How will Tuesday's outcome effect your buiness and life style?



Won't matter either way

Both will spend us past 20 trillion by 2016

America's middle class best days are behind them

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
I actually am worried no matter what happens. The division Obama has caused with his class warfare is such that no matter who wins it is going to a very dangerous time.

On a side note it is time to renew out cafeteria plan and because of Obama care it is no longer 5000 but 2500 for the year. I am so pissed next year me and Lora need glasses my daughter needs braces I really need another knee survey plus our regular scripts and 2500 is not even going to cover my part of my daughters braces......I mean WTF. Cutting how much we can put away to pay for our medical expenses is going accomplish what.


Health Care in Massachusetts

$1200 a month family plan with a $5,000 out of pocket deductible before my plan pays one red cent

Or I can pay $2,000 a month and still get nickel and dimed with copays and Big ticket ( hospital stay ) deductibles

Country is a complete mess and its gonna get a lot worse either way


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
The President is the figurehead controlled by Large Corporations, Unions, Foreign Governments Ect.
Between those two, I would opt for the devil I know.
I’ll just be glad when it’s over. It’s disgusting to hear the partisan politics with no one addressing the underlying issues crippling the country.


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
the only real hope I have for Tuesdays elections is that I will be able to buy liquor on Sunday if I want to..........


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
Im affraid if romney wins. I am affraid the far right tea party fanatics will push their crazy social agendas further than they already have. I live in missouri home to todd akin or as most of you have heard the "legitimate rape" guy

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
17;s disgusting to hear the partisan politics with no one addressing the underlying issues crippling the country. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]


The drones that make up the majority of both parties are manipulated to throw rocks at each other
The strategy is designed to keep the drones occupied on stupid chit while the power brokers continue on their patht

We're screwed no matter who is ellected

It won't get better til all baby boomers are long gone......the major drain on society for the next 30 years
If we make it past that without completely collapsing , the babies born to todays babies will have a bright future



Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
None will effect my life much. I'd be much happier though, with Obama as a shield from the right wing agenda.

The President is the figurehead controlled by Large Corporations, Unions, Foreign Governments Ect.
Between those two, I would opt for the devil I know.
I’ll just be glad when it’s over. It’s disgusting to hear the partisan politics with no one addressing the underlying issues crippling the country.

I agree Mike.
However, do you think that any political candidate has a chance to be elected if he or she chooses to actually tell the truth?
I'd like to believe that the answer is YES.
However, I don't think so. Any candidate that talks about the real issues and that there may be painful decisions to be made, does not stand a chance.

Most important issue to correct the is financing of political parties and campaigns. Not because it is the real issue, because until that is straightened out, self interest (interest groups) will always win.


Aug 22, 2008
Lawrence, KS
Mike Hughes
Here are a few great ideas will not get someone elected:
Bring Back the Gold Standard for Currency
Close the Trade Defecate by charging tariffs on all foreign imports.
Don’t spend money we don’t have.
Enforce Emigration Law.
Education Vouchers that make k-12 competitive
WE all Pay for healthcare at the end of the day, so lower costs.
Outlaw all forms of campaign finance. Just let candidates that collect enough signatures debate then vote.
My political ideology is best summarized by a bumper sticker I once saw:

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
If Romney wins, the stock market will surge on optimism. If Obama wins, it will dip.

Can't really say that I think Romney is "the" answer. He's in deep with the same basic corporate interests that Obama is. But at least he has some business sense and can see the implications of his actions, unlike the current Prez. So, at the very least, the nosedive we seem to be headed for will be less extreme and easier to pull out of.

Obama, with nothing to lose is a scary thought.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
If Romney wins, the stock market will surge on optimism. If Obama wins, it will dip.

Can't really say that I think Romney is "the" answer. He's in deep with the same basic corporate interests that Obama is. But at least he has some business sense and can see the implications of his actions, unlike the current Prez. So, at the very least, the nosedive we seem to be headed for will be less extreme and easier to pull out of.

Obama, with nothing to lose is a scary thought.

I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder Duane.
I find Romney to be a whole lot scarier.
He is a business person only in the sense that he made money through financial transactions. As far as I know he never manufactured anything. In other words he's a Wall Street guy.

And since when is the country a business venture?
Yes, it still need to be run financially well for which I don't think Romney qualifies better than anybody. Unless, of course, we are planning on buying some country on the cheap, fire most of the citizens and sell later at a profit. Maybe that's what we tried to do in Iraq. So far, didn't work that well.

And anyhow, all presidents hire experts that they use (their cabinet) trying to navigate the country to safe harbor.
So, it boils down to what philosophy of government you personally prefer.

Evidently you prefer Romney, which is fine, as long as you don't confuse his "credentials" with the ability to run the country better.

And with Europe in huge financial problems, Brazil and China's economies as well as the rest of the world slowing substantially and the U.S. in total denial about our financial situation (both parties), who ever gets voted in will need all the help they can get. And then some.
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Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder Duane.
I find Romney to be a whole lot scarier.
He is a business person only in the sense that he made money through financial transactions. As far as I know he never manufactured anything. In other words he's a Wall Street guy.

And since when is the country a business venture?
Yes, it still need to be run financially well for which I don't think Romney qualifies better than anybody. Unless, of course, we are planning on buying some country on the cheap, fire most of the citizens and sell later at a profit. Maybe that's what we tried to do in Iraq. So far, didn't work that well.

And anyhow, all presidents hire experts that they use (their cabinet) trying to navigate the country to safe harbor.
So, it boils down to what philosophy of government you personally prefer.

Evidently you prefer Romney, which is fine, as long as you don't confuse his "credentials" with the ability to run the country better.

Ofer, I dont think Romney is the problem solver for all the problems....but when you say he never manufactured anything- Obama never either. And Romney at least is a business man that has a sense about serious financials and not just a sleazy douchebag lawyer. Not to mention Obama's political credentials are pretty weak too...being a short term senator from Illinois.

Ok maybe Obama did manufacture something....a birthcertificate! :lol: :lol:
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Ofer, I dont think Romney is the problem solver for all the problems....but when you say he never manufactured anything- Obama never either. And Romney at least is a business man that has a sense about serious financials and not just a sleazy douchebag lawyer. Not to mention Obama's political credentials are pretty weak too...being a short term senator from Illinois.

Ok maybe Obama did manufacture something....a birthcertificate! :lol: :lol:
I agree. Obama didn't have a lot of experience and I am sure he would have been a better president, had he had more.
However, nobody had enough experience to deal with what was at hand. And neither does Romney. Unlike what Romney thinks, the private sector is not the answer to every ailment and government is not the enemy. And what is his real position on anything, anyhow?

I can relate to differences in opinion about how the country should be run. We both know that neither parties has the monopoly for truth. Also the Greens and the Libertarians have some good ideas too. So if you wish, just tell me that Romney's way, to your opinion, is a better way to do it. His past however is definitely no proof for that.

And what makes you call Obama a "sleazy douchebag lawyer?"
If I have to take the men at their word, Obama seem to me to have a lot more honesty and integrity than Romney.

If Obama is the answer...what was the stupid question??
P.S. the stupid question may be "Will Mitt be the second coming?"
You figure the answer :winky:
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Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
I think that this sums it up pretty well...

"As a former Libertarian presidential contender, the 2008 Libertarian vice presidential nominee, the former chairman of the Libertarian National Campaign Committee, and the man called "Mr. Libertarian" by media across this country, you might be surprised to find I’m supporting Republican Mitt Romney for president. Yes, this Las Vegan has gone “all in” for Mitt. Why? Because Mitt Romney is the only sane choice for Libertarians.

"It’s simple. Libertarians believe in less government; lower taxes; cutting rules, regulations and mandates to get government out of the way of small business; reining in out-of-control government agencies like the EPA; auditing the Fed; and balancing the budget. Sound familiar?

"So do Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Certainly a little less than Libertarians, including me, would like. But, I’ll take incremental progress over no progress. Mitt Romney is a step in the right direction.

"Barack Obama is a thousand miles in the wrong direction -- a direction that leads to the bankruptcy of our children and grandchildren and the destruction of the American Dream. A vote for anyone but Romney is a vote for Obama and his disastrous road that leads to the end of America (as we know it).

"The Obama you’ve seen for the last four years is nothing like the radical man who will be unleashed for the next four. The first Obama term was just a small taste of things to come. Without having to answer to voters again, Obama will be his REAL radical self. Without restraint, Obama will ignore Congress, and govern by Executive Order. These radical Executive Orders from "Obama unleashed" will change America forever.

"Don’t believe me? Are you aware Obama issued almost 1,000 executive orders in his first term? That’s more than all other presidents in history combined (and still counting). In a second term Obama will render Congress meaningless.

"In 8 years Bush added $3 trillion in debt and created 20,000 new government rules and regulations.


"In protest, I left the GOP in 2007. Then along came Obama. He has added $5 trillion in debt and 60,000 new rules and regulations…in only 3 ½ years.


"In a second term, with no voters to answer to, Obama will be free to wreck the American economy just as he was taught by a slew of radical, Marxist, American hating mentors -- Barack Obama Sr., Frank Marshall, Saul Alinsky, Professors Cloward & Piven, Bill Ayers, and Reverend Jeremiah Wright. These aren’t liberals. They are publicly avowed radicals and communists.

"In Obama's second term I believe he will unleash economic Armageddon -- the total collapse of the U.S. economy and our financial system.

Today, the real unemployment is in the 15% range. By 2016, we will look back with envy at "the good old days." You think $5 trillion in new debt is bad? Wait until ObamaCare kicks in, adding trillions in new taxes and spending that will double the national debt.

"Europe has been following Obama’s plan for decades -- big government, big unions, big spending, big taxes, big pensions, big entitlements, free health care, too many government employees, out-of-control pensions, and unlimited spending on green energy. The result? Economic disaster on a grand scale. Greece, Italy, and Spain are enduring a tragedy few can comprehend. France is next. Someday we will read about this in history books.

"America, under Obama, is following the exact same path.

"Hopefully I’ve got your attention."

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Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I had given up on all politics until we elected twice in one term Scott Walker(R) here in Wisconsin.. He has changed our state, and we now are running a surplus(just cut needless spending)! For me Romney is the best choice for this election, but he isn't conservative enough for me. Really the Libertarian group is more my beliefs, but I can't see them ever winning.. For me it's all about LESS government and Obama making health care choices for me is wrong.

If Obama is reelected I will be doing A LOT more cash work (just because I can't trust the banks):winky:


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
All that is missing from your post is: When's Satan showing up to support Obama and exactly what will the four horsemen wear?

It does however, clearly indicates which radio and TV stations you're listening to and regurgitating.
Evidently fear politics is your politics of choice.

"Free healthcare?" All the saints must be turning in their graves now. Wow, what a sin!

It is people that demonize the other party that are the problem.
People that put politics in front of the good of the country.
Whoever get elected will have an incredibly difficult task. He will need the both the support of the people and the cooperation of the house of representatives.

Fear politics sucks Duane!
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Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
All that is missing from your post is: When's Satan showing up to support Obama and exactly what will the four horsemen wear?

It does however, clearly indicates which radio and TV stations you're listening to and regurgitating.
Evidently fear politics is your politics of choice.

"Free healthcare?" All the saints must be turning in their graves now. Wow, what a sin!

Let me ask you something Ofer... What does your wife do for a living(probably won't answer)? In my family the only people that are Democrats and vote that way work for the government. They just can't stand to think they would have to give up what they get FREE even if it will kill America. Really they won't have to give up much, just ask to throw in a very little(in comparison to everybody else).

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley

It's really this simple: Obama and the Dem's at large have this philosophy that they can spend as much as they want, because they can always get more to spend by increasing taxes. They have these grand ideas, but don't "get" that, without proper funding, the ideas will simply crumble.

But proper funding goes hand in hand with realistic spending, in order to make things pan out.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? But the problem is in how they define the terms. Dem's define "realistic spending" pretty much like a drunken sailor on shore leave. And they have an idea of "proper funding" that's similar to the Conquistadors dealing with Natives in the New World... They'll simply take as much as they want.

Here's a good example: Obama gives Brazil $2 BILLION to drill for oil in their own country. Where did THAT money come from? Did you or I agree to it? Does it make sense? And yet, he vetoes the oil pipeline, says "No" to expanded drilling here, and does his best to "bankrupt the coal industry", to use his own words.

His, um, "logic" on alternative energy is to make conventional energy more expensive, so that alternative becomes "more viable". Who pays for THAT? Every single person who uses electricity. (Coal is a major source of electric power here in the U.S.)

You don't have to "read those biased news sources". Just pay attention to what he actually says and does and how it affects the country at large.


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
Mitt Romney will win and he will win a second term as well. We will rebound and he will make America America again because he is worried about his legacy not about pleasing people. He is kind, hard working and wants his family to be one of the greats like the Bushes, Kennedys, roosevelts etc. So is focus is restoring Pride in America. Obama OWED people and Romney owes no one. I currently am an elected member of the RTC and will say he is not my vision of conservative but i'll take him everyday over obama and twice on sunday. Morons do not realize the implications of healthcare bill because it hasn't hit them yet. Romneycare has hit me by 50% in cost and Obamacare is hitting soon which will mean an increase of 100% for guys like me and FB


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Here's a good example: Obama gives Brazil $2 BILLION to drill for oil in their own country. Where did THAT money come from? Did you or I agree to it? Does it make sense? And yet, he vetoes the oil pipeline, says "No" to expanded drilling here, and does his best to "bankrupt the coal industry", to use his own words.

You might want to look into that a bit more..............

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Here is another example of some useless spending that I've seen with state(government) work (this was at the job I worked at before I started my biz(I was in a union BTW)):

So, prevailing wage for a "state job" is $42.00 an hour to back fill holes with dirt that were dug by the lead man making $28.00(because he is in the union and getting beni's). If the state ran it right they would have 3 good guys at $14 per hour and do three times the work, right? Most of the "State employee's were LAZY as F&$#, and they don't care it's just "8 and skate" with no worry to lose there job because it doesn't happen....ever, well unless they kill someone driving drunk and even then they get suspended WITH pay until everything is figured out..:icon_twisted:

Duane Oxley

Moon Unit
Oct 18, 2006
Smyrna, GA.
Duane Oxley
You might want to look into that a bit more..............


And as far as his statement that "We don't know how to generate nuclear energy cleanly, so the waste that results is too expensive.", he must not be aware of Thorium reactors, which is interesting, because they're well- know and used elsewhere...


Village Idiot
Jul 13, 2011
Duane.........I know you saw that I quoted the Oil to Brazil part..............


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
You will find waste, mistakes and mismanagement in every administration since day one of this country.

Demonizing the party or candidate you don't like is engaging in fear politics.

Fear politics sucks!

I am a democrat but I don't demonize Romney. I don't like him. Won't vote for him. But I think he is a well meaning decent guy. Making Obama seem like the devil is cheap.
Using fear as motivation is cheap.

Like you, I work hard for my money, never received any government entitlements and I still vote Democratic.
You feel different. Great. I respect that.

Just don't sell me bullshit. Cause I ain't buying.
And fear politics insults everybody's intelligence. Including yours.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008


Nov 13, 2006
Greg Crowley
i am glad to see people chose to argue demoralization rather than fact. Please Ofer respond to the truth about the burden that is presenteds to me ibn terms of costs

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