Completed The World's Greatest Carpet and Stone Prescrubber- 10" CRB

Completed Auction


Auction includes:

The ULTIMATE Pre Scrubber for furnished homes!


There are but a few real MUST HAVE tools in this industry, a counter rotating brush machine is one of them.

This handy dandy, lightweight power packed super scrubber just can be beat for a cleaner in a crowded cargo van who want to scrub carpet, tile, stone, VCT, wood and more as well as provide Low Moisture methods on occasion.

No better tool for pre scrubbing staircases and over furnished homes.

Made in Austria

Extremely Low Maintenance

Stainless Steel Body

Retail value $2000+
Free Shipping to lower 48
Starting Bid $1400
$10 minimum bid increment

Auction ends Wednesday June 21st at 9PM EST/ 6PM PST
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