A new little twist to MikeysBoard.com

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Let me tell the story about how I first got exposed to Vortex.

Troy Shwackhammer, Shawn’s then PR man sent me an unsolicited brochure in the mail. It was a real beauty. Thick card stock, bold impressive colors and graphics, lots of quotes and charts promising me how my company would go to the next level if I bought this $76K Carpet Cleaning van. The tag line “Don’t let your competitors beat you to it, be the first in your area to own the World’s Most Powerful Cleaning Machine” worked like a charm.. Anyone who looked at this marketing and the ads in the trade rags would be convinced that Vortex just had to be a multimillion dollar company ran out of a 200,00 ft, 6 bay factory in Sandy Utah.
I remember sitting on a beach in Kauai reading this ad (and some other magazines and mail I brought along) and asking Paula what she thought. At the time I was a single trucker with too much work and getting tired of the lack luster performance of my Butler van/machine. Paula did the math and it made financial sense. Since I had recently had a helper for a while due to a broken ankle so we saw the benefit of added help.Chris Mutteries was a big influence on my decision as well. He could not say enough about the benefits of a true dual wand machine.
I believe we placed the order in early September. I was promised a delivery date a month out. When I told Steve Kaufman (who owns Proline, the nation’s largest Prochem disty) about my purchase he told me straight up that I was making a big mistake. He said he knew for a fact that Vortex had no financial backing and was going out of business soon. Steve has always done right by me so I called Shawn York right away and he laughed at the allegations, he said money was a plenty but they were in the process of switching manufacturers. He talked up FMI’s reputation and promised me I would be getting a much better machine than AeroTech could ever produce. I knew nothing about Shawn’s history with AT or the other two manufacturers at the time. I was somewhat relived that I would only have to drive to Portland Oregon to pick up my V instead of Utah. Shawn can be a very charming and persuasive story teller and he got me hook, line and sinker in regards to the financial strength of his “company”
Another two people warned me about Vortex’s credibility before I picked mine up as well. Demien Lucero and Louise Brasher had gone out to Sandy to demo a Vortex about a year and a half prior. They were greeted by Shawn at some remote location and were taken in Shawn’s car to a local job site where a Vortex was being used. They never saw the Aero Tech facility for some reason and for some other strange reason the 45 minute drive to the job site only took ten minutes to get them back to their car. :shock: Shawn must have been a Taxi Cab driver in his prior life. They left unimpressed enough to not buy a machine.
I went through with my truck purchase but did not pick it up until late December of 2004. Delay after delay. So my helper and I flew up to Portland and got picked up at the airport by Shawn and the Chief Big Wig at FMI. When we pulled into the very impressive factory I see MY Vortex sitting there 90% assembled. Never ran, never tested. I was surprised to say the least. What the hell was I doing there? Turns out I was not number two but the number one Guinea pig. I should have made them fly us home and then back in two weeks after they worked out all of the very many bugs that I ended up finding myself. They busted ass getting it ready for me to take it. We ran it for two hours at a employees home and I had to hit the road to get to my booked week of work 1300 miles away.

This was my second firsthand exposure to Shawn’s dishonesty.

At this point I’ll turn it back to Shawn to give his side of the story. Next I deal with every thing that has gone wrong with the machine that was suppose to last a life time.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
This thread was Shawn's idea.

His only request was that no one else was allowed to participate.

I agreed and yes, I have made millions with the V.

But I could have made the same exact money with two slide ins in a well forumlated Box Truck.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Les Jones, Duane Oxley, Bob Savage or even a mega company like Bill Bruder's don't have to lie about the realities of their businesses.

Why did you?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
No life time warranty but plenty of calims about how each and every component was chosen because of it's exxtra heavy duty capabilities and I believe the term 10 year, maybe it was 20 was used many times.

The tale of all your failed machines you used in your cleaning business the created your passion to create The World's Greatest Carpet Cleaning Machine was very convincing.

are you sure you really want to do this Shawn?

I could pull this down right now.

I'm feeling very sorry for you, because despite what you think I still consider you a friend.

(all my friends are liars)

Dolly Llama

Number 5
Oct 7, 2006
North East Ohio
Larry Capitoni
to all parties other than Mike and Shawn .


I'll start a new one.
if you want to copy and past any comments from this thread, or add your own cometary , do so on the OTHER thread.
This one is JUST for Mike and Shawn comments

The Management


Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal

I disagree as do many that I talk too.
Again, I would not have paid that kind of money to such an unstable company.
My mistake for not doing enough research. Congratulations on doing such a good job deceiving me. Exactly what I would have feared happen back then is exactly what has taken place.

I have no official place to call to get answers about MY Vortex.
If it were not for Jim Martin I would have lost serious money do to excessive down time.
Like I said in the other thread, every manufacture you've dealt with grew to hate you Shawn.
You've leave a trail every where you go.

And I get to clean up the mess for my fellow MBVortex owners.

Where shall we go next here Shawn?

Should I list all the issues I have had with my truck or can we go on to why I believe the Vortex as we know it is done?

How about we deal with my biggest gripe.

The fresh tank.

Every Vortex owner I know except for Chris Muitertes has had their tank fail on them.

I firmly believe you knew it was a bullshit design and you let the tanks continue to be produced.
the steel is to thin a gauge, the baffle walls were tacked in just a few spots instead of welded 360º, there are no ribs or reinforcements anywhere. HX's were welded on to the side cause extreme weak points. The tank came with a one year warranty.

You have given me many excuse for this, such as "I didn't know what they were doing at AT, I had no input, we made 100 at a time, we had no way to know until they failed" and my favorite, "we made so many and don't tell me you haven't used up a gallon of shitty pre spray knowing damn well it left residue in people's carpet".

You and Vlad should have known from the get go that it was a horrible design.

How many truckmounts did you own before to designed the Vortex?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
JHC Shawn...


How many times and ways can I say it.

Vortex was and once again will be Shawn York in his underwear in a van down by the river.

As a friend I'm impressed that you pulled off being the Frank Abagnale Jr of the CCing world, as a customer I'm pissed.

How about I put it this way...
A real company would have parts for my 6 year old unit on the shelves right now.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Whats "this" really about?

Three things really.

One. I believe the Vortex as we know it is done.

Two. A real Friend would never have begged me to do what you were asking me to do with Bill Bruders/Legends.

Three. My V is not the 20 year machine I though I was buying.

Reality check Shawn, other than the Bethels in Australia, no one is selling Truckmounts right now in any sort of volume to keep a real company afloat. The used market is flooded with perfectly good 1 to 3 year old vans/machines that are going for ridiculous prices. No one in their right mind would buy a new machine this year or in the coming few years, or longer?.

You are under the assumption that you are going to walk away form your arbitration with Legends with 1.2 million and your patent back. Lets say in your perfect world that happens ( which I seriously doubt) and you find a manufacture to once again build your baby. It's my opinion that you will not find a carpet cleaner willing to buy your Vortex no matter how thick the card stock is. Maybe a few but hardly enough to support your new company. The money it will cost you to re engineer and test (you will beta test your new design right Shawn?, please tell me you will make three or more units and have them out in the field for half a year under heavy use so we don't have another Blueline disaster to further ruin the V mystique) the V to work with 2010 emission standards will suck up that 1.2 million faster then you know.
Let me ask you something and you better know the answer, does Aero Tech offer their machine/design on 2010 trucks?

So, let me stop there and wait for the answer on how you will create a diesel powered 6 or 7 series blower unit that can sustain 240º?

And do it quick enough to get back on the market before your name is damaged even more.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
And let me make this clear to the readers here, yes I am disappointed with the longevity of some of the components on my V.
But this thread was started on Shawn's request to find out why I have lost faith in him

He thought it would work in his favor if we discussed this in full view of the members here.

I tried and tried to talk him out of it.
His "Never mind" comment worries me, I hope he is not bailing out now.

Fred Boyle thinks I sound like Rob Allen wining about my machine here. Yes I'm pissed about all that has gone wrong lately but that is not what has caused my to lose faith in the V project. The economy has, the ability to build a Xentherm or any HX system on a new diesel cab over has, Shawn's track record with anyone he does business with has and other more practical options to create a true dual wand cleaning truck has as well.

Stay tuned.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
I can't take all the credit here Mike. Evan Twede is a good friend of mine. He's quite famous here in Utah. His forte is political strategy. He puts governors into office with his genius advertising. He is currently running the 2012 Gary Johnson for President campaign. Had I not hired Evan I don't think I would have been able to see my five year mark. If it weren't for Evan I'm not so sure Vortex would have the 12 years under it's belt that it does now.

Well we all know how honest those political ads are Shawn. Using that as a way to promote his ability to sell your baby just shows more lack of good long lasting moral ethics. The fact that you don't see that it is seen as smiley how you presented your fictitious business is the real issue here.

freeflow sees nothing wrong with his POS truckmounts because it's all he knows. You see nothing wrong with your facade because of your lack of honesty. I guess I can't fault you for not having that raised into you.

I'm going to respond to this statement with what I said in an earlier thread when Steve G asked me what advice I would give to somebody with an invention: "If you are the inventor don't ever open your own manufacturing facility or try to do the manufacturing yourself. Your chances of having success are VERY low if you try to take on marketing, advertising, support, sales and the manufacturing too. You probably won't make it if you try to do all that. Most inventors are usually eccentric and inconsistent. Sub-contract the manufacturing to the people who already have the experience and tools in place. But NEVER give them control of the product in any way. You will fight till the cows come home if you do." I'm glad I did it the way I did it Mike. You would never have had a Vortex had I tried to be a manufacturer too. Would you be better off had the Vortex never been born?

I'm going to point out that I don't think you really invented anything so much as you had an idea and then paid someone to design and developed it for you.
Too many times in our conversations you were stumped on the most basic of questions concerning your baby. Like Steve said you almost never help out here with technical questions and your hands off approach to the ever changing "development" (hard to call it that due to the fact the Vortexes got worse and worse as time went on) You handed over you patented EDV system to FMI and Blueline and gave them carte blanc to **** the machine up at will as long as you got your royalty/commission checks. Only AT was smart enough to dump the Xentherm and keep the same basic 6008 winning design. AT may have to resort to Fuel Fired heat soon but the round tanks and open lay out are the best the V has ever been.

I was probably running play #17 from the sneaky used-car salesman playbook I was using at that time. "Always arrive at your destination slower than you return." This confuses the prospect and makes it easier to close him. Oh! The dishonesty and lying! I cant stand it! Good grief Mike. People are reading this. Are you not embarrassed? Wait a minute... Didn't both Damien and Brasher end up buying machines a few years later? I thought Damien loved his V. Am I wrong?
Cute reply. It did happen and you know it. They spent time and money flying to Utah and they never even got to clean carpet with a V. All they saw was an old Venturi unit in sad shape. No assembled Vortex at AeroTech to show them, appointment and all.
Yes Demien bought a used 6008 years later, he has had nothing but very expensive problems with. He wont buy another.
Brasher's partner bought one. you remember that unit right? Brasher's hose real snapped, his fresh tank failed, his had electrical issues galore and no, he wont be buying another.

WHAT dishonesty Mike? C'mon you have a lot of years of doing business with me. Sounds to me like I'm a pretty damn straight shooter if that's all ya got after all this time. Hey, and what is the FIRST firsthand exposure to the dishonesty?
You were and continue to be very evasive about the true state of exactly what backs the Vortex LLC. Whether it's your fault of theirs, five manufactures have nothing but bad things to say about you, what will make #6 any different once the honeymoon is over? You wanted to know why I'm down on Vortex, this is a huge part of it Shawn.

I DON'T have faith that number 6 will be any different. You WILL drive them crazy. It's your god's given gift to wear out your welcome every where you go. (Don't forget how many people I talk to in this industry and in Utah.)

Since I'm the only one who wants to do something about the fact that there are no parts on the shelf why don't you help me? Or do ya just want to sit around and bitch and hope it gets better on its own? Sumpin don't seem right here Mike.

Really Shawn?

And what exactly do you call what I've been doing here with Bill?

btw,have you sent Jim Martin a virtual blow job lately?
you owe him at least a dozen AND a new car for as many times he has changed the diapers on YOUR baby.

Michael Lockheart could use some too.

We've been saving each other's asses here while you were frolicking in the jungle.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Vortex is in it's infancy

Very appropriate wording there considering you whored your baby out to Blueline to get raped in the EDV valve..
Now all we have is retarded children floundering around.
I had great hopes for Blueline. But that fantasy was over real quick.

If you were still getting enough to live on in royalty checks you would still be in Costa Rica not giving a shit about the monstrosity your baby grew into.

Maybe "guilted" would be a better word than begged. How many times did you ask me to fight your battle with Bill on MB?

Did you not offer me $5000 to cancel the Dri Eaz sponsor MF and host it elsewhere?

I do not fault Bill and his company one bit for not wanting to build a diesel pto Vortex. The market is dead. Why should they continue to market something that is not going to sell regardless? Does your contract have a clause that forces the new owner to lose money? I'd like to see that part.
What good would a parking lot full of ready to go Vortexes do you when you get paid only if they sell?

Lets get to the meat of the matter Shawn. One you and Bill get things ironed out and you have your virtually worthless patent back WHO will design your new Juvenile Vortex? How will it differ than any other big engine Prochem/Hydramaster/ Powerclean slide in? Who is going to these for you? Who is going to buy these machines?

Lets hear all about the of born again infancy stage of Vortex.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Seriously Shawn.

This whole debate came about because you wanted to know why I am no longer promoting The Vortex.

That last set of questions is what this is all about for me.

I have a damn good idea just how ready you are to go back into production so again, please answer these questions.

Lets get to the meat of the matter Shawn. One you and Bill get things ironed out and you have your virtually worthless patent back WHO will design your new Juvenile Vortex? How will it differ than any other big engine Prochem/Hydramaster/ Powerclean slide in? Who is going to these for you? Who is going to buy these machines?

And would you also please tell us why you didn't take your Patent back when Bill offered it to you (along with all inventory) for $1.00?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Not sure that posting that is going to hep you buy good luck.

Now please answer my main question..

Lets get to the meat of the matter Shawn. One you and Bill get things ironed out and you have your virtually worthless patent back WHO will design your new Juvenile Vortex? How will it differ than any other big engine Prochem/Hydramaster/ Powerclean slide in? Who is going to design and build these for you?

The reason I ask this Shawn is because I know you don't have a clue.

Two months ago (or less) you wanted to GIVE me the Vortex company. Your first idea was to have Greenie and I run the manufacturing end while you did sales.

We did not jump on this amazing offer so you came back with an offer to give it to me with Shawn Forstyhe as the engineering consultant (did you ever even talk to him about this?) along with the Bethel family on staff to help design the layout/packaging. You supposedly have a deal with Powerclean to build them to your specs as a contractor.

Shawn good lord dude. Are you really that desperate that you expected me to sell my Carpet Cleaning business to sit by the phone and wait for a V sale to come in? You called me a friend up till last week but why would you ask me to ditch my successful company to sit on the wings of your fantasy of selling five trucks a month the day you roll out your new Juvenile V?

Forsythe, the Bethels nor I will be developing a new Industry Ground Breaking truck mount for you. So tell me, who is willing to get into bed with you? Will you be rebadging a Genesis 59?

I now you wont be selling Aeortechs ever again cause Brian over there would just assume eat his arm off before signing a contract with you.

You wanted to know why I lost faith in the V project, here it is Shawn.

No Future.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Do the numbers 650 mean anything to you?

But really Shawn, lets deal with the original motive of this thread.

Why I have lost faith in the future of the Vortex.

PLEASE answer this set of questions before we move on:

Who will design your new Juvenile Vortex? How will it differ than any other big engine Prochem/Hydramaster/ Powerclean slide in? Who is going to design and who is going build these for you?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
AT is selling 4 to 5 trucks a month according to three different sources I have.

That is not what the horse's mouth is saying.

I have been 100% straightforward and honest with them since day one.

How many units did you tell Thom and Mark you were selling a month?
You told me last week that there are 650 V's on the road.
I count under 370 including the 110 Venturi machines, care to share who made what?
I see this as very important issue, please give me some numbers.

I have been able to spend more time with my boys in the last four years than any father ever has at my age. I'm

44 and my sons are 19 and 17.
How long were you in Costa Rica away from your teenage boys?

One more thing. We had an agreement do discuss these issues in one thread and not round up the troops in a bunch of other threads. Fight like a man Mike. Like we agreed ... just you and I and let your readers say what they want. I don't want to read this whole board and start cutting and pasting your statements into this thread.

Tough shit. Larry started that thread and I don't let things go unanswered like you do.

Forsythe, Bethels, Jim Nape, You, Ron Beatty, Adam Hale
Aside from Nape none of those people will have anything to do with you Shawn.

They all think you're full of shit and so do most of your admins here now. You are about to have a mutiny on your hands.


All of the above comments lead me to believe that you are on mind altering drugs.

Lets pretend you do not get the 1.2 but just your patent back, who will design your new Juvenile Vortex? How will it differ than any other big engine Prochem/Hydramaster/ Powerclean slide in? Who is going to design and who is going build these for you?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
AT is selling 4 to 5 trucks a month according to three different sources I have.

Those were units sold to Cintas.

Counting those machines which I'm sure is just a handful of units and not a consistent 4 to 5 a month would be like counting those Venturi trucks in your Vortex head count. Those 110 trucks were ONE sale. Not 110 individual sales.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
So I'm hearing through the grapevine that Shawn wants to call me out for being a "sell out".

Apparently because of my relationship with Bill Bruders I am no longer capable of protecting the small guy in our industry.

I'm really not sure when I became Robin Hood but it's always been my duty here as owner of the WGCCF to point out the truth as I see it regardless of who it hurts. Big or small companies or individuals alike. Maybe Shawn missed the threads when I was very open about Greenie's mishaps, or Dusty's bullshit, or my less than favorable reviews of Ed Valentines garbage, I could go on and on..

Look up at those banners there and do a search and you'll find me calling each and every one of them on to the carpet as well.

But because I was not willing to cancel MF Nashville to "out" Bill to be the Demon Shawn believes him to be, now I am a sell out.

Shawn was made aware of the fact that there were 12 or so Vortexes that were sold to Zerorez that Thom tried to hide from him. Thom is guilty for sure and Shawn eventually was paid for those trucks. It took two months for the check to show up and during that time Shawn was all over me to out Bill for being a lair and a thief. He offered me $5000 to host MF elsewhere and gave me all sort of guilt over not helping him out.
Somehow I did could not see that Shawn was totally innocent here and I'm dead sure I was only getting one side of the story. I'm positive that if Shawn would have played it cool he would have seen that money sooner but the same personality that has all his past business partners now hating his guts is what caused that check to get delayed.
I warned Shawn not to fook with Bruders and Co but no, he had to let his 8 pound doggie personality out and they got sick of the yapping. At one point in time Bill would have taken on Shawn as an employee or partner to pursue the Big Truck fortune. With just a little homework/due diligence Bill found out what a Terrier Shawn can be to have around and dropped the notion.

Shawn, your patent is done and no one wants to risk doing biz with you dude. Time to move on.

Sellout my ass Shawn, you sold out when you dumped Vortex to Blueline and got your ass fired shortly there after.
You also sold out when you hightailed it to Costa Rica when you knew that BL was ******* up your baby.

oh yeah..

Lets pretend you do not get the 1.2 but just your patent back, who will design your new Juvenile Vortex? How will it differ than any other big engine Prochem/Hydramaster/ Powerclean slide in? Who is going to design and who is going build these for you?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Mr York,

When you called me the day this thread started and asked me to give you something in writing concerning Bill Bruders for you to use in your legal case against him and I told you no I HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE RECORDING THE CONVERSATION.

I'm sure you remember, it was he same conversation where I told you I would not bring up your Un-Franchise idea into this debate.
Well after learning about your bullshit phony call, many would say DISHONEST, (as in a LIE) it's now a no holds bard conversation here.

So after you answer the
Lets pretend you do not get the 1.2 but just your patent back, who will design your new Juvenile Vortex? How will it differ than any other big engine Prochem/Hydramaster/ Powerclean slide in? Who is going to design and who is going build these for you?
question were going to deal with the subject of how and who you plan to sell your baby too.

So pull Hoodeldink's balls out of your throat and lets get this over with.

oh and Mr Beaty, I'll bet you 1.2 million POS flimsy ass waste tanks that Shawn recorded your conversation when he called you the same day.

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
In the morning when the Prozac wears off, please try and address this question...

Lets pretend you do not get the 1.2 but just your patent back, who will design your new Juvenile Vortex? How will it differ than any other big engine Prochem/Hydramaster/ Powerclean slide in? Who is going to design and who is going build these for you?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
Send your leotard to the cleaners so we can dance later Yappy and just answer the question..

Lets pretend you do not get the 1.2 but just your patent back, who will design your new Juvenile Vortex? How will it differ than any other big engine Prochem/Hydramaster/ Powerclean slide in? Who is going to design and who is going build these for you?

Mikey P

Oct 6, 2006
The High Chapperal
You yourself told me the reason you didn't take the offer is because you could not afford the warranty claims Shawn.

If you're going to lie about that then this thread is done.

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