25Dollarsaroom.com has taken off into another stratusphere


Oct 8, 2007
floorguy said:
Aris...thats funny...

of course everyones income goes down when they are slow.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

its not like charging more, magicly makes money appear when you are slow...

just hit me as a bit funyn tonight :wink: :wink: :wink:

I have customers that are going to get their carpets cleaned regardless of the economic situation. If I can charge them 25% - 35% more, then it stands to reason that it will help make up for a 25% downturn in business.

When business does pick up it can mean a substantial increase to the bottom line.

I've always been a little scared to raise prices, but I'm at a point where I'm realizing that if I don't, the I don't want to be doing this anymore... I may as well go and work for someone with benfits and a pension plan.

I haven't always thought about the long term... what am I going to retire on if I'm paying the bills and making a few extra bucks?
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