Any Aerotech DDS Owners?

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
get to their supposedly 250 degrees at the wand tip.

do they really claim that?
250 at the jets??

what's the temp at the machine? 350?
and how many valves do they replace/rebuild a week?
or do they just let tools dribble pee streams?

oh yeah, welcome
and paragraphs are our friends......



do they really claim that?
250 at the jets??

what's the temp at the machine? 350?
and how many valves do they replace/rebuild a week?
or do they just let tools dribble pee streams?

oh yeah, welcome
and paragraphs are our friends......

I’m sure they claim At the machine

but many machines can do that if the flow is low enough

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
I’m sure they claim At the machine

but many machines can do that if the flow is low enough

I'm genuinely curious what temp triggers the by-pass on the current HX'er mega mounts?
I "thought" it was around 240 ??

Damon? Matt?
what temp do your big'uns start to by-pass with low flow tools?



The Timminator
Feb 4, 2016
Matt w.
I'm genuinely curious what temp triggers the by-pass on the current HX'er mega mounts?
I "thought" it was around 240 ??

Damon? Matt?
what temp do your big'uns start to by-pass with low flow tools?

I think there's a 165f thermal bypass on my water box.
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Boy Sprout
Feb 4, 2016
I'm genuinely curious what temp triggers the by-pass on the current HX'er mega mounts?
I "thought" it was around 240 ??

Damon? Matt?
what temp do your big'uns start to by-pass with low flow tools?

Here's the thing Larry. I really don't worry about temps and which hose cuff leaks the least. My Sapphire 870 compensates for anything I have to worry about. On the low setting the temps gets to about 220. The more water I push through my 12 flow wand, the hotter is seems to get. If I need to clean out some slime or gum, I kick the temp up to medium and cook the contamination out. On Tile I kick it up to high and go for it. My CDS, I have no clue what the temp is. The temp gauge seems to be not working. I see a ton of steam from the 12 flow Dev wand and it cleans great. When I walk out to the van the engine temp reads about 210. I have no worries.

As for Roby, my fellow local cleaner. Hello I know you're lurking. :biggrin: You should come over today and help me install a waterpond.


Oct 22, 2012
New Westminster,BC
Ron Marriott
All direct drive units are dependent on the vehicles engine coolant system for heat. Usually the max you will get is 195-210 at the truck depending on what thermostat you are running. Most have an option of using the blower heat as a booster. Can add another 20-30 degrees. The downside of that is that is it take a while for your blower to come up to temperature so that initially, it has the effect of cooling off the truck for the initial cleaning. Both of mine have no problem keeping up with a 6 flow tool. Smaller flows take too long for the water to heat up in your pressure lines and larger flows may begin to lose heat after a while.

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Here's the thing Larry. I really don't worry about temps and which hose cuff leaks the least. My Sapphire 870 compensates for anything I have to worry about. On the low setting the temps gets to about 220. The more water I push through my 12 flow wand, the hotter is seems to get. If I need to clean out some slime or gum, I kick the temp up to medium and cook the contamination out. On Tile I kick it up to high and go for it. My CDS, I have no clue what the temp is. The temp gauge seems to be not working. I see a ton of steam from the 12 flow Dev wand and it cleans great. When I walk out to the van the engine temp reads about 210. I have no worries.

As for Roby, my fellow local cleaner. Hello I know you're lurking. :biggrin: You should come over today and help me install a waterpond.

you could of just said, "I don't know what temp it starts bleeding water"
instead of verbose.....

Like Matt did

Nov 13, 2021
Hayward ca
do they really claim that?
250 at the jets??

what's the temp at the machine? 350?
and how many valves do they replace/rebuild a week?
or do they just let tools dribble pee streams?

oh yeah, welcome
and paragraphs are our friends......

According to their video it says up to 250 degrees at the wand tip. And it’s 30 to 40 degrees hotter than the competition. To be honest if it’s 10 degrees hotter than the competition which it’s not. It’s not worth the money. Well done advertising and sales. And the 100 percent buy back guarantee if not happy is bs.
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Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
buyer's remorse sucks
the "sucks factor" scale increases with the cost....

$89K or whatever it is, is a megaload of suck factor


Chris A

Sep 25, 2007
that's thru the pump, Matt .
if you set the tool down for any length of time (or using an upl tool with temp dialed up max) what's the max the temp gauge will read?


Our Apex 570s will peg the gauge at 240 with the wand set down for any length of time in all but the coldest weather, and hold just under 230 running a 6 flow wand with average cleaning strokes, on medium heat

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
Our Apex 570s will peg the gauge at 240 with the wand set down for any length of time in all but the coldest weather, and hold just under 230 running a 6 flow wand with average cleaning strokes, on medium heat

I can dig it
I have no doubt the big and the biggest slide-ins make more than enough heat to wand any hole

I was curious what the factory failsafe temp is set at before it starts circulating or dumping excessively hot/dangerous pressure temps.
I presume it has to have those failsafes, to prevent an Albert L (?) bomb HX'er

If it's at 240-260* range, there's no way in hell anyone gets 250 to the wand
Maybe AT sets their failsafes higher???



Jan 3, 2019
Apopka, FL
Eli Rodriguez
Not a board guy but found this who owns a dds truckmount. I’m the a hole that was dumb enough to order one. Btw Mikey I’m the guy that rubbed his balls on your ford van when it was installed in Redwood City. Yes that a hole that refused to help film your video when you picked up your van. Anyways Robbie is the kindest nicest person you could ever meet. If your on this stoopid board of broke Dick carpet cleaners I’m the a hole that asked my nephew to pull my finger while we were in the elevator during one of the shows in Vegas. Getting back to who owns or has a dds “pos” as i call it jondon aeretech truckmount. I just purchased one from jondon and for the last 3 months i have had to replace a clutch, backwards pulley, 4-5 different leaks from the heat exchangers/ waste tanks. As far as their 250 degrees at the wand tip or 30-40 degrees hotter than the competition I call bs. Sinced owned its been in the shop more times than I’ve cleaned with it. The team at my local jondon has worked out all the bugs that it’s had from its bad install at the Saint Louis jondon. “Wayne”. Tried telling me that I run to big a jet and a proprietary company “zerorez” uses a smaller jet that allows the dds to get to their supposedly 250 degrees at the wand tip. So all you a holes broke dicks know I run a old prochem 6 jet 1.5 jets 9 flow wands which doesn’t allow the machine to get to their so video 250. Long story short. Don’t buy a dds buy what makes sense for your cleaning needs. In claw your wondering if I’m keeping my “pos” dda. It makes sense to do so at this time due to van shortages and machines that are available. As far as buying a butler the money is the same for finance or leasing. I don’t have much to say about butlers. I’ve never owned one but will say and agree. Awesome. customer service and very helpful people. Mikey p I’m sure you will delete this post you pussy. But I thought I would share my story.
Damn, well this shows that any manufacturer has issues.
Prochem, Steamaction, Sapphire, Aerotech, etc.
Nov 13, 2021
Hayward ca
you might want to wear gloves and have some beach handy,
This is what I call customer service. They even write you a personalized letter and comes with a free scent. Thanks again michael. 😂


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