over the manufactures with out all the true facts....do you really for one second think that yours and Ron Lippold's helped out Ron's situation.....


Oct 7, 2006
It's really pretty simple

It's called black mail by internet the charges are made then it becomes a big ass dog pile

I would like to see some of you big mouths come up with something make it bring it to market

Then toss out your fresh meat for this pack of animals to devour and rip to shreds

Just the damn misinformation out there about products and rumors alone can keep most off the boards.

Most of spread by people who have never used seen or bought said product.

On another note to the same info can be spread by some manufactures.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
If cool heads had prevailed in this issue I'm sure SS would have been more than happy to remove Ron's HX, dog house/silencer and installed a Little Giant system to simplify those machines.

But those that are whispering in Ron's ears have ruined that chance..


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