Supportive Member
It's really this simple: Obama and the Dem's at large have this philosophy that they can spend as much as they want, because they can always get more to spend by increasing taxes. They have these grand ideas, but don't "get" that, without proper funding, the ideas will simply crumble.
But proper funding goes hand in hand with realistic spending, in order to make things pan out.
Sounds simple, doesn't it? But the problem is in how they define the terms. Dem's define "realistic spending" pretty much like a drunken sailor on shore leave. And they have an idea of "proper funding" that's similar to the Conquistadors dealing with Natives in the New World... They'll simply take as much as they want.
Here's a good example: Obama gives Brazil $2 BILLION to drill for oil in their own country. Where did THAT money come from? Did you or I agree to it? Does it make sense? And yet, he vetoes the oil pipeline, says "No" to expanded drilling here, and does his best to "bankrupt the coal industry", to use his own words.
His, um, "logic" on alternative energy is to make conventional energy more expensive, so that alternative becomes "more viable". Who pays for THAT? Every single person who uses electricity. (Coal is a major source of electric power here in the U.S.)
You don't have to "read those biased news sources". Just pay attention to what he actually says and does and how it affects the country at large.
It's unfortunate that coal miners are losing their jobs. The shale gas industry will replace those jobs many times over, with a cleaner burning fuel. Jobs disappear due to advancements in technology and newer and easier sources of fuel....natural gas. I worked in an auto assembly plant that at it's peak, employed over 10,000 workers. Due to technology, they build the same number of vehicles with 1/3 the employees. So there are jobs available to those coal miners, in or close to their hometowns, in the natural gas industry.
Would you want to live down wind of a coal burning plant? When I was a kid, Youngstown was a world leader in steel production.....fortunatly, I lived upwind from the coke burning plants. What a filthy mess the downwind side of town was due to stack emissions.
As for the Pres......I'm doing fine and have been for the last 3 years. For those of you that are leaving the country when Obama is re-elected, email me a price list of your equipment that you will most likely be selling.......before you leave.