How will Tuesday's outcome effect your buiness and life style?


Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge

It's really this simple: Obama and the Dem's at large have this philosophy that they can spend as much as they want, because they can always get more to spend by increasing taxes. They have these grand ideas, but don't "get" that, without proper funding, the ideas will simply crumble.

But proper funding goes hand in hand with realistic spending, in order to make things pan out.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? But the problem is in how they define the terms. Dem's define "realistic spending" pretty much like a drunken sailor on shore leave. And they have an idea of "proper funding" that's similar to the Conquistadors dealing with Natives in the New World... They'll simply take as much as they want.

Here's a good example: Obama gives Brazil $2 BILLION to drill for oil in their own country. Where did THAT money come from? Did you or I agree to it? Does it make sense? And yet, he vetoes the oil pipeline, says "No" to expanded drilling here, and does his best to "bankrupt the coal industry", to use his own words.

His, um, "logic" on alternative energy is to make conventional energy more expensive, so that alternative becomes "more viable". Who pays for THAT? Every single person who uses electricity. (Coal is a major source of electric power here in the U.S.)

You don't have to "read those biased news sources". Just pay attention to what he actually says and does and how it affects the country at large.

It's unfortunate that coal miners are losing their jobs. The shale gas industry will replace those jobs many times over, with a cleaner burning fuel. Jobs disappear due to advancements in technology and newer and easier sources of fuel....natural gas. I worked in an auto assembly plant that at it's peak, employed over 10,000 workers. Due to technology, they build the same number of vehicles with 1/3 the employees. So there are jobs available to those coal miners, in or close to their hometowns, in the natural gas industry.

Would you want to live down wind of a coal burning plant? When I was a kid, Youngstown was a world leader in steel production.....fortunatly, I lived upwind from the coke burning plants. What a filthy mess the downwind side of town was due to stack emissions.

As for the Pres......I'm doing fine and have been for the last 3 years. For those of you that are leaving the country when Obama is re-elected, email me a price list of your equipment that you will most likely be selling.......before you leave.
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Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
You believe that he did it out of the goodness of his heart and I believe that he did it for profit. Nothing wrong with profits. I just don't think that the country is a "for profit organization."
If it wasn't for profit, how would we afford your insurance?

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
As for the Pres......I'm doing fine and have been for the last 3 years. For those of you that are leaving the country when Obama is re-elected, email me a price list of your equipment that you will most likely be selling.......before you leave.

Union guy saying that because he has a pension he really doesn't GAS about anyone except for himself and will vote for Obama... No real drive,as the work comes in, it comes in, cause he lives off all of us.
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
I think the differance between dems and repubs at this point is we are voting for the president, repubs are not voting for romney they are voting against obama. I dont like evey position obama has taken but at least he has let people know where he stands. Asside from republicans trying to find every other possible candidate in the primarys,( except people in morman land of utah) mitt romney has flip flopped repeatedly in every major issue over and over and over again. And say what you must about his experience at bain he was a business man not a job creator and not a private sector good summaritin who traveled around "helping businesses" this guy did what made bain money and if it happened to help the business great but that was not their goal. I am totally disgusted by the 47% video and he can try and explain it all he wants but we all saw and heard how he feels about americans and I was not raised with a silver spoon in my mouth like romney was or how romneys kids and his wife who never worked a hard day in her life either. I am also alienated by the tea party who seems to try and impose their own church law and agenda of ignorance and ultimately take america back to a pre civil rights movement era

John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Wow you really did drink the kool aid. I wish Mitt had addressed the 47% because he is right. 47% of America will not vote for him no matter what. He can't worry about those people because he will no get their vote period. What part of that bothers you? That he said it or that it's true?

As for whether or not Mitt's wife or kids had to work a hard day in their life WTF is that? As an independent business owner you should be ashamed. We all work our asses off to provide a better life for our famillies and I can assure you Mitt has worked harder then any of us here. The man is a machine and has earned everything he has and to judge him for being successful is disgraceful coming from a small business owner as yourself


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Talking about kool aid John.
Your description of saint Mitt brings tears to my eyes. Who could have guessed?

All that is missing is the story of what happened on the day he was born.
Did the rivers change their course?
Did a star rise above Bethlehem?
Did four wise men appear anywhere near Detroit? Did anybody bring frankincense and myrrh?

Will the country experience 13 years of drought if Obama is chosen?
And if so, will saint Mitt punish our children, their children to the tenth generation?

Will you cease drinking the Kool aid?


Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
I shouldnt be ashamed ofshyt.Im glad that I was able to " pull my self up by my boot straps " because I didnt grow up a spoiled rich kid and have doors opened for me and life handed to me.. I grew up poor or at least very , very middle class . I worked my ass off for everything I have. I am not attacking success but I am attacking mitt romneys ability to relate to a guy like me that cleans toilets and sucks dog piss for a living. Yes 47% of the vote he will never get , but my problem is this mentality that the 47% all feel we are owed somthing and are vicitims. That is bs. You want to talk about drinking the koolaide lets talk about how every republican president in ty life time hasnt accomplished dick on the economy and for some reason people still think that we can tax cut our way to a better economy and trickle down economics works for anybody other than the fat cats at the top
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Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
If it wasn't for profit, how would we afford your insurance?

Have you divorced the part of your family that votes Democratic yet?
As you make clear how much of a low life, government barrel scrapers you consider them to be.

All of them Democrats living off little Keith's heroic hard work. Evidently, the only hard working guy in town.

We're proud of you Keith. What will the country do without you?
What will California do without your outstanding work ethics? That evidently, only you and your fellow Republicans share.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
LOL Your funny Ofer :) The Right doesn't think of it's candidates as the "anointed one" like the Left. Nice attempt at defelction. Your falling for the Liberal talking points. When you dont have a policy or a plan to run on attack the person/party...
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Of course you feel that way. You worked for what you got. Someone with more must have been given it no way did they work for it. They are spoiled and it isn't fair they had "life" handed to them. To hell with those people lets burn them at the stake! It is all their fault they where born in that family they should have known better! BURN THEM! BURN THEM ALL!

Now the ridiculousness is out of the way Romeny did work for everything he has. He gave away his fathers money ALL OF IT. What he has is all his own... If you want to be mad and jealous that he is smarter and worked harder then you or me and 99% of most americans then that is a sad patheic way to live. Oh and I grew up with nothing and have had nothing most of my life. My own decisions kept me where i was and through good luck and good fortune and hard work I have turned it around later in life. I do not judge anyone that just by being born they had it better then me. That is just...less then sad...


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Thank you John. That put me in my place. Actually, your posts, Duane's and Keith's posts have been a continuous deflection, misquotes combined with a dash of mud slinging for a good after taste.

So,If no frankincense and myrrh for us Demos.
Can we at least get pestilence? :winky:

Well, we already got Keith. Forget about it.

Fear politics sucks.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
I re read my post and I dont see where I misqouted or slung any mud. I do see where I have corrected lies that for some reason you and Jon have started to believe. Obama's puppet master (soros) isn't an idiot. He understands human nature. People are lazy and do not wish to know they truth. They want someone else to tell them and if you tell them long enough they will believe the sky is actually pink not blue....

The Great Oz

Nov 25, 2006
How will Tuesday's outcome effect your buiness and life style?
Obama gets 4 more years...
Business - Short term it should boost business just because so many people tighten up before an election. Long term it will be a painfully slow recovery due to the extra cost of medical and gasoline, and the limited amount of money one-percenters will put into the economy.

Personally: #1 - I'll continue to pay outlandish prices for medical insurance. The private insurers have been allowed to jack prices because it makes people desperate for GovMed, no matter how pitiful a program it is. #2 - Continue to pay outlandish prices for gasoline. Usually Republicans being in the oil industry's pocket are to blame. In this case, allowing the oil industry to jack us on fuel costs makes it easier to justify a lot of alternative energy spending. There is usually a balance between Big Gov and Biggest Biz, but having them partner in schemes to squeeze us is hard to take.

If Romney is elected...
Business - I hope that the wealthy will take their hands, and investment funds, out of their pockets. The economy should then improve drastically, radically, (insert action word here). This has little to do with Romney, I've just heard from a couple of one percenters in 2008 that said they would keep their money in their pockets for four years, just to show the Democrats how much of an impact that would have. (Being able to get a relatively small percentage return on their money at current interest rates may have more to do with that than anger with a pro-union President.)

Personally: #1 - I'll continue to pay outlandish prices for medical insurance. The private insurers that have been allowed to jack prices and will turn themselves inside out to protect what they've gained and Republicans won't care enough to do much about it. #2 - Continue to pay outlandish prices for gasoline because Republicans are in the oil industry's pocket.

Skin's a little raw from being fleeced by everyone.

PS: You remember that wacky engineer turned carpet cleaner/inventor Brevik? I asked him why an oil field engineer would learn Portugeuse. He said he had to go where the oil was and picking up the local language was handy. Since I knew that Brazil was oil poor and running cars on alcohol, I questioned oil being there. He said there's oil everywhere, more than we can use. The oil in Brazil had been discovered and was waiting for a more Amercian-friendly regime so it could be "discovered." A few years later a new American friendly regime was elected and Brazil is suddenly oil rich and hosting an Olympics.​


Supportive Member
Nov 2, 2007
SoCal jungle
mitt romney has flip flopped repeatedly in every major issue over and over and over again.

But what I find ironic is the fact that many of you democrat voters would have had no problem voting in John Kerry back in the day against Bush.

HE WAS or IS the biggest flip-floper there is! So to say Romney is a that- it looks petty and just a bullet point on the "talking points when debating a republican type" -handout.


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
Soros is Obama's puppet master as much as the Koch brothers are Romney's.
A little less than Carl Rove was Bush's brain. And Dick Chaney was the real president.

Mud slinging and fear politics suck.
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
John kerry wasnt half the flip flopper romney is and you can thank that scum bag carl rove for running a successfull smear campaign , I would vote for kerry ten times before romney. And dont get me started on the whole bush family
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Supportive Member
Nov 7, 2008
Jefferson City missouri
Jon Coret
Dude give me break your living in some sort of alternate universe. I hane no idea why I am bickering with you John , I remember a thread on this board were you claimed that "george bush kept us safe" despite america being attacked and 2 towers callapsing. I can actually find that thread if you wana dispute it. So you can give your "truth" back to rush limbaugh and hannity because Im not buying what your selling. I know what my family values are and I support obama because he more closely represents my values more than romney. So keep your conspiracy theories because I have to say I find your frame of logic just as crazy as you see my perspective. I was not bamboozeld by the puupet master I am intellegent enough to make an informed descision . Be sure to tell your fellow tea party buddies about the puppet master and how you a janitorial supply salesman are secretly a political visionary and mastermind. :lol::lol: Boy if someone only would have told ghandi the path to true enlightenment could be found at a cleaning supply store in orem utah the world might be a better place!
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Supportive Member
Dec 6, 2009
Youngstown, Ohio
Robert Hodge
Union guy saying that because he has a pension he really doesn't GAS about anyone except for himself and will vote for Obama... No real drive,as the work comes in, it comes in, cause he lives off all of us.

Jeez, Keith.......just cause I had a good job that actually paid a pension, and retired early, you gotta critizise that?? I moved aside so that younger workers could get hired in to full time jobs. I still work just as hard, if not harder, than when I was working at GM. I just have a choice to not have to clean all day lomg....I can pick and choose my jobs. I do GAS about everybody else.....I also have another business that employs workers.

Take a breath.

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
Jeez, Keith.......just cause I had a good job that actually paid a pension, and retired early, you gotta critizise that?? I moved aside so that younger workers could get hired in to full time jobs. I still work just as hard, if not harder, than when I was working at GM. I just have a choice to not have to clean all day lomg....I can pick and choose my jobs. I do GAS about everybody else.....I also have another business that employs workers.

Take a breath.

I don't criticize(right spelling) that, I do have a problem with the government take over of GM though(just because it was wrong)!!

Able 1

Apr 12, 2008
I shouldnt be ashamed ofshyt.Im glad that I was able to " pull my self up by my boot straps " because I didnt grow up a spoiled rich kid and have doors opened for me and life handed to me.. I grew up poor or at least very , very middle class . I worked my ass off for everything I have. I am not attacking success but I am attacking mitt romneys ability to relate to a guy like me that cleans toilets and sucks dog piss for a living. Yes 47% of the vote he will never get , but my problem is this mentality that the 47% all feel we are owed somthing and are vicitims. That is bs. You want to talk about drinking the koolaide lets talk about how every republican president in ty life time hasnt accomplished dick on the economy and for some reason people still think that we can tax cut our way to a better economy and trickle down economics works for anybody other than the fat cats at the top

If your life sucks so bad why don't YOU change it? Why would the government have anything to do with your LACK of success? AND if they give someone more for being a complete loser(this is hypothetical) why would you even try to be better?

And Ofer do you think your problem finding an employee, just MIGHT have something to do with people feeling entitled to getting things and not working for them ?


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton
And Ofer do you think your problem finding an employee, just MIGHT have something to do with people feeling entitled to getting things and not working for them ?
To an honest decent question I'll be glad to answer: I don't know. And yes, I was wondering about that too. I wish I new the answer, it's a mystery to me. The Bay Area is a little different as the cost of rent is very high, so it is hard to pay a salary that will enable people to live here while still making some profit.

My issues with some politics is trying to make the "other" seem evil. (Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives- you name it.)
You are a Republican, I don't think you are evil.

So in my political view, there need to be a balance. Some people need more help and some need a kick in the butt.
Though I am a liberal, I don't think anybody should be able to collect money while sitting on their butt, doing nothing and making no effort. On the other hand I don't think everybody does. Not every union member and government employee is a lazy bum, the majority work pretty hard. Not every corporate and employer is a greedy bustard, most are decent.

Another example: I am pro union, because the past has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that if employers will be left to their own devices they will take advantage of the people employed by them. Just read history.
On the other hand, I am not blind to the fact that at times unions protect bad employees and that some people once they accomplished tenure or became civil servants take advantage and are not very productive. So in my view, both employers corporations and unions need to be prevented from taking advantage of the other.

The real difficulty is finding the balance. Offering protection and making sure people do not abuse it. It is not a simple job.
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Wow Jon. The towers fell 9 months into Bush's first year. The planning was done under Clinton. They were bolstered by the fact Clinton allowed them to attack with no serious repercussions. 9/11 belongs on Clinton's Shoulders just as Benghazi belongs solely on Obama's and let us pray we don't get hit with another one on our soil because of Obama.

Your attempts at personal attacks are funny though :) Maybe you should consider a career change..:lol:


Apr 19, 2007
San Francisco, CA
Ofer Kolton

Jeez John.
You're armed to the teeth, You want a tripling of the defense budget and are you now offering curfew in Orem ? :shifty:

God forbid what you'll think of Obama, if god forbid, somebody burglarized your neighbors home. Well, I have an incling who you're gonna blame :razz:

P.S. Have we persuaded you to vote Obama, yet?
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John Olson

Oct 9, 2006
Orem UT
John Olson
Jeez John.
You're armed to the teeth, You want a tripling of the defense budget and are you now offering curfew in Orem ? :shifty:

God forbid what you'll think of Obama, if god forbid, somebody burglarized your neighbors home. Well, I have an incling who you're gonna blame :razz:

P.S. Have we persuaded you to vote Obama, yet?

Huh? What did you say? LOL None of that made any sense Ofer...

P.S. Voted at 7 when the polls opened :)


Aug 11, 2012
well my phone finally rang again today!!! tough week or so. hope things get back to business as usual again now.
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